[Unangband 0.6.2 Character Dump] Name Frodo, the Ringbearer Self EB TB Best Curr Sex Male Age 24 STR: 17 +0 +0 17 Race Hobbit Height 36 INT: 14 +0 +0 14 Class Warrior Weight 58 WIS: 12 +0 +0 12 Style Rings Status 1 DEX: 18/41 +0 +0 18/41 Title Soldier Level 6 CON: 18/31 +0 +0 18/31 Home Your home in Bree CHR: 13 +0 +0 13 Target Farmer Maggot's farm AGI: 15 +0 +0 15 Depth Lev 4 Hit-Points 66/66 Fight (+6,+2) Fighting Bad MaxDepth Lev 4 Spell-Pts 0/0 WShld (+6,+2) Shooting Very Good Game Turn 120237 Armor [13,+2] Bash [2,+0] Throwing Excellent Plr Turn 9403 Infravis 90 ft Blows 3/turn(x1) Stealth Very Good Act Turn 6198 Gold 749 Shoot (+6,+0) Save Throw Excellent Curr Exp 121 Burden 562 lbs Shots 0/turn(x0) Disarming Very Good Max Exp 121 % Burden 295% Throw (+6,+0) Devices Excellent Adv Exp 33 Speed -23 Hurls 2/turn(x1) Searching Fair You are the only child of a Hobbit Burglar. You are the black sheep of the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight brown hair, and a fair complexion. This is 2nd Tuile of the 2890th year of the third age. You are on level 2 of Farmer Maggot's farm. [Character Equipment] a) a Whip (1d4) {average} b) (nothing) c) (nothing) d) a Malachite Ring (of Teleportation?) {cursed} e) (nothing) f) a Brass Lantern (with 8830 turns of light left) g) Hard Studded Leather (-1) [7,+0] h) a Cloak [1] {uncursed} i) a Small Leather Shield [2] {average} j) a Hard Leather Cap [2] {average} k) (nothing) l) a Pair of Leather Sandals [1] {uncursed} [Character Equipment -- Quiver] n) 98 Arrows (1d6) (+0,+0) {@f0 =g} [Character Inventory] a) a Violet Mushroom of Cure Confusion {90% off} b) 31 Rations of Food c) a Pint of Orcish Spirits d) 4 Brown Mushrooms e) 3 Silver Mushrooms f) 3 Light Blue Mushrooms {mana} g) 2 Flasks of Oil {@v2 =g} h) a Flask of Web i) a Pink Speckled Potion of Berserk Strength j) 2 Scrolls titled "bieshu erdalf" of Phase Door k) 80 Wooden Torches (with 1957 turns of light) {@v1 =g} l) a Small Leather Shield [2] {average} m) a Pair of Leather Sandals [1] {uncursed} n) 3 Pairs of Soft Leather Boots [2] {average} o) 20 Arrows (1d6) {average} p) 98 Arrows (1d6) {average} q) 2 large Silver mushroom patch Spores r) 4 large Slimy mushroom patch Spores s) 2 large Noxious mold Spores t) 99 Iron Spikes {@v3 =g} u) 99 Iron Spikes {@v3 =g} [Dungeons Explored] You have reached level 2 of Farmer Maggot's farm. [Self-Knowledge] You suffer from no afflictions. Your eyes are temporarily sensitive to infrared light. [Character Equipment Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags] (+/-) \ = ~(()] ] \ = ~(()] ] abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Str: ............. Str: ............. Int: ............. Int: ............. Wis: ............. Wis: ............. Dex: ............. Dex: ............. Con: ............. Con: ............. Chr: ............. Chr: ............. Agi: ............. Agi: ............. Acid:............. Disea:............. Elec:............. Blind:............. Fire:............. Confu:............. Cold:............. Sound:............. Pois:............. Shard:............. Fear:............. Nexus:............. Lite:............. Nethr:............. Dark:............. Chaos:............. Water:............. Disen:............. abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Food:............. Save:............. Feath:............. Devic:............. Glow:............. Steal:............. Regen:............. Sear.:............. Telep:............. Infra:............. Invis:............. Tunn.:............. FrAct:............. Speed:............. HLife:............+ Blows:............. Activ:............. Shots:............. Throw:............. Might:............. Undea:............. Healt:............. Demon:............. Mana:............. Orc:............. Exper:............. Troll:............. Telep:...+......... Giant:............. Spell:............. Dragn:............. Evil:............. Man:............. abcdefghijkl@ Dwarf:............. \ = ~(()] ] Elf:............. Natur:............. abcdefghijkl@ \ = ~(()] ] [Your Home Is Empty] [Options] Game: Expand the power of the look command : yes (expand_look) Game: Expand the power of the list commands : yes (expand_list) Game: Map remembers all perma-lit grids : yes (view_perma_grids) Game: Map remembers all torch-lit grids : yes (view_torch_grids) Game: Generate dungeons with aligned rooms : no (dungeon_align) Game: Generate dungeons with connected stairs: no (dungeon_stair) Game: Mark where you have detected traps : yes (view_unsafe_grids) Game: Mark where you have detected monsters : yes (view_detect_grids) Game: When running, ignore interesting floors: yes (run_ignore_floors) Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points : yes (adult_point_based) Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats : no (adult_auto_roller) Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (adult_ironman) Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home : no (adult_no_stores) Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts : no (adult_no_artifacts) Adult: Randomize all of the artifacts : no (adult_rand_artifacts) Adult: Play in Lord of the Rings campaign : yes (adult_campaign) Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor : no (adult_no_stacking) Adult: Haggle in stores : no (adult_haggle) Adult: Scum for good levels : yes (adult_scum) Score: Peek into object creation : no (score_peek) Score: Peek into monster creation : no (score_hear) Score: Peek into dungeon creation : no (score_room) Score: Peek into something else : no (score_xtra) Score: Know complete monster info : no (score_know) Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live) Score: Know complete artifact/ego info : no (score_lore) Score: Auto-inscribe items as if known : no (score_auto)