[TomeNET 4.4.0b @ Character Dump] Name : KnifeRaxx Age 13 STR: 18/107 Sex : Male Height 65 Int: 17 18 Race : Half-Orc Weight 157 Wis: 11 16 Class : Rogue Social Class 1 Dex: 18/34 18/48 Body : Player Con: 18/90 18/99 Mode : Everlasting (infinite lives) CHR: 18/46 +To MHit 4 Level 37 Max Hit Points 514 +To MDamage 8 Experience 562190 Cur Hit Points -22 +To RHit 2 Max Exp 562190 Max SP (Mana) 18 +To RDamage 0 Exp to Adv. 700000 Cur SP (Mana) 0 + To AC 2 Gold 4005 Cur Sanity Sound Base AC 0 (Miscellaneous Abilities) Fighting : Superb Perception : Superb Blows/Round: 1 Bows/Throw : Very Good Searching : Excellent Shots/Round: 1 Saving Throw: Superb Disarming : Very Good Spells/Round: 1 Stealth : Superb Magic Device: Good Infra-Vision: 30 feet You are at -500ft of (3, 46). (Character Background) Your mother was an Orc, but it is unacknowledged. You are the adopted child of a Serf. You are a credit to the family. You have green eyes, straight red hair, and an average complexion. Skills (points left: 0) - Combat 12.340 [1.200] - Weaponmastery 12.025 [0.700] - Sword-mastery 39.120 [0.600] . Critical-strike 39.600 [0.900] - Archery 00.000 [0.800] . Sling-mastery 00.000 [0.650] . Bow-mastery 00.000 [0.400] . Crossbow-mastery 00.000 [0.400] . Boomerang-mastery 00.000 [0.550] . Martial Arts 00.000 [0.500] - Magic 01.000 [0.400] . Magic-device 01.000 [1.000] . Air 00.000 [0.750] . Conveyance 00.000 [0.750] . Divination 00.000 [0.750] . Temporal 00.000 [0.750] - Sneakiness 36.916 [1.200] . Stealth 10.600 [1.200] . Disarming 01.000 [1.440] . Trapping 01.000 [1.000] . Backstabbing 02.000 [1.050] . Stealing 01.000 [1.000] - Dodging 08.020 [0.900] . Calmness 00.000 [0.800] . Interception 36.100 [0.900] - Necromancy 00.000 [1.100] . Traumaturgy 00.000 [1.000] . Aura of Fear 00.000 [1.000] . Shivering Aura 00.000 [1.000] . Aura of Death 00.000 [1.000] - Health 01.000 [1.000] . Swimming 01.000 [1.200] . Digging 00.000 [0.900] . Climbing 00.000 [0.025] [Character Equipment] a) (nothing) b) (nothing) c) (nothing) d) (nothing) e) (nothing) f) (nothing) g) (nothing) h) (nothing) i) (nothing) j) (nothing) k) (nothing) l) (nothing) m) (nothing) n) (nothing) [Character Inventory] [Last Messages] It was a great hit! You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 93 damage. The Mouth of Sauron hits you for 27 damage. Your Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' {+,23} (k) resists! The Mouth of Sauron hits you for 32 damage. Your Elven Gown {+,22} (g) was disenchanted! The Mouth of Sauron misses you. The Mouth of Sauron touches you. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 136 damage. You miss The Mouth of Sauron. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 50 damage. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 48 damage. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 46 damage. You intercept The Mouth of Sauron's attempt to cast! You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 46 damage. (x2) You feel very good. You are full! You have 30 Pungent Potions of Healing {+,16} {@q1}. The Mouth of Sauron hits you for 31 damage. Your Light Crossbow of Extra Shots {+,23} (b) was disenchanted! The Mouth of Sauron hits you for 25 damage. Your Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' {+,23} (k) resists! The Mouth of Sauron touches you. (x2) You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 48 damage. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 44 damage. The Mouth of Sauron points at you, screaming the word DIE! You resist the effects! You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 48 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 136 damage. You miss The Mouth of Sauron. (x2) You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 46 damage. The Mouth of Sauron invokes a mana storm for 460 damage! You miss The Mouth of Sauron. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 48 damage. You miss The Mouth of Sauron. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 50 damage. You hit The Mouth of Sauron for 44 damage. The Mouth of Sauron hits you for 23 damage. Your Pair of Soft Leather Boots {+,1} (l) was disenchanted! The Mouth of Sauron hits you for 28 damage. Your Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' {+,23} (k) resists! You are no longer full. You die. You have been killed by The Mouth of Sauron. I thought you were on MY side...