[FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak (Development) Character Dump] ***LOSER*** Name : Deerust XIII ========== Stats ========== Sex : Male STR : 18/*** Personality: Mighty INT : 3 Race : Half-Orc WIS : 3 Subrace : None DEX : 18/161 Class : Berserker CON : 18/179 Chr : 18/60 Level : 44 HP : -47/1580 Cur Exp : 4103207 SP : 0/0 Max Exp : 4103207 AC : 149 Adv Exp : 4224000 Speed: +34+10 ========== Skills ========= Gold : 3057371 Melee : Amber[72] Kills : 1791 Archery : Very Bad Uniques : 73 SavingThrow: Very Bad Artifacts : 46+24 Stealth : Very Bad Perception : Very Bad Game Day : 5 Searching : Very Bad Game Time : 10:37 Disarming : Very Bad Play Time : 02:09 Device : Very Bad ============================= Character Equipment ============================= a) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {StCn;CfNtCa;FaHlAg|V/pA} Dropped by The Stormbringer on level 50 of Arena. Identified: Day 3, 13:12, at CL 32. b) The Glaive of Pain (9d7) (+13,+30) Received as a reward for completing the quest 'The Old Castle'. Identified: Day 4, 21:20, at CL 41. c) The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3.25) (+15,+17) (+2) {DxChSl;Di} Dropped by Santa Claus on level 75 of Mine. Identified: Day 4, 15:11, at CL 40. e) a Ring of Speed (+8) {Sp} Bought from a store in Zul. Purchased: Day 5, 6:38, at CL 43. f) a Ring of Speed (+8) {Sp} Dropped by a Great Hell Wyrm on level 60 of Dragon's lair. Identified: Day 4, 8:06, at CL 37. g) an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFiCoPo} Bought from a store in Zul. Purchased: Day 5, 6:38, at CL 43. h) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) {WiCh~Tele A:List Uniques} Dropped by an Ice giant on level 72 of Dragon's lair. Identified: Day 5, 3:31, at CL 42. i) The Splint Mail 'Prince of Chaos' (-2) [19,+26] (+4) {SpInDxSr;CfCaDi} Dropped by Oberon, King of Amber on level 99 of Angband. Identified: Day 5, 10:13, at CL 43. j) The Cloak of the Anti-Hero [1,+20] {ShCa;Rf} Dropped by Caine, the Conspirator on level 98 of Angband. Identified: Day 5, 10:06, at CL 43. k) The Golden Crown of Amber [0,+15] (+3) {SpStWiCn;ElFiLiCfCaBl;SiRgLu A:Healing} Dropped by Oberon, King of Amber on level 99 of Angband. Identified: Day 5, 10:13, at CL 43. l) a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Slaying (+8,+4) [4,+12] {/ULv} Dropped by Charybdis on level 75 of Mine. Identified: Day 4, 22:55, at CL 41. m) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+16] (+7) {Sp} Dropped by the level guardian on level 99 of Angband. Identified: Day 5, 10:11, at CL 43. |/} =="*[(]]] |/} =="*[(]]] Resistances abcdefghijklm@ Abilities abcdefghijklm@ Acid : .............. 0% Speed : ....++..+.+.+# Electricity: ......+...+... 65% Free Act : +............+ 4x Fire : ......+...+... 65% See Invis : ..........+... 1x Cold : ......+....... 50% Warning : .............. Poison : ......+....... 50% Slow Digest: .............. Light : ..........+... 30% Regenerate : ..........+..# 400% Dark : .............+ 30% HP Regen : .............- 320% Confusion : +.......+.+... 45% SP Regen : .............. Nether : +............. 30% Hold Life : +............. 1x Nexus : .............. 0% Levitation : .............. Sound : .............. 0% Perm Lite : ..........+... Shards : .........+.... 30% Reflection : .........+...+ Chaos : +.......+++... 47% Nightvision: .............. Disenchantm: ..+.....+..... 40% Life Mult : .............. Time : .............. 0% Dec Mana : .............. Blindness : ..........+... 30% Easy Spell : .............. Fear : .............* 100% Anti Magic : .............. Magic Skill: .............. |/} =="*[(]]] Spell Power: .............. Auras abcdefghijklm@ Spell Cap : .............. Aura Elec : .............. Magic Res : .............. Aura Fire : .............. Infravision: .............+ 60' Aura Cold : .............. Stealth : ..+........... Aura Shards: .............. Searching : ........+..... Revenge : .............. |/} =="*[(]]] |/} =="*[(]]] Sustains abcdefghijklm@ Slays abcdefghijklm@ Sust Str : .............+ Slay Evil : .............. Sust Int : .............. Slay Undead: .............. Sust Wis : .............. Slay Demon : ...........+.. Sust Dex : .............+ Slay Dragon: .............. Sust Con : .............+ Slay Human : +............. Sust Chr : .............. Slay Animal: .............. Slay Orc : .............. |/} =="*[(]]] Slay Troll : .............. Detection abcdefghijklm@ Slay Giant : .............. Telepathy : .......+...... Slay Good : +............. ESP Evil : .............. Slay Living: ...........+.. ESP Nonliv : .............. Acid Brand : .............. ESP Living : .............. Elec Brand : .............. ESP Good : .............. Fire Brand : .............. ESP Undead : .............. Cold Brand : .............. ESP Demon : .............. Pois Brand : .............. ESP Dragon : .............. Mana Brand : .............. ESP Human : .............. Dark Brand : .............. ESP Animal : .............. Sharpness : .............. ESP Orc : .............. Stunning : .............. ESP Troll : .............. Quake : .............. ESP Giant : .............. Vampiric : +............. Chaotic : .............. |/} =="*[(]]] Extra Blows: .............. Curses abcdefghijklm@ Extra Shots: .............. Cursed : .............. Extra Might: .............. Rnd Tele : .............. Blessed : .............. No Tele : .............. Riding : .+............ Drain Exp : +............. Digging : .............. Aggravate : +............. Throwing : .............. TY Curse : .............. |/} =="*[(]]] abcdefghijklm@ Base R C P E Total STR : 2.........3..s 18/115 2 8 2 5 18/*** INT : ........4..... 18 -1-20 -2 4 3 WIS : .......3..3... 15 0-20 -2 6 3 DEX : ..2.....4....s 18/61 0 4 0 6 18/161 CON : 2.........3..s 18/69 1 4 1 5 18/179 Chr : ..2....3...... 18 -1 4 1 5 18/90 18/60 ==================================== Melee ==================================== Hand #1: The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) Accuracy Weight : 18.0 lbs AC Hit Profic : Skilled (+14 To Hit) 25 91% To Hit : 16 + 88 = 104 50 86% To Dam : 16 + 40 = 56 75 81% Blows : 7.76 100 77% Skill : 56.3% 125 73% Damage 150 68% Crits : 1.19x (13.1%) 175 63% Normal : 624 [1.19x] 200 59% Good : 799 [2.26x] Living : 799 [2.26x] Humans : 896 [2.85x] Demons : 970 [3.33x] Hand #2: The Glaive of Pain (9d7) (+13,+30) Accuracy Weight : 19.0 lbs AC Hit Profic : Beginner (+6 To Hit) 25 90% To Hit : 13 + 80 = 93 50 85% To Dam : 30 + 40 = 70 75 79% Blows : 7.76 100 74% Skill : 50.8% 125 69% Damage 150 64% Crits : 1.18x (12.5%) 175 58% Normal : 868 [1.18x] 200 53% Living : 1167 [2.24x] Demons : 1458 [3.30x] =================================== Shooting ================================== Shooting: The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3.25) (+15,+17) (+2) Range : 180' Shots : 1.12 Mult : 3.90x Profic : !Unskilled (-20 To Hit) To Hit : -5 + 25 = 20 Xtra Dam: 17 (Multiplier Does Not Apply) ==================================== Powers =================================== Lvl Cost Fail Desc Cast Fail Recall 10 10 1% 16 1 6% =================================== Spells ==================================== Lvl Cost Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Detect Ferocity 8 5 0% 199 2 1% b) Charge 15 20 0% 2 0 0% c) Smash Trap 20 15 0% 0 0 0% d) Earthquake 25 20 0% 1 0 0% e) Massacre 30 80 0% 62 1 2% =================================== Dungeons ================================== Warrens : level 1 Hideout : level 8 Plains of Oz : level 18 Lonely Mountain : level 31 Battlefield : level 40 !Dragon's lair : level 72 Mine : level 77 Arena : level 50 Angband : level 100 You were killed by The Serpent of Chaos on level 100 of Angband. Last Message: Sigh :( ==================================== Quests =================================== Completed Quests Trouble at Home (Outpost) DL5 CL2 Day 1, 6:14 The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost) DL5 CL3 Day 1, 6:36 Kill Gorbag, the Orc Captain DL13 CL13 Day 1, 22:29 I Hate Snakes! (Morivant) DL15 CL10 Day 1, 12:39 Kill Ugluk, the Uruk DL15 CL15 Day 1, 22:35 Bear Problem (Outpost) DL18 CL24 Day 2, 6:41 Shadow Fairies (Thalos) DL20 CL23 Day 2, 4:51 Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost) DL22 CL24 Day 2, 7:07 The Stranger (Telmora) DL22 CL33 Day 4, 3:16 Doom Quest I (Angwil) DL24 CL25 Day 2, 9:18 Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant) DL25 CL24 Day 2, 8:00 The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant) DL25 CL25 Day 2, 8:48 Vapor Quest (Outpost) DL25 CL40 Day 4, 19:08 The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant) DL25 CL41 Day 4, 21:27 Djinni's Cavern (Thalos) DL27 CL24 Day 2, 5:43 The Old Watchtower (Thalos) DL32 CL26 Day 2, 10:25 The Vault (Telmora) DL35 CL40 Day 4, 16:13 The Barrow Downs (Telmora) DL35 CL40 Day 4, 16:49 The Sand Pit (Angwil) DL38 CL33 Day 4, 3:37 Dragon Quest (Angwil) DL42 CL34 Day 4, 4:57 Troll Invasion (Telmora) DL42 CL42 Day 5, 1:10 The Cloning Pits (Thalos) DL45 CL40 Day 4, 18:16 The Old Castle (Outpost) DL50 CL41 Day 4, 20:58 Clear the Wreckage (Thalos) DL50 CL41 Day 4, 22:05 Oberon DL99 CL43 Day 5, 10:11 Arena: 36 Victories ================================ Monster Kills ================================ You have defeated 1791 enemies including 73 unique monsters in total. There are 323 uniques remaining. Uniques Lvl Oberon, King of Amber 99 Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" 85 Ithaqua the Windwalker 82 Benedict, the Ideal Warrior 79 Corwin, Lord of Avalon 78 Jormungand the Midgard Serpent 75 Caine, the Conspirator 71 Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil 70 Takemikazuchi, the Thunder 69 Julian, Master of Arden Forest 69 Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber 60 Fundin Bluecloak 56 Hoarmurath of Dir 52 Santa Claus 52 Ulik the Troll 51 Charybdis 49 Glaurung, Father of the Dragons 48 The Shadow Fiend 48 Beld, Ruler of Marmo 48 Fafner the Dragon 47 Non-uniques Lvl Count Non-uniques Lvl Count Disintegrate spider 70 2 Creeping adamantite coins 27 165 Great Wyrm of Chaos 67 1 Water troll 33 57 Great Wyrm of Law 67 1 Olog 35 47 Grand Fearlord 65 1 Lesser wall monster 28 44 Disintegrate vortex 65 1 Sea troll 35 26 Great unclean one 63 1 Barrow wight 33 26 Nazgul 63 1 Giant fire ant 35 25 Lord of Chaos 60 1 Giant white mouse 1 24 Temporal Champion 60 1 Cave troll 33 20 Nightwalker 59 1 Mad bear 15 20 Great Storm Wyrm 58 3 Cave orc 7 18 Hru 56 1 Snaga 6 18 Elder storm giant 56 1 Copperhead snake 5 17 Mummy king 56 3 Reindeer 50 16 Great Hell Wyrm 55 2 Fire troll 25 16 Eye druj 55 1 Death sword 14 16 Steel dragon 55 2 Algroth 27 15 Barbazu 55 1 Headless 27 15 Hand druj 55 1 Serpent man 22 15 Lesser kraken 54 2 Hill orc 8 15 ================================== Mutations ================================== You have remarkable infravision (+3). You are a Loremaster. You walk with a limp (-10% walking speed). ============================= Character Inventory ============================= 37 Mushrooms of Cure Poison {50% off} 38 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery {50% off} a Mushroom of Restoring {!E} 30 Pieces of Elvish Waybread 4 Potions of Booze 16 Potions of Speed {!kq} 11 Potions of Vigor 16 Potions of Heroism 28 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds 24 Potions of Healing {!kq} 3 Potions of Restore Life Levels a Potion of Restoring a Potion of Enlightenment 10 Potions of Resistance {!kq} 39 Potions of Curing {25% off} a Rod: Sound Strike (dam 13d8, 0/2) {100%} a Staff: Identify (0/10) {100%} a Barbarian Talisman [+3] (+1) {St[MT} The Amulet of Surveillance (+2) {ChSl;FaSi~TeleNolv A:Probing} The Jewel of Judgement (+3) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl A:Clairvoyance and Recall} The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {StCh;AcElFiCoDkCaDi~Z A:Genocide} The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {StDx;AcElCoCfNxSo} a Shadow Cloak of the Hero (+6,+5) [6,+24] (+2) {StCn;LiDkFe;FaLv(StCn} ================================ Home Inventory =============================== 120 16 Potions of Speed {!kq} 120 11 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold {!kq} 2000 a Potion of Self Knowledge {!k} 60 21 Potions of Curing {25% off} 25000 3 Potions of New Life {!**} 400 7 Rings 44293 a Ring of the Nazgul (+14,+18) (+2) {cursed, SpStInDxChSl;-WiCnLf;-Li;CoPoDkNt;FaSi A:Enslave Undead} 25463 a Ring of Protection [+7] {NtShCa;SiWr~T} 17900 a Ring of Speed (+5) {Sp} 17669 a Ring of Protection [+7] {DkCfSo;Fa} 16108 a Ring of Combat (+23,+11) 14060 a Ring of Protection {PoCfNt;Si} 13394 a Ring (Defender) [+5] {AcElFi;FaSi} 11632 a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+6) (+1) [+5%] 9801 a Ring (Elemental) [+8] {Sh A:Poison Dart} 8572 a Ring (Elemental) {AcCo A:Fire Ball} 6123 a Ring (Elemental) [+9] {El A:Lightning Strike} 5400 a Ring of Wizardry {Cf~o} 24761 The Ring of the Great King (+4) {StWiSl;DiFe;FaSi} 10012 The Ring 'Bauble' (+4) {InSl;Fa} 9499 The Ring of Yogurt (+3,+4) (+3) {WiSr;Fe;FaSiSd} 6610 The Ring of Marmatus {?} 800 2 Amulets 17912 a Hell Harness (+2,+16) [-12] (+3) {cursed, -Sp;FiCa;Ag A:Nether Ball} 16860 a Dwarven Necklace (+3) {StIf;DkDiBl;Lu} 13488 an Amulet of Devotion (+3) {WiCh;Sh} 13095 a Sacred Pendant [+3] (+2) {Lf;CfFe;Bs} 11560 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFiCo} 11420 an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {Sr;PoDkNx} 9100 a Barbarian Talisman (+1) {St;Fe[T} 9100 a Dwarven Necklace (+2) {StIf;Di} 4662 an Amulet (Elemental) {Ac A:Ray of Cold} 4504 a Barbarian Talisman (+1) {StDx A:Berserk} 3800 an Amulet (Elemental) {Ac} 15698 The Amulet 'Kobold Opal' (+4) {Ch;SoDi(Ch} 8062 The Amulet of Tamir (+4) {WiIf;Hl} 7861 The Amulet of the Spinster (+6,+8) (+2) {Cn} 250 4 Feanorian Lamps 5734 The Feanorian Lamp 'Headlight' (+1) {Dx;AcBl} 54703 Law Dragon Scale Mail (Attack) (+2,+7) [40,+20] (+3) {St;SoSh A:Breathe} 2235 Ring Mail (-2) [12,+8] 2031 Chain Mail (-2) [14,+4] 23486 Double Ring Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [15,+15] (+1) {DxSl;-St;AcElFiCoDi} 2753 Augmented Chain Mail (-2) [16,+5] 3660 Bar Chain Mail (-2) [18,+6] 3756 Metal Brigandine Armour (-3) [19,+4] 44134 The Metal Lamellar Armour of the Tempest (-3) [23,+25] {AcElCoNxDi[E} 26691 Full Plate Armour of the Olog-hai (-3,+7) [25,+15] (+2) {St;-In;AcPoFe;Rg A:Berserk} 16823 Full Plate Armour of Elemental Protection (-3) [25,+13] {AcCo A:Resist Lightning} 751 a Filthy Rag [1,+6] 564 a Filthy Rag [1,+5] 798 Paper Armour [4,+6] 930 Soft Leather Armour of Protection [4,+4] 94 Soft Studded Leather [5,+0] 45245 The Soft Studded Leather of the Twelve Fiends [5,+24] (+2) {If;CfShCaDi} 912 Hard Leather Armour (-1) [6,+6] 820 Hard Studded Leather (-1) [7,+5] 162 Cord Armour [6,+0] 9267 Cord Armour of Augmentation [6,+13] (+1) {StInWiDxCnCh} 35576 The Cord Armour of the Bee Master [6,+20] (+3) {StSl;PoDkNxDi} 413 Padded Armour [5,+3] 8379 Padded Armour of the Imp (-2,-5) [5,+12] (+1) {Sl;-Wi;FiNt;Si A:Fire Ball} 7444 Padded Armour of Elemental Protection [5,+10] {CoPo} 1126 a Cloak [1,+8] 320 a Cloak [1,+3] 5455 a Cloak of Electricity [1,+9] {El[E A:Lightning Strike} 5365 a Cloak of Freezing [1,+12] {Co[C} 10310 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf} 1530 an Elven Cloak [4,+4] (+1) {SlSr} 583 a Fur Cloak [3,+5] 217 a Fur Cloak [3,+2] 9873 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+14] {Cf;Lv} 339 a Small Leather Shield [3,+3] 21180 a Small Metal Shield of Elvenkind [5,+14] (+1) {DxSl;-St;AcElFiCoDi} 37276 The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiLiDkNt} 25703 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Magi [0,+14] (+2) <+15%> {In;-Cn;AcElFiDk;Lv(In} 24306 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Pity [0,+16] (+1) {SpWi;NxSh} 20560 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Fretful Porpentine [0,+15] {~TeleGood~o} 20026 a Knit Cap of the Tomte (+8,-1) [1,+11] (+4) {SpSl;Co} 2472 a Hard Leather Cap of Seeing [2,+4] (+6) {Sr;Bl;Si} 29193 The Metal Cap of Lungorthin [3,+13] (+2) {StDxCn;-Dk;FiCoPoNxFe~Evil~pDo} 11674 The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) {InWiSr;Bl;Si A:Detection} 1 a Set of Leather Gloves [1,+0] 16830 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Slaying (+7,+8) [4,+5] {/pZ} 6525 a Set of Mithril Gauntlets (+1,+1) [5,+15] 37518 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {DxCh;NtCa;Fa(CnCh A:Cure Fear and Poison} 3306 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots (Gnomish) [3,+11] {Fa A:Phase Door} 1586 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+4] (+2) {Sl} 3986 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation (+2) [4,+9] {Lv} 38050 The Pair of Mithril Shod Boots 'Stomper' (+2) [6,+21] (+3) {StCn;-Sl;CfNxSh A:Earthquake} 3918 a Dagger (Death) (1d5) (+5,+4) {Hl|PV/p} 11956 The Dagger 'Nimthanc' (2d5) (+8,+12) (+1) {Sp;CoNx;Th|Co A:Frost Bolt} 2935 a Main Gauche (Nature) (1d6) (+2,+7) (+1) {In;Rg/Z~Z} 6924 a Rapier of Sharpness (1d8) (+10,+12) (+5) {Dg|S} 1254 a Short Sword (1d8) (+6,+6) 1359 a Cutlass of Slaying (1d9) (+6,+5) {/T} 33494 The Cutlass of Grand Wizardry (3d9) (+22,+20) [+5] (+3) {InDg/Do} 23808 The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d9) (+10,+11) (+3) {DxSl;AcElFiCo;SiRgLv} 31971 The Tulwar of the Edgelord (3d5) (+21,+19) [+14] (+2) {StCn|S/XL(Cn} 923 a Long Sword (2d6) (+5,+3) 3861 a Long Sword (Craft) (2d6) (+5,+7) {Ac|AE} 6466 a Blade of Chaos (5d6) (+3,+7) {Ca} 2500 a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0) 65834 The Falcon Sword of Destruction (3d7) (+13,+25) (+4) {AtSpStDx;AgTy|AEFCoPCa} 10326 a Hatchet of Westernesse (2d6) (+10,+7) (+2) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP} 1155 a Beaked Axe (2d7) (+3,+5) 10868 a Club (Trump) (1d5) (+10,+10) (+1) {Sr;NxDi;FaSdRgTe/* A:Teleport} 10948 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) (+1) {InWi;SiLv A:Telekinesis} 42859 The Ball-and-Chain 'Iron ball' (22d5) (-30,+0) [+20] (+6) {cursed, St;-SpWiSl|Q} 1096 a Jo Staff (1d8) (+4,+6) 923 a Morning Star (2d7) (+2,+4) 41821 The Wizardstaff of Saruman (3d2) (+8,+8) (+3) [+15%] {In;AcElFiCo;Rg|PVM A:Resistance} 8457 a Sling of the Hunter (x2) (+16,+15) (+3) {Sl~o} 4151 a Long Bow of the Hunter (x3) (+11,+9) (+1) {Sl;-Ch~Lvng} 6939 a Light Crossbow of Accuracy (x3.50) (+22,+12) 37505 The Light Crossbow of Wilhelm Tell (x4) (+40,+23) (+4) {Dx;Si/p} 1000 a Capture Ball (empty) {A:Capture Pet} 0 The Corpse of Implorington III {Wanted!kkk} ================================== Statistics ================================= Gold Found : 4785822 Alchemy : 0 Winnings : 0 4785822 Purchases: 487780 Services : 1240671 Stolen : 0 1728451 3057371 Objects Found : 4770 Objects Bought : 405 Objects Destroyed: 589 Equipment Found Bought Used Dest Weapons 386 0 22 25 Shields 68 0 0 2 Bows 76 0 8 7 Quivers 12 0 0 0 Rings 56 3 10 1 Amulets 54 2 11 1 Lights 29 1 16 0 Body Armor 341 0 22 20 Cloaks 52 0 13 3 Helmets 66 1 9 4 Gloves 53 0 10 1 Boots 58 0 9 1 Totals 1239 7 130 65 Devices Found Bought Used Dest Wands 42 0 0 2 Staves 42 1 0 2 Rods 41 1 0 0 Potions 357 154 109 81 Scrolls 222 0 0 37 Totals 704 156 109 122 Other Found Bought Used Dest Shots 617 0 0 0 Arrows 684 0 0 60 Bolts 1060 0 0 58 Spellbooks 73 0 0 0 Food 105 242 91 5 Corpses 196 0 0 194 Skeletons 51 0 0 53 Chests 9 0 0 8 Totals 2795 242 91 378 Potions Found Bought Used Dest Cure Critical Wounds 9 32 7 6 Curing 52 32 12 19 Speed 30 15 8 5 Clarity 11 0 0 0 Healing 31 9 13 3 *Healing* 7 0 7 0 Life 3 0 2 1 Restore Mana 1 0 0 0 Restore Life Levels 17 0 5 7 Strength 6 0 6 0 Intelligence 6 0 6 0 Wisdom 4 0 4 0 Dexterity 1 0 1 0 Constitution 4 0 4 0 Charisma 6 0 6 0 New Life 3 0 0 0 Totals 357 154 109 81 Scrolls Found Bought Used Dest Phase Door 16 0 0 0 Word of Recall 19 0 0 8 Identify 25 0 0 0 *Identify* 16 0 0 0 Remove Curse 5 0 0 4 *Remove Curse* 3 0 0 0 Teleportation 19 0 0 0 Teleport Level 5 0 0 1 Destruction 3 0 0 0 Genocide 2 0 0 0 Acquirement 2 0 0 0 Totals 222 0 0 37 Wands Found Bought Used Dest Teleport Other 3 0 0 0 Dragon's Frost 3 0 0 0 Tsunami 2 0 0 0 Dragon's Breath 1 0 0 0 Meteor 1 0 0 0 Disintegrate 1 0 0 0 Totals 42 0 0 2 Staves Found Bought Used Dest Identify 4 1 0 0 Enlightenment 3 0 0 1 Cure Wounds 1 0 0 0 Telepathy 4 0 0 0 Speed 3 0 0 0 *Identify* 1 0 0 0 Destruction 2 0 0 0 Healing 1 0 0 0 Confusing Lights 1 0 0 0 Totals 42 1 0 2 Rods Found Bought Used Dest Detect Traps 2 0 0 0 Detect Monsters 1 0 0 0 Recall 5 0 0 0 Detection 4 0 0 0 Enlightenment 3 0 0 0 Sound Ball 1 0 0 0 Totals 41 1 0 0 Spellbooks Found Bought Used Dest Third Spellbooks 42 0 0 0 Fourth Spellbooks 3 0 0 0 Totals 73 0 0 0 Egos Found : 718 Egos Bought : 5 Egos Destroyed: 27 Egos Found Bought Dest Ring of Speed 3 2 0 Jewelry (Defender) 1 0 0 Boots of Speed 3 0 0 Monsters Kills Pct Spells Count Pct Animals 541 30.2% Observed 212763 8.4% Breeders 108 6.0% Expected 285448 11.4% Demons 79 4.4% Failures 19494 9.1% Dragons 232 12.9% Summon 18297 8.5% Giants 34 1.8% Heal 6104 2.8% Hounds 17 0.9% Escape 5666 2.6% Humans 107 5.9% Offense 99257 46.6% Orcs 85 4.7% Other 63945 30.0% Trolls 268 14.9% Undead 196 10.9% Unique Spells Count Pct Uniques 73 4.0% Observed 50039 22.0% Expected 56034 24.7% Evil Monsters 1108 61.8% Failures 3948 7.8% Good Monsters 12 0.6% Summon 8814 17.6% Neutral Monsters 671 37.4% Heal 3306 6.6% Escape 3248 6.4% Totals 1791 Offense 20707 41.3% Other 10016 20.0% Life Rating: Very Good (53/76) ================================ Last Messages ================================ You attack Saruman of Many Colours: You hit. Your weapon drains life from him! You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. He seems weakened. You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. You hit. You hit. You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. You are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You miss. You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You are unmade! You hit. You are shredded! You hit. It was a great hit! You are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You miss. You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You are disenchanted! You hit. It was a good hit! You are shredded! You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You miss. You attack Cthugha, the Living Flame: You hit. It was a good hit! You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You miss. You miss. You miss. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. It was a superb hit! You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You miss. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. You hit. You are burned and shocked. The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses. Cthugha, the Living Flame attacks you: It touches. You are blind! It misses. It touches. You are burned! It misses. You feel something focusing on your mind. Your mind is blasted by psionic energy. The Monster attacks you: It misses. It crushes. You stand your ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. => . The cave ceiling collapses! You are bashed by rubble! *Ouch!* Really choose 28 Potions of Healing {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You can see again. You are no longer bleeding. You have 27 Potions of Healing {!kq}. Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" concentrates on his wounds. Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" looks healthier. Really choose 27 Potions of Healing {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You have 26 Potions of Healing {!kq}. Cthugha, the Living Flame summons Kin. The Serpent of Chaos summons Uniques. You behold the grisly visage of Y'golonac! You attack the Ice elemental: You hit. It was a good hit! You are frozen. You miss. You hit. You have destroyed the Ice elemental. You attack the Atomic elemental: You hit. You are poisoned! You are poisoned! You hit. You are poisoned! You hit. You are poisoned! You hit. You are poisoned! You hit. You are poisoned! You hit. You are poisoned! You hit. It was a great hit! You are poisoned! You hit. You are poisoned! You hit. It was a good hit! You are poisoned! You hit. You have destroyed the Atomic elemental. You attack Combat-Echizen "Because it's time": You miss. You miss. You miss. You hit. Your weapon drains life from him! You miss. You hit. You hit. It was a great hit! You hit. He seems weakened. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You attack the Caaws: You hit. You are frozen. You miss. You hit. It was a good hit! You are frozen. You miss. You miss. You hit. You are frozen. You miss. You miss. You miss. You miss. You hit. You are frozen. You hit. You are frozen. You miss. You miss. You hit. You are frozen. You hit. It was a good hit! You are frozen. You attack Y'golonac: You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. You miss. You miss. You hit. You hit. You hit. It was a superb hit! You hit. The Caaws attacks you: It misses. It touches. You stand your ground! You are disenchanted! It touches. You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel very stupid. You feel very naive. You feel very insecure. It touches. Cthugha, the Living Flame breathes Fire. The Scroll of Inventory Protection burns up! The Short Bow burns up! The Mithril Arrows are unaffected! The Soft Leather Armour burns up! Saruman of Many Colours resists. Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" resists. The Caaws resists. The Serpent of Chaos resists. Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" attacks you: He kicks. He hits. Energy drains from your Staff: Identify (0/10) {100%}! He kicks. He hits. Energy drains from your Staff: Identify (0/10) {100%}! You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It was a superb hit! You are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You have been given a Light Cut. You are unmade! You stand your ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. => . You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You miss. You miss. You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You have been given a Bad Cut. *Ouch!* You are unmade! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. It was a great hit! You are shredded! *Ouch!* You are disenchanted! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You attack Combat-Echizen "Because it's time": You miss. You miss. You hit. Your weapon drains life from him! You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. You miss. He seems weakened. You hit. Combat-Echizen "Because it's time" says shiftlessly, 'Oh. No.' You have slain Combat-Echizen "Because it's time". You feel something roll beneath your feet. You attack the Caaws: You miss. You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You miss. You miss. You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are frozen. *Ouch!* You miss. You miss. You attack Y'golonac: You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. You miss. You hit. You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. You hit. You hit. You miss. You miss. You hit. You miss. *Ouch!* You stand your ground! *Ouch!* *Ouch!* Y'golonac attacks you: It touches. *Ouch!* You feel very stupid. It bites. *Ouch!* It misses. It bites. *Ouch!* The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. *Ouch!* Y'golonac wails out in pain! It crushes. *Ouch!* The cave quakes! You are pummeled with debris! You are crushed between the floor and ceiling! *Ouch!* It misses. It touches. Energy drains from your Staff: Identify (0/10) {100%}! You refuse to be frightened. The Serpent of Chaos breathes Disintegration. You behold the infernal visage of Cthugha, the Living Flame! You behold the dreadful visage of Y'golonac! The mithril evaporates! The Orcish Pick is unaffected! The Small Sword evaporates! The Ring is unaffected! The adamantite evaporates! The Mithril Arrows evaporate! The Two-Handed Sword evaporates! The adamantite evaporates! The adamantite evaporates! The Long Sword evaporates! The Set of Gauntlets is unaffected! You stand your ground! *Ouch!* Really choose 26 Potions of Healing {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You are no longer bleeding. *Ouch!* You are no longer poisoned. You have 25 Potions of Healing {!kq}. The Caaws invokes Anti-Magic. You feel your magic blocked. The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. *Ouch!* It misses. It bites. *Ouch!* You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel very stupid. You feel very naive. You feel very insecure. It misses. Really choose 25 Potions of Healing {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You have 24 Potions of Healing {!kq}. Cthugha, the Living Flame attacks Saruman of Many Colours: It touches. He is immune! It touches. He is burned! He resists. It touches. He is burned! He resists. It touches. He is burned! He is dazed. The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. *Ouch!* It misses. It bites. *Ouch!* You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel very stupid. You feel very naive. You feel very insecure. It misses. You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You miss. You miss. You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You are unmade! You stand your ground! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You are disenchanted! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You are unmade! *Ouch!* You are disenchanted! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You hit. It was a good hit! You are shredded! *Ouch!* You are unmade! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You miss. You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You are unmade! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* You hit. You are shredded! *Ouch!* The Serpent of Chaos fires a Rocket. The Caaws resists somewhat. You stand your ground! # # # ##### ... ## ### ### # ## .... ## # # ## .... # ## #### ## #.....# %####### .... .### : ....##%# %%% % %...... .#% %# ..#%%<% % # # .......#. %% #% . # %%# ##%%%%%% ..%...........# R % % % % .%.%.......%..# %#%%% #% % ......%.%....## # #%#%%%%%#%% .......%...##.. #.%= .% % % ##% ...%.......#..# .%.HJ#...# #% #% ...%..........%. ...Ep@.... %% %%% # ..%.%.....%%%... %(.E....#. #%#%##% %% #% %.# .....%# %%#.. %%]...%. %% ## %..%% #%. ......# %%%#%%%%%% ## ..## %## #.% %# ###### # Sigh :( Goodbye, Deerust XIII! =================================== Options =================================== Preserve Mode: On Level Size: Small Coffee Large Dungeons: Arena Only Arena Levels: Sometimes Pantheons: Olympian, Hindu No Selling: On Competition Mode: On Score Multiplier: 112.94% Adjusted Score: 4634161