[Sil 1.3.0 Character Dump] Name Debo Age 214 Str 2 Sex Male Height 6'10 Dex 5 Race Noldor Weight 153 Con 4 House Feanor Gra 3 Game Turn 5,229 Melee (+15,1d11) Melee 15 = 11 +5 -1 Exp Pool 1,540 Bows (+6,2d7) Archery 6 = 0 +5 +1 Total Exp 12,740 Armor [+8,4-11] Evasion 8 = 6 +5 -3 Burden 85.4 Stealth 8 = 4 +5 -1 Max Burden 144.0 Health 0:41 Perception 7 = 4 +3 Depth 350' Voice 34:34 Will 3 = 0 +3 Min Depth 250' Smithing 4 = 0 +3 +1 Light Radius 1 Song 3 = 0 +3 You are one of several children of an archer from the house of Feanor. You have light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion. [Last Messages] > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > It burns your mouth and throat. > You have been stunned. > You feel much better. > You have 6 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor (e). > The Shadow touches you. > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Orc soldier misses you. > You feel yourself moving faster! > You have 2 Dark Blue Potions of Quickness (j). > You reorder some items in your pack. > You are no longer stunned. > You have no more Grey Potions of Clarity (k). > The Shadow touches you. > You die. [Screenshot] % ###%%## ooo@W ' #####%# % # [Equipment] a) a Spear (Vampiric) (-1,1d9) {cursed} 3.0 lb It drains life from your enemies. It can be thrown effectively (5 squares). It increases your hunger and is cursed. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. It counts as a type of polearm. b) a Longbow (+0,2d5) 3.0 lb It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength). c) a Ruby Ring of Sustenance It reduces your need for food. d) an Emerald Ring of Strength <+0> It increases your strength by 0. It sustains your strength. e) a Crystal Amulet of Haunted Dreams It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures, but it also draws wraiths to your level. f) a Wooden Torch (722 turns) g) Leather Armour [-1,1d4] h) (nothing) i) a Round Shield [+0,1d3] j) a Great Helm of True Sight [-2,1d3] It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. k) a Set of Gloves l) a Pair of Boots [+0,1d1] m) (nothing) n) (nothing) [Inventory] a) 2 Mottled Herbs of Sustenance b) 5 Thorny Herbs of Terror c) a Yellow Herb of Emptiness d) 3 Fragments of Lembas e) 6 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor f) a Shimmering Potion of Slow Poison g) 2 Dark Blue Potions of Quickness h) a Pale Green Potion of Strength i) a Black Potion of Poison j) a Smoky Potion of Blindness k) a Coral Amulet of Grace <+0> It increases your grace by 0. It sustains your grace. l) 3 Wooden Torches (2000 turns) m) a Helm [+0,1d2] n) The Shortsword of Amrod (+1,1d7) [+1] <+2> {@w0} 1.5 lb It improves your stealth and perception by 2. It grants you freedom of movement. It cannot be harmed by the elements. o) a Shortsword of Gondolin (+1,1d8) [+1] 1.5 lb It slays orcs and trolls. p) a Longsword (+0,2d6) [+1] 3.0 lb q) a Spear of Gondolin (-1,1d9) {@w0} 3.0 lb It slays orcs and trolls. It can be thrown effectively (5 squares). It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. It counts as a type of polearm. r) 3 Spears (Vampiric) (-1,1d9) {cursed} 9.0 lb It drains life from your enemies. It can be thrown effectively (5 squares). It increases your hunger and is cursed. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. It counts as a type of polearm. s) 3 Throwing Axes (+0,2d5) 4.5 lb It can be thrown effectively (8 squares). t) a Battle Axe (-3,3d4) 4.5 lb It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. u) a Sceptre of Power (-1,2d3) <+1> 3.0 lb It improves your will and song by 1. v) 99 Arrows They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Notes] Debo of the Noldor Entered Angband on 26 Dec 2021 Turn Depth Note 6 50 ft Found The Shortsword of Amrod 22 50 ft (Finesse) 2,348 200 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 4,596 350 ft Slew Gorgol, the Butcher 5,229 350 ft Slain by a Shadow. 5,229 350 ft Died on 07 January 2022. ['Score' 007094771]