[Sangband 0.9.9, beta 20d Character Dump] # ##### # ,,, $$$ ,,, ,,=$ "$$$$$" $=,, ,$$ $$$ $$, *> <*> <* $$ $$$ $$ "$$ $$$ $$" "$$ $$$ $$" *#########*#########* *#########*#########* You were rolled up 636403 times before being accepted. Hazelnut Age : 26 STR! 18/*** the Lady of Blood Height : 8 ft, 6 in INT! 18/*** Weight : 398 lb WIS! 18/130 Gender : Female DEX! 18/200 Race : Giant Slayer of Con: 18/*** 18/*** Realm : Necromancy Morgoth, Lord of Chr: 18/109 18/120 Darkness Max Hitpoints 961 Power 95 Max Mana 478 Cur Hitpoints 961 Score 6692 Cur Mana 222 (Melee) Unspent Exp 40301 (Missile) Blows per round 3 Gold 562139 Shots per round 1 + to Skill 5 Time 683115 turns + to Skill 8 Deadliness (%) 174 Max Depth Lev 100 Deadliness (%) 132 (Character Abilities) Melee : Good Saving Throw: Heroic Magic Device: Heroic Shooting : Excellent Stealth : Aggravate Dodging : Very Bad Throwing : Excellent Perception : Very Good Fame : Immortal Digging : Legendary Disarming : Good Infra-Vision: 0 feet Speed : +30 Armour : 123 Kills : 3287 Time Elapsed: 6 days, 19 hours, 56 minutes (683115 turns) [Character Attributes] abcdefghijkl@ Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust Currnt Stlth:.....5....... STR! 18/100 ..34....43..5 18/*** Invis:............. INT! 18/100 ..3.62......4 18/*** Aware:..3..2...1... WIS! 18/100 .s3..2......2 18/130 Disar:............. DEX! 18/100 ..34.....31.1 18/200 Devic:............. Con: 18/100 ..34..5.413.2 18/*** 18/*** Speed:..*6.......9. Chr: 18/100 ..3.........1 18/120 18/109 abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Infra:............. NFuel:.....+....... Tunnl:..........3.8 Steal:............. Save :.3.......3... NoMag:............. Mana :......5...... Telep:............. Light:.....2....... Aggra:+............ Drain:.....+....... Curse:............. abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Acid :........*+... Light:......+...... Food :............. Elec :.+.......++.. Dark :.........+... Feath:......+..+... Fire :.........++.. Sound:........+.... Shine:............. Cold :.+....+..+... Shard:.........+... Regen:.........+... Pois :......+...... Nexus:............. ESP :.....+...+... Fear :......+...+.. Nethr:......+...... SeeIn:.....++.....+ Blind:.....+....... Chaos:........+.... FrAct:........+.+.. Confu:......+...... Disen:............. HLife:............. [Last Messages] Morgoth, Lord of Darkness cries out in pain. You have 5 charges remaining. Morgoth, Lord of Darkness writhes in agony. You have 4 charges remaining. Morgoth, Lord of Darkness magically summons greater undead! Morgoth, Lord of Darkness is slain! A magical staircase appears... You have no room for a Mighty Hammer (9d9) {good}. You are wielding a Mighty Hammer (9d9) {good} (a). You feel the Mighty Hammer (a) you are attacking monsters with is actually special... Attacking monsters with: the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] (a). You have no room for the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] (+125) {cursed}. Replace existing file C:\Games\Angband\sang099b20d\lib\user\Hazelnut.txt? y [Skills] Wrestling : 100% Spellcasting : 100% Magical Power : 88% Blood Dominion : 100% Magical Device : 92% Perception : 20% Disarming : 15% Dodging : 20% Spell Resistance : 51% Armor Forging : 70% Magical Infusion : 30% You have bound yourself to the Black Mystery. [Quests] You have slain Morgoth, Lord of Darkness! You have finished no quests yet. [Character Equipment] the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] Aggravates. the Sling of the Tir nan Og (x2) (+8,+8) (+3 to saving throw (x5)) {Vamp Activates for a shot of frost every 10-20 turns. [0% fail] +15 Save. Sustain WIS. Resist Lightning, Cold. the Ring of Power 'Vilya' (+3, +10) {Gothmog} Activates for large electricity ball (275) every 125-150 turns. [20% fail] +3 all stats; +10 Speed; +3 Awareness. the Ring of Tulkas (+4, +6) {GHW81} Activates for haste self (duration 1-20 extra turns) every 150-300 turns. [0% fail] +6 Speed; +4 STR, DEX, CON. a Pewter Amulet of Intelligence (+6) {Demons76} the Palantir of Westernesse (lit) [2] (+2, -5) Activates for full clairvoyance - at grave risk - every 175-350 turns. [0% fail] +2 INT, WIS, Awareness; -5 Stealth. Resist Blindness. ESP; See Invisible; Drains Exp. Does 10d10 thrown damage; Permanent Light (radius 2) the Robe of the Archmagi [2,+15] (+5 to mana (x15)) +75 Mana; +5 CON. Resist Cold, Poison, Light, Nether, Fear, Confusion. Feather Falling; See Invisible. the Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {GWoL84} Activates for resistance (duration 20-40) every 160 turns. [0% fail] the Small Metal Shield of Thorin [5,+21] (+4) +4 STR, CON. Immunity to Acid. Resist Sound, Chaos. Free Action. the Dragon Helm of the Dark Master [8,+16] (+3, +1) +15 Save; +3 STR, DEX; +1 CON, Awareness. Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Dark, Shards. Feather Falling; Regeneration; ESP. a Set of Leather Gloves (runegold) (+10,+10) [1,+7] (+3, +1) +3 CON, Tunneling; +1 DEX. Resist Lightning, Fire, Fear. Free Action. a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+5] (+9) {Bolg} a Pouch (holding 216 essences of 18 types) [Character Inventory] 4 Tomes of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses] 4 Tomes of Necromancy [Darker Elements] {@mb@bb@Gb} Does 4d8 thrown damage 5 Tomes of Necromancy [Frightful Realms] {@mc@bc@m3@b3} Does 5d17 thrown damage 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Mysteries of Angmar] {@md@bd@Gd@m4@b4@G4} Does 5d29 thrown damage 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Triumph of the Will] {@m6@b6@G6@mf@bf@Gf} Does 5d59 thrown damage 5 Tomes of Necromancy [Necronomicon] {@m7@b7@G7@mg@bg@Gg} Does 6d65 thrown damage 53 Red Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds 19 Grey Speckled Potions of Healing {25% off} 7 Sickly Green Potions of *Healing* a Rosy Potion of Life 2 Red Potions of Restore Mana 30 Scrolls titled "mutol" of *Recharging* 7 Scrolls titled "udwarg" of Satisfy Hunger {on sale, 50% off} 8 Verdigreed Rods of Recall {@z0!z!z} 2 Stubby Rods of Teleport Away {@z6} 2 Nickel Rods of Dragonfire {@z1} a Brass Rod of Glaurung's Blood {@z2} 3 Mithril Wands of Annihilation (0 charges) {Gabriel} 7 Iron Wands of Doomblasts (3 charges) an Applewood Staff of Teleportation (11 charges) {@u0!u} Unusually durable a Banyan Staff of Healing (8 charges) Unusually durable a Banyan Staff of Healing (7 charges) Unusually durable a Teak Staff of Detection (2 charges) Unusually durable [Home Inventory] 19 Tomes of Necromancy [Mysteries of Angmar] {@md@bd@Gd@m4@b4@G4} Does 5d29 thrown damage 22 Tomes of Necromancy [Doomspells] {@me@be@Ge@m5@b5@G5} Does 5d43 thrown damage 15 Tomes of Necromancy [Triumph of the Will] {@m6@b6@G6@mf@bf@Gf} Does 5d59 thrown damage 4 Sprigs of Athelas a Gleaming Rod of Restoration 6 Mithril Rods of Lightning Balls {@z2} an Eldritch Rod of Lightning Strike {Adunaphel} a Chromium Rod of Northwinds {@z3} a Lebethron Staff of Banish Evil (9 charges) Unusually durable a Cochineal Amulet of Mana (+6) a Wooden Torch of Vision (lit) [2] {@A1 Ferny} Activates for Light up a room or the local area every 15-30 turns. [0% fail] See Invisible. the Phial of Galadriel (lit) [3] {@A1 Harowen} Activates for illumination, burst of light (4d23 damage), and some curing every 10-20 turns. [0% fail] Permanent Light (radius 3) the Arkenstone of Thrain (lit) [3] (+2 to saving throw (x5)) {The Tarras Activates for clairvoyance every 120-240 turns. [0% fail] +10 Save. Light source (radius 3) the Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail 'Razorback' (-2) [30,+25] {LV84 Treasur Activates for star ball (120) every 150 turns. [0% fail] Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison. Aggravates. the Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) {Tselakus} Activates for door destruction every turn. [0% fail] +3 INT, WIS, CON. Resist Acid, Poison, Confusion. the Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+18] (+3) {Sauron} Activates for heal (500) every 500 turns. [0% fail] +3 STR, WIS, CON. Permanent Light (radius 1) the Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+15] (+3) {Khamul} +3 INT, DEX, CHR. the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {Saruman} +2 INT, WIS. Resist Blindness. ESP. the Set of Cesti of Aniel (+10,+10) [4,+10] (+1 to stealth) +1 Stealth. Resist Lightning, Cold. Feather Falling; Permanent Light; Free Action. the Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Nevrast [3,+13] (+3) {Scatha} +3 CON, Stealth, Speed. the Two-Handed Sword 'Zarcuthra' (3d13) (+19,+21) (+4) {Vecna} +4 STR, CHR, Infravision. Permanent Light (radius 1)