[FrogComposband 7.1.liquorice (Instant Coffee) Character Dump]
Name : Midnight Rambler5 ========== Stats ==========
Sex : Male Str! : 18/50
Personality: Lucky INT : 18/100
Race : Spectre Wis : 18/102
Subrace : None DEX : 18/***
Class : Ninja CON! : 18/***
Chr : 18/02
Level : 50 HP : 571/834
Cur Exp : 18080743 SP : 0/0
Max Exp : 18080743 AC : 168
Adv Exp : ***** Speed: +21
========== Skills =========
Gold : 116399 Melee : Amber[22]
Kills : 1428 Archery : Amber[12]
Uniques : 41 SavingThrow: Heroic
Artifacts : 0+130 Stealth : Amber[20]
Perception : Heroic
Game Day : 5 Searching : Amber[2]
Game Time : 6:42 Disarming : Amber[10]
Play Time : 59:59 Device : Heroic
============================= Character Equipment =============================
a) The Ninjato 'Backrubber' (2d11) (+19,+19) (+1) {Wi;Bs/XU/*pZ}
Reforged at the Fighters' Hall.
Received: Day 5, 2:43, at CL 50.
b) The Rapier of Pantheras (4d8) (+12,+12) (+5) {WiSr;Bs/XL/*oTP(In
Dropped by Nappa the Saiyan on level 48 of Angband.
Identified: Day 2, 9:00, at CL 40.
c) The Long Bow of Elgebur (x3.56) (+12,+22) [+7] (+4) {DxCn;ShDi(Cn Yoichi}
Dropped by Scatha the Worm on level 78 of Angband.
Identified: Day 3, 13:02, at CL 48.
d) a Quiver of Holding [95 of 170]
Found lying on the floor on level 78 of Angband.
Identified: Day 3, 9:56, at CL 45.
e) a Ring of Combat (+8,+20) (+3) {StDx}
Dropped by Oberon, King of Amber on level 99 of Angband.
Identified: Day 4, 2:57, at CL 50.
f) a Ring of Speed (+11) {Sp}
Found lying on the floor on level 100 of Angband.
Identified: Day 5, 3:11, at CL 50.
g) a Barbarian Talisman [+4] (+1) {Dx;-In;Fe[Sm}
Dropped by an Emerald serpent on level 100 of Angband.
Identified: Day 4, 22:15, at CL 50.
h) The Crystal Ball of Elenna (+4) {CnSl;HlDs(Cn A:List Uniques Palantir of
Dropped by an Archlich on level 100 of Angband.
Identified: Day 4, 20:22, at CL 50.
i) The Robe 'One Million Volt' [7,+15] (+2) {cursed, SpSt;ElFiCoPoShCaDi;Fa[E
Dropped by a Great Hell Wyrm on level 72 of Angband.
Identified: Day 3, 6:18, at CL 43.
j) The Ethereal Cloak of the Dark Lady [0,+20] (+2) {Wi;AcElPoDkNt}
Found lying on the floor on level 100 of Angband.
Identified: Day 4, 21:56, at CL 50.
k) The Knit Cap 'Lion in Flame' (+13,+7) [1,+18] (+2)
{Sr;FiSoCaBl;Si~GoodNolv~poTPULZ Black Belet}
Dropped by Aijem, the Walrus on level 80 of Angband.
Identified: Day 3, 17:37, at CL 50.
l) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Hound' (+13,+6) [1,+21] (+1) {InDxCn;CfDi;Fa}
Dropped by Benedict, the Ideal Warrior on level 72 of Angband.
Identified: Day 3, 7:37, at CL 45.
m) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Ogre King (+2) [4,+20] (+2)
Dropped by Shagrat, the Orc Captain on level 99 of Angband.
Identified: Day 3, 21:34, at CL 50.
||}~=="*((]]] ||}~=="*((]]]
Resistances abcdefghijklm@ Abilities abcdefghijklm@
Acid : .........+...# 65% Speed : .....+..+....+
Electricity: ........++.... 65% Free Act : ........+..+.+ 3x
Fire : ........+.+... 65% See Invis : ..........+..+ 3x
Cold : ........+...++ 72% Warning : ............+.
Poison : ........++...# 78% Slow Digest: .............+
Light : .............. 0% Regenerate : .............. 100%
Dark : .........+.... 30% Levitation : ............++
Confusion : ...........+.. 30% Perm Lite : .......-......
Nether : .........+...+ 40% Reflection : ..............
Nexus : ............+. 30% Hold Life : .......+.....+ 2x
Sound : ..........+... 30% Life Rating: ..............
Shards : ..+.....+..... 40% Dec Mana : ..............
Chaos : ........+.+... 40% Easy Spell : ..............
Disenchantm: ..+.....+..+.. 45% Anti Magic : ..............
Time : .............. 0% Magic Skill: ..............
Blindness : ..........+... 30% Spell Power: ..............
Fear : ......+.....++ 3x Spell Cap : ..............
Magic Res : ..............
||}~=="*((]]] Infravision: .............+ 50'
Auras abcdefghijklm@ Stealth : .......+......
Aura Elec : ........+..... 6d7+2 Searching : .+........+...
Aura Fire : ..............
Aura Cold : .............. ||}~=="*((]]]
Aura Shards: .............. Sustains abcdefghijklm@
Revenge : .............. Sust Str : ..............
Sust Int : .+............
||}~=="*((]]] Sust Wis : ..............
Slays abcdefghijklm@ Sust Dex : .............+
Slay Evil : ++............ Sust Con : ..+....+......
Slay Undead: .*............ Sust Chr : ..............
Slay Demon : *.............
Slay Dragon: .............. ||}~=="*((]]]
Slay Human : +............. Detection abcdefghijklm@
Slay Animal: +............. Telepathy : ..............
Slay Orc : .+............ ESP Evil : ..............
Slay Troll : .+............ ESP Nonliv : ..........+...
Slay Giant : .+............ ESP Living : ..............
Slay Good : .............. ESP Good : ..........+...
Slay Living: .............. ESP Undead : ..........+...
Acid Brand : .............. ESP Demon : ..........+...
Elec Brand : .............. ESP Dragon : ..............
Fire Brand : .............. ESP Human : ..........+...
Cold Brand : .............. ESP Animal : ..........+...
Pois Brand : .............. ESP Orc : ..........+...
Mana Brand : .............. ESP Troll : ..........+...
Sharpness : .............. ESP Giant : ..........+...
Stunning : ..............
Quake : .............. ||}~=="*((]]]
Vampiric : .............. Curses abcdefghijklm@
Chaotic : .............. Cursed : ........+.....
Add Blows : .............. Rnd Tele : ..............
Blessed : ++............ No Tele : ..............
Riding : .............. Drain Exp : ..............
Tunnel : .............. Aggravate : ..............
Throwing : .............. TY Curse : ..............
abcdefghijklm@ Base R C P E Total
Str! : ....3...2...2. 18/70 -5 0 -2 7 18/70 18/50
INT : .s....1....1.. 18/90 4 -1 -2 0 18/100
Wis : 15.......2.... 18/52 2 -1 -2 8 18/122 18/102
DEX : ..4.3.1....12s 18/128 2 3 -2 11 18/***
CON! : ..4....4...12. 18/130 -2 2 -2 11 18/***
Chr : .............. 18/47 -3 2 -2 0 18/17 18/02
==================================== Melee ====================================
Hand #1: The Ninjato 'Backrubber' (2d11) (+19,+19) Accuracy
Weight : 10.0 lbs AC Hit
Profic : Skilled (+13 To Hit) 25 89%
To Hit : 19 + 42 = 61 50 82%
To Dam : 19 + 18 = 37 75 75%
Blows : 4.00 100 69%
Skill : 68.7% 125 62%
Damage 150 55%
Crits : 1.14x (11.2%) 175 49%
Normal : 202 [1.14x] 200 42%
Animals: 278 [2.73x]
Evil : 250 [2.16x]
Humans : 278 [2.73x]
Demons : 392 [5.13x]
Hand #2: The Rapier of Pantheras (4d8) (+12,+12) Accuracy
Weight : 5.5 lbs AC Hit
Profic : !Skilled (+10 To Hit) 25 88%
To Hit : 12 + 33 = 45 50 81%
To Dam : 12 + 6 = 18 75 74%
Blows : 4.06 100 67%
Skill : 74.3% 125 60%
Damage 150 53%
Crits : 1.10x (8.1%) 175 46%
Normal : 152 [1.10x] 200 39%
Evil : 223 [2.09x]
Undead : 432 [4.95x]
Orcs : 295 [3.08x]
Trolls : 295 [3.08x]
Giants : 295 [3.08x]
=================================== Shooting ==================================
Shooting: The Long Bow of Elgebur (x3.56) (+12,+22) [+7] (+4)
Range : 180'
Shots : 1.03
Mult : 3.66x
Profic : !Beginner (+0 To Hit)
To Hit : 12 + 43 = 55
Xtra Dam: 37 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)
Ammo #1 : 95 Seeker Arrows (6d4) (+12,+12) AC Hit
Breakage: 15% 25 89%
Weight : 0.2 lbs 50 83%
To Hit : 12 + 55 = 67 100 72%
To Dam : 12 (Multiplier Applies) 150 60%
To Dam : 37 (Multiplier Does Not Apply) 175 54%
Damage 200 48%
Crits : 1.06x (6.7%)
Normal : 139/143
==================================== Powers ===================================
Lvl Cost Fail Desc Cast Fail
Scare Monster 4 6 3% 0 0 0%
Quick Walk 20 0 0% 106 0 0%
=================================== Spells ====================================
Lvl Cost Fail Desc Cast Fail
a) Create Darkness 1 1 0% 106 5 5%
b) Detect Near 2 2 0% 430 2 0%
c) Hide in Leaves 3 3 0% 436 4 1%
d) Kawarimi 5 3 0% 782 11 1%
e) Absconding 7 8 0% 458 2 0%
f) Hit and Away 8 10 0% 5 0 0%
g) Bind Monster 10 10 0% 0 0 0%
h) Ancient Knowledge 12 12 0% 0 0 0%
i) Floating 15 10 0% dur 20+1d20 0 0 0%
j) Hide in Flame 17 12 0% dam 50 4 0 0%
k) Nyusin 18 20 0% 133 0 0%
l) Syuriken Spreading 20 5 0% 5 0 0%
m) Chain Hook 22 5 0% 2 0 0%
n) Smoke Ball 25 32 0% 0 1 100%
o) Swap Position 28 32 0% 3 0 0%
p) Glyph of Explosion 30 30 0% 0 0 0%
q) Hide in Mud 32 40 0% 142 5 3%
r) Hide in Mist 34 35 0% 11 2 15%
s) Rengoku-Kaen 38 40 0% 6 4 40%
t) Bunshin 41 50 0% 32 1 3%
=================================== Dungeons ==================================
Angband : level 100
Now, you are exploring level 100 of Angband.
==================================== Quests ===================================
Completed Quests
The Thieves' Hideout DL5 CL5 Day 1, 0:37
Pest Control DL5 CL15 Day 1, 1:34
Kill King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings DL9 CL16 Day 1, 2:18
Kill Sangahyando of Umbar DL21 CL21 Day 1, 3:49
Kill The Ultimate Dungeon Cleaner DL24 CL24 Day 1, 5:50
Doom Quest I DL24 CL26 Day 1, 7:19
Vapor Quest DL25 CL26 Day 1, 6:41
The Mimic's Treasure DL25 CL26 Day 1, 8:47
The Angwilian Stables DL30 CL35 Day 1, 21:37
The Old Watchtower DL32 CL35 Day 1, 22:50
Dragon Quest DL42 CL36 Day 2, 2:00
Kill Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw DL42 CL37 Day 2, 5:50
Kill Nappa the Saiyan DL48 CL40 Day 2, 9:00
The Old Castle DL50 CL41 Day 2, 16:53
Doom Quest II DL55 CL42 Day 3, 0:00
Kill Huitzilonevada, the Feathered Boa DL58 CL42 Day 3, 3:48
Kill Benedict, the Ideal Warrior DL72 CL45 Day 3, 7:37
Kill Typhoeus, the Storm Giant DL78 CL47 Day 3, 12:07
Kill Aijem, the Walrus DL80 CL50 Day 3, 17:37
Oberon DL99 CL50 Day 4, 2:55
Failed Quests
Kill Mother Hydra DL36 CL35 Day 1, 20:00
Arena: Defeated by Mummy king in the 34th fight
================================ Monster Kills ================================
You have defeated 1428 enemies including 41 unique monsters in total and 15
monsters on this level. There are 205 uniques remaining.
Uniques Lvl
Oberon, King of Amber 99
Typhoeus, the Storm Giant 85
Aijem, the Walrus 83
Benedict, the Ideal Warrior 79
Iketa, the Brave 70
Saruman of Many Colours 60
Huitzilonevada, the Feathered Boa 60
Ancalagon the Black 58
Nidhogg the Hel-Drake 55
Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 55
The King in Yellow 53
The Ancient Roc of Okeldad 52
Nappa the Saiyan 50
Moe, the Cyclops 49
The Shadow Fiend 48
Charon, Boatman of the Styx 47
Scatha the Worm 44
Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw 44
Judge Fear 43
Judge Mortis 41
Non-uniques Lvl Count Non-uniques Lvl Count
Hell hound of Julian 83 11 Manes 7 39
Hell spider 80 11 Bloodletter of Khorne 34 34
Lourph 79 9 Olog 35 33
Pit Fiend 77 1 Vrock 40 31
Unmaker 77 1 Flying skull 15 31
Aether hound 75 1 Imp 17 29
Black reaver 71 1 Arch-vile 21 28
Disintegrate spider 70 7 Water troll 33 27
Great Wyrm of Law 67 1 Cave ogre 26 22
Great Wyrm of Chaos 67 1 Revenant 36 20
Chaos hound 65 1 Sea troll 35 20
Archlich 64 1 Phase spider 20 20
Shadowlord 62 1 Vampire lord 39 15
Nagaraja 60 1 Uruk 18 15
Undead spider 60 8 Clubber demon 40 14
Great Storm Wyrm 58 1 Mature multi-hued dragon 38 14
Hru 56 1 Baby multi-hued dragon 11 14
Elder storm giant 56 1 Star vampire 35 12
Bloodthirster 55 1 Door mimic 18 12
Great Hell Wyrm 55 2 Hell hound of Julian 83 11
================================== Mutations ==================================
There is a white aura surrounding you.
============================= Character Inventory =============================
26 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery {75% off}
3 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
42 Potions of Healing {!kq}
9 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}
51 Potions of Curing {25% off}
4 Scrolls of Recharging
7 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
22 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
7 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
2 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
a Rod: Recall (4/4) {1%}
a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d36+36, 3/3) {8%, @zs!sdk}
a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d43+43, 3/4) {8%, @zs!sdk}
a Wand: Disintegrate (dam 236, 0/5) {27%, @ad!sdk}
a Wand of Regeneration: Disintegrate (dam 350, 1/4) (+4) {54%, @ad!sdk}
a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (dam 325, 0/6) (+4) {14%, @ar!sdk}
a Staff: Destruction (power 221, 2/8) {1%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (power 342, 1/7) {4%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff: Banish (4/8) {5%}
a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 72, 12/12) {1%, @uu!sdk}
a Staff: Healing (heal 306, 0/4) {1%, @uh!sdk}
a Staff: Healing (heal 306, 0/4) {1%, @uh!sdk}
a Staff of Resistance: Healing (heal 310, 0/5) {1%, @uh!sdk}
a Staff: Dispel Evil (dam 260, 0/4) {21%}
a Staff of Capacity: Mana Storm (dam 408, 1/5) (+2) {43%}
============================== Character Quiver ===============================
95 Seeker Arrows (6d4) (+12,+12)
================================ Home Inventory ===============================
30 15 Mushrooms of Cure Poison {75% off}
15 6 Mushrooms of Cure Blindness {50% off}
19 5 Mushrooms of Cure Paranoia {25% off}
3 33 Mushrooms of Cure Confusion {90% off}
120 51 Potions of Speed {!kq}
27 38 Potions of Heroism {25% off}
20 6 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
25 39 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds {50% off}
150 8 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
40 16 Potions of Restore Life Levels {90% off}
250 5 Potions of Resistance {!kq}
60 29 Potions of Curing {25% off}
113 11 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
100 20 Scrolls of Remove Curse
4000 4 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
3000 3 Scrolls of Mundanity
30 4 Scrolls of Magic Mapping
8 13 Scrolls of Monster Confusion {75% off}
500 a Scroll of Rune of Protection
1000 a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
4150 a Rod: Detection (2/2) {1%}
3850 a Rod: Detection (2/2) {1%}
3450 a Rod of Simplicity: Recall (3/3) (+2) {1%}
6625 a Rod: Recall (8/8) {1%}
11852 a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d38+38, 2/2) {8%, @zs!sdk}
15811 a Rod: Acid Ball (dam 228, 2/2) {1%}
17777 a Rod of Simplicity: Fire Ball (dam 221, 2/2) (+3) {1%}
21343 a Rod: Nether Ball (dam 375, 3/3) {15%}
11800 a Rod of Capacity: Sound Ball (dam 110, 2/2) (+4) {1%}
8983 a Wand of Resistance: Teleport Other (18/18) {1%}
7750 a Wand: Teleport Other (20/20) {1%}
8400 a Wand: Stone to Mud (33/33) {1%}
5143 a Wand: Frost Ball (dam 82, 8/8) {1%}
14153 a Wand of Simplicity: Disintegrate (dam 223, 4/4) (+3) {8%, @ad!sdk}
11965 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (dam 339, 4/4) {11%}
24980 a Wand of Simplicity: Tsunami (dam 216, 11/11) (+3) {11%}
2872 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 66, 4/4) {1%}
3670 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 68, 6/6) {1%}
4251 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 73, 6/6) {1%}
9382 a Wand: Meteor (dam 26d13, 5/5) {1%}
2375 a Staff: Enlightenment (9/9) {1%}
5875 a Staff: Teleport (15/15) {1%}
14917 a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (power 158, 6/6) {1%, @ud!sdk}
15424 a Staff: Destruction (power 167, 7/7) {1%, @ud!sdk}
13874 a Staff: Destruction (power 170, 6/6) {1%, @ud!sdk}
12327 a Staff: Destruction (power 182, 5/5) {1%, @ud!sdk}
7750 a Staff of Capacity: Speed (dur d20+20, 10/10) (+2) {1%, @us!sdk}
6250 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 8/8) {1%, @us!sdk}
6325 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 8/8) {1%, @us!sdk}
12731 a Staff: Healing (heal 250, 4/4) {1%, @uh!sdk}
11684 a Staff: Healing (heal 274, 4/4) {1%, @uh!sdk}
15778 a Staff: Confusing Lights (power 134, 7/7) {1%, @uz!sdk}
400 a Ring
39290 a Ring of Combat (+3,+20) {Fe}
34785 a Ring of Combat (+5,+18) (+2) {DxCn(Cn A:Earthquake}
29450 a Ring of Archery (+13,+20) (+2) {Xs A:Enlightenment}
27190 a Ring of Combat (+22,+15) {Fe}
21435 a Ring of Archery (+5,+13) (+2) {Xs A:Enlightenment}
19640 a Ring of Combat (+7,+15) (+1) {St}
18894 a Ring of Combat (+21,+12) (+2) {St}
17334 a Ring of Archery (+0,+16) (+1) {Dx A:Dimension Door}
15540 a Ring of Combat (+6,+11) (+4) {Cn}
15130 a Ring of Archery (+7,+10) (+1) {Sl;Xs A:Magic Arrow}
14855 a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {Ac A:Breathe Acid}
14790 a Ring (Elemental) [+13] {Sh A:Resist Poison}
11803 a Ring of Protection [+9] {NtNx;Wr}
9500 a Ring of Protection {Po;Si(Dx A:Stone Skin}
29050 The Ring of Illusion (+4) {SpStSr;FiCa;Fa}
19120 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {Sr;DkNx~Tele}
14340 an Amulet of the Magi (+6) {Sr;FaSi~Tele(In}
14215 an Amulet of Devotion (+2) {Wi;Nt;RfFaHl}
13940 an Amulet of the Magi (+4) {Sr;FaSi(In}
12984 a Sacred Pendant [+8] (+3) {St;CfFe;LuBs}
12860 an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {SlSr;Dk A:Unbarring Ways}
12666 an Amulet of the Magi (+1) {InSr~Tele(In}
10000 a Dwarven Necklace (+3) {If;DiBl;Rg}
9600 a Dwarven Necklace (+7) {If;DkBl;Rg}
8205 an Amulet of the Magi (+2) {InSr;Cf;FaSi}
7720 an Amulet (Elemental) {AcFi}
6510 an Amulet of Devotion (+2) [-10%] {WiCh;So A:Remove Curse}
4130 a Barbarian Talisman [+2] (+1) {Dx;Fe}
3488 a Sacred Pendant [+1] (+2) {Wi;HlBs}
2725 a Barbarian Talisman [+2] (+2) {Dx}
1190 a Barbarian Talisman [+2] (+3) {Dx;-In}
19287 The Amulet of Kivutar (+3) {Cn;SoSh;Fa(Cn The Pitch Dark Night}
13130 The Amulet of Ankh (+3) {St;Ca;Fa(St A:Earthquake Carlammas}
28272 The Eye of the Dark-Elves (+4,+4) {FiLiCaFe;Ds A:Clairvoyance All-Seeing
48982 The Augmented Chain Mail of Slippery Slopes (-2) [16,+22] (+1) {cursed,
47752 The Bar Chain Mail of the Desert (-2) [18,+25] (+4)
49668 The Full Plate Armour 'Kiss of Succubus' (-3) [25,+23] (+4)
19791 a Robe of Celestial Protection [2,+13] {CfShCa}
16566 a Robe of the Imp (-1,-4) [2,+10] (+2) {SpDx;FiNtDi;Si}
66648 The Robe of Santa Claus [2,+11] (+1) {If;CoLiCfNtNxShDiFe;Si[FC A:Ray of
Cold Kamikaze Warrior}
33988 The Robe of Bladorthin [2,+26] (+1) {St;AcElNxCa}
18659 Paper Armour of Elvenkind [4,+10] (+1) {DxSl;-St;AcElFiCoSo}
9498 Paper Armour of Elemental Protection [4,+18] {Ac}
48 Soft Leather Armour [4,+0]
413 Soft Studded Leather [5,+3]
20805 Soft Studded Leather of Elvenkind [5,+10] (+2) {DxSl;AcElFiCoSo}
22363 The Soft Studded Leather 'Evening Star' [5,+20] (+1) {StCh;-Lf;AcElFiBl}
34062 Hard Leather Armour of Celestial Protection (-1) [6,+33] {DkNxDiBlFe(St}
20052 Hard Leather Armour of Celestial Protection (-1) [6,+13] {PoSoDi;RfSd}
33028 The Hard Leather Armour 'Great Icefield' (-1) [6,+20] (+2)
24611 The Hard Leather Armour of the Burrahobbits (-1) [6,+10] (+2)
{DxSl;FiCoDkNt Himring}
40236 The Hard Studded Leather 'Holy Prayer' (-1) [7,+20] (+3)
21594 Rhino Hide Armour of Elvenkind (-1) [8,+14] (+3) {Sl;AcElFiCoNx}
48906 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Cracklejacket' (-1) [8,+25] (+2)
31925 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Stonecold' (-1) [13,+10] (+1)
{StWiSr;ElCfNxCaFe;Si(St Dasai}
603 Cord Armour [6,+4]
29847 Cord Armour of Elvenkind [6,+15] (+3) {SpSl;AcElFiCoDi}
29682 Cord Armour of Celestial Protection [6,+22] {AcPoDkNxDiBl;Hl(Wi}
25625 Cord Armour of Celestial Protection [6,+24] {CfCaDi;Fa}
12942 Cord Armour of Augmentation [6,+20] (+1) {StInWiDxCnCh}
27514 Padded Armour of Elvenkind [5,+20] (+3) {Sl;AcElFiCoLiDk}
25624 Padded Armour of Elvenkind [5,+15] (+2) {SpSl;AcElFiCoPo}
22759 Padded Armour of Celestial Protection [5,+18] {NtNxSoFe;Hl}
7294 Padded Armour of Protection [5,+18]
23460 The Padded Armour 'Snow White' [5,+20] (+2) {SpCh;LiFe;Lv(Ch}
40165 a Robe of the Twilight [0,+0]
320 a Cloak [1,+3]
6226 a Cloak of Shadows [1,+12] (+2) {Sl;Dk;Ds}
13904 The Cloak 'Undiscoverd Paradise' [1,+10] (+3) {SpCh Colannon}
4098 an Elven Cloak [4,+9] (+2) {SlSr}
2898 an Elven Cloak [4,+8] (+1) {SlSr}
21648 an Elven Cloak of Elemental Protection [4,+19] (+3) {SlSr;ElFiCoPo}
20598 an Elven Cloak of Shadows [4,+19] (+9) {SlSr;-Li;Dk;Ds}
26084 The Fur Cloak of Hyper Nature [3,+12] (+3) {Cn;DkCfCa Mook}
8823 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+16] {Fe;Lv}
8613 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {LiNx;Lv}
62316 The Large Leather Shield of Slippery Slopes (+8,+11) [6,+21]
35538 The Large Metal Shield of Gemini [8,+20] (+1) {Cn;FiDkNxCa;FaSiHlLv}
78602 The Golden Crown 'Hothead' (+8,+12) [0,+12] (+4) {InIf;FiCoDkNtNxCaDi
22260 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Magi (+0,+9) [0,+11] (+2)
{In;AcFiCoCa;Rg(In A:Identify}
14409 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Might [0,+12] (+2) {StDxCn;-In;Fe;Fa(StDxCn}
48828 The Hard Leather Cap 'Untouchable' [2,+13] (+4) {Sp;AcNtSoCa;Rf(Cn
1333 a Metal Cap [3,+9]
21 a Metal Cap [3,+0]
15345 a Metal Cap of the Vampire [3,+12] (+1) {StChSl;-Wi;PoDkNt;HlDs}
14722 The Iron Helm of the Spellcaster [5,+10] (+3) {InSr;CaBl Holhenneth}
20778 a Mithril Helm of the Vampire [8,+16] (+1) {StChSl;-Wi;CoPoDkNt;HlDs}
8574 a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {ElFi}
751 a Set of Leather Gloves [1,+6]
1 a Set of Leather Gloves [1,+0]
601 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves (+1) [1,+0]
7398 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of the Thief (+3,-4) [1,+11] (+4)
2101 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Free Action (+1) [1,+7] {Fa}
27889 The Set of Gauntlets of the Ogre Queen (+13,+7) [4,+12] {PoNx;Fa}
19424 The Set of Gauntlets of Emeldir (+1,+1) [4,+11] (+2) {Ch;FiShBl;Fa
11073 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Slaying (+6,+9) [4,+8]
10443 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {AcCoNx}
4319 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+9] (+2) {Sp}
32088 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Gondor (+6,+2) [2,+17] (+2)
{Sr;FiCfDi;FaSiHlLv(Cn Flora}
21 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [3,+0]
7971 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Elvenkind [3,+9] (+1) {SpSl;Cf;Lv}
4071 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Protection [3,+12]
32007 The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Falling Leaves [3,+12] (+4)
{StWiCn;ElCf(Cn Bubo}
7969 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+15] {El}
6087 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots (Dwarven) (+2) [10,+10] (+2) {Cn;-Sl;Fa}
7036 a Broken Dagger (Death) (3d3) (+11,+11) {Hl|PV}
24164 The Broken Sword of the Edgelord (3d3) (+11,+11) (+3)
{StDxSlDg;FaHlTe|VS(St Narsil}
559 a Dagger (1d5) (+5,+2)
4 a Dagger (1d5) (+0,+0)
16769 The Dagger 'Norn Iron' (1d5) (+6,+8) [+9] (+3) {InChDg|S/pU(In Rilia}
581 a Main Gauche (1d6) (+2,+4)
14 2 Main Gauches (1d6) (+0,+0)
8565 a Main Gauche (Pattern) (1d6) (+7,+11) (+1) {StCn;Cf;FaSiHl/*UL}
41269 The Main Gauche of Tomoe (2d6) (+25,+23) (+4) {StDxCn;-Ch|VS/Z}
610 a Tanto (1d7) (+4,+3)
16122 a Tanto (Pattern) (1d7) (+12,+16) (+2) {StDxCn;Sh;FaSi/*UL}
10535 a Tanto (Life) (1d7) (+12,+10) (+3) {Lf;HlBs/UL}
31620 The Tanto 'Fire Thorn' (2d7) (+23,+21) (+2) {SpDxSlIf;Lu|F/T A:Dragon's
29 a Rapier (1d8) (+0,+0)
13010 a Small Sword of Slaying (2d8) (+11,+18) {/*A}
7519 a Small Sword (Nature) (1d8) (+8,+11) (+2) {In;Fi;Rg|Co/XZ~Z}
5515 a Small Sword of Sharpness (2d8) (+9,+11) (+1) {Dg|S}
6587 a Short Sword of Sharpness (1d8) (+9,+9) (+5) {Dg|SS}
27876 The Short Sword of the Cube Prince (2d8) (+11,+11) (+3) {StCnSl|AE/o(Ch
A:Breathe Acid Merlin}
1691 a Wakizashi (2d5) (+8,+7)
18155 a Ninjato (Defender) (1d10) (+10,+18) [+8] {AcElFiCo;FaSi(Ch}
38113 The Ninjato of the Edain (4d10) (+21,+14) (+2) {SpStCh/Z}
29307 The Ninjato 'Flamecoat' (2d10) (+10,+16) [+14] (+1) {WiCn;TeBs|M/pU
A:Dispel Undead}
63772 The Two-Handed Sword of Avalon (4d7) (+24,+23) (+3) {Sp;Sd/*UL}
2500 a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
3284 a Dragon Fang (1d9) (+3,+3) {Nt|F}
2411 a Sling (x2) (+9,+7)
15769 a Sling of Buckland (x2) (+23,+11) (+3) {Sp;Li;Xs}
12080 The Sling of Libyan Desert (x2) (+10,+11) (+2) {FiFe;Xs(Cn}
1450 a Short Bow (x2.50) (+5,+6)
47350 The Short Bow of Uvatha (x2.50) (+22,+26) [+13] (+3) {CnIf;AcSh;Xs}
40018 The Short Bow of Gore (x3.01) (+21,+24) (+3) {AcShBl;Xs}
33832 The Short Bow 'Bloodrain' (x2.99) (+6,+3) (+4) {ElSoShFe;Xs A:Lightning
Ball Robin Hood}
1244 a Long Bow (x3) (+5,+4)
14499 a Light Crossbow of Extra Might (x4.20) (+10,+10) (+3) {St}
8602 a Light Crossbow of Velocity (x3.71) (+11,+28)
20271 a Heavy Crossbow of Extra Might (x4.83) (+15,+28) (+2) {St}
23471 The Heavy Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x4) (+15,+31) (+2) {Dx;FiCa;SdLu}
101 31 Bolts (3d5) (+9,+9)
153 6 Bolts of Slaying (3d5) (+10,+10) {/U}
133 14 Bolts (Elemental) (3d5) (+10,+10) {|F}
889 The Bolt 'Edge of Miasma' (4d6) (+10,+11) {|PVM/TZ Wilhelm Tell}
345 27 Steel Bolts of Slaying (4d5) (+7,+9) {/*D}
278 40 Steel Bolts of Slaying (4d5) (+8,+14) {/U}
168 39 Mithril Bolts (5d5) (+10,+10)
210 16 Mithril Bolts (Elemental) (5d5) (+10,+10) {|Co}
325 14 Mithril Bolts of Returning (5d5) (+11,+10)
103 27 Seeker Bolts (6d5) (+4,+5)
440 19 Seeker Bolts of Endurance (6d5) (+12,+11)
164 56 Sheaf Arrows (4d4) (+12,+12)
364 28 Sheaf Arrows of Endurance (4d4) (+12,+12)
189 88 Mithril Arrows (5d4) (+12,+12)
389 49 Mithril Arrows of Endurance (5d4) (+12,+12)
67 19 Seeker Arrows (6d4) (+4,+4)
218 5 Seeker Arrows (6d4) (+12,+12)
18 3 Rounded Pebbles (2d3) (+2,+3)
32 4 Rounded Pebbles (2d3) (+3,+5)
15 16 Iron Shots (3d3) (+2,+2)
23 22 Iron Shots (3d3) (+1,+4)
27 18 Iron Shots (3d3) (+6,+2)
143 59 Mithril Shots (5d3) (+11,+11)
247 27 Mithril Shots of Holy Might (5d3) (+9,+6) {Bs|F/*UL}
293 27 Mithril Shots of Returning (5d3) (+11,+11)
1000 a Capture Ball (empty) {A:Capture Pet}
1 99 Iron Spikes (101/202) {@vz}
================================== Statistics =================================
Found : 2196334
Selling : 1191632
Winnings : 0 3387966
Purchases: 164483
Services : 3107084
Stolen : 0 3271567
Objects Found : 8357
Objects Bought : 1094
Objects Destroyed: 2093
Equipment Found Bought Used Dest
Weapons 558 4 65 375
Shields 74 0 1 54
Bows 126 0 13 54
Quivers 19 1 3 1
Rings 57 0 62 3
Amulets 69 0 17 1
Lights 25 0 8 1
Body Armor 562 0 30 364
Cloaks 87 0 17 54
Helmets 90 1 17 61
Gloves 66 1 20 48
Boots 61 1 21 42
Totals 1775 7 271 1057
Devices Found Bought Used Dest
Wands 62 0 290 3
Staves 77 0 567 12
Rods 63 0 247 1
Potions 477 204 167 37
Scrolls 396 104 109 38
Totals 1075 308 1380 91
Other Found Bought Used Dest
Shots 1262 40 478 120
Arrows 1751 0 98 50
Bolts 1684 30 289 86
Syuriken 15 386 546 132
Spellbooks 118 0 0 3
Food 166 322 138 26
Corpses 194 0 0 195
Skeletons 49 0 0 50
Chests 16 0 0 16
Totals 5240 392 1003 546
Potions Found Bought Used Dest
Cure Critical Wounds 0 10 2 0
Curing 80 45 25 0
Speed 77 10 25 4
Clarity 14 0 0 5
Healing 66 0 22 2
*Healing* 9 0 0 0
Restore Mana 1 0 0 0
Restore Life Levels 36 25 1 4
Strength 7 0 3 0
Intelligence 8 0 8 0
Wisdom 6 0 6 0
Dexterity 3 0 3 0
Constitution 10 0 8 0
Charisma 7 0 7 0
New Life 2 0 0 0
Experience 3 0 3 0
Totals 477 204 167 37
Scrolls Found Bought Used Dest
Phase Door 1 0 0 0
Word of Recall 27 14 5 3
Identify 67 0 0 3
*Identify* 3 0 0 0
Remove Curse 28 20 4 2
*Remove Curse* 2 5 3 0
Teleportation 41 0 0 1
Teleport Level 9 0 0 0
Destruction 8 0 0 1
Genocide 3 0 1 0
Mass Genocide 3 0 0 0
Forest Creation 0 0 0 1
Acquirement 3 0 2 1
Totals 396 104 109 38
Wands Found Bought Used Dest
Stone to Mud 4 0 64 1
Teleport Other 6 0 31 0
Vampirism 5 0 17 0
Dragon's Frost 4 0 0 0
Dragon's Flame 4 0 4 0
Tsunami 2 0 24 0
Dragon's Breath 1 0 0 0
Meteor 4 0 28 0
Annihilation 1 0 0 1
Disintegrate 3 0 96 0
Rocket 1 0 15 0
Totals 62 0 290 3
Staves Found Bought Used Dest
Identify 8 0 0 1
Enlightenment 3 0 3 0
Curing 2 0 10 1
Cure Wounds 2 0 215 1
Telepathy 1 0 0 1
Speed 6 0 46 2
Destruction 8 0 81 0
Healing 6 0 103 0
Confusing Lights 4 0 5 0
Mana Storm 1 0 33 0
Star Burst 1 0 0 0
Totals 77 0 567 12
Rods Found Bought Used Dest
Detect Traps 1 0 0 0
Detect Monsters 1 0 0 0
Recall 5 0 26 0
Detection 6 0 15 0
Enlightenment 1 0 27 0
Sound Ball 3 0 1 0
Heroic Speed 3 0 103 0
Clairvoyance 1 0 0 0
Totals 63 0 247 1
Spellbooks Found Bought Used Dest
Third Spellbooks 67 0 0 1
Fourth Spellbooks 19 0 0 0
Totals 118 0 0 3
Egos Found : 1362
Egos Bought : 0
Egos Destroyed: 60
Egos Found Bought Dest
Ring of Speed 6 0 0
Jewelry (Defender) 6 0 0
Boots of Elvenkind 4 0 0
Boots of the Sprite 1 0 0
Boots of Speed 4 0 1
Monsters Kills Pct Spells Count Pct
Animals 235 16.4% Observed 4342 4.2%
Breeders 22 1.5% Expected 10980 10.7%
Demons 280 19.6% Failures 408 9.3%
Dragons 205 14.3% Summon 368 8.4%
Giants 52 3.6% Heal 110 2.5%
Hounds 35 2.4% Escape 119 2.7%
Humans 108 7.5% Offense 2274 52.3%
Orcs 57 3.9% Other 1063 24.4%
Trolls 132 9.2%
Undead 202 14.1% Unique Spells Count Pct
Uniques 41 2.8% Observed 1172 19.0%
Expected 1718 27.9%
Evil Monsters 1070 74.9% Failures 86 7.3%
Good Monsters 13 0.9% Summon 203 17.3%
Neutral Monsters 346 24.2% Heal 50 4.2%
Escape 67 5.7%
Totals 1428 Offense 501 42.7%
Other 265 22.6%
Life Rating: 110%
================================ Last Messages ================================
You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
The Hand druj invokes Dispel Magic. You feel yourself slow down. The
heroism wears off. Your Shadow disappears.
You feel yourself moving much faster! You feel like a hero!
You have a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d36+36, 2/3) {8%, @zs!sdk}.
You begin to move extremely fast.
Your mantle of shadow becomes thin.
You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You make a surprise attack, and hit it
with a powerful blow! You are exposed to common sight once more. You
are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You stand your ground! You are
disenchanted! You miss. You miss. You miss. You hit. You are shredded!
You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You are unmade!
You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes! You have escaped just
before the attack hit you.
The summoning is blocked!
You are now prepared to evade any attacks.
The summoning is blocked! (x2)
You became ethereal form. You feel resistant to acid!
You feel yourself regenerating quickly! The food of mortals is poor
sustenance for you. You have 26 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery {75% off} in
your pack.
You cannot run in here. You are no longer moving extremely fast.
The summoning is blocked!
The Hand druj invokes Dispel Magic. You feel yourself slow down. The
heroism wears off. You are no longer in an ethereal form. You feel
yourself regenerating slowly. You feel less resistant to acid.
Target Aborted.
You have a Staff: Banish (4/8) {5%}.
The Hand druj points at you, incanting terribly! There is a malignant
black aura surrounding Robe 'One Million Volt'... Failed! You are hit
by the attack.
You are now prepared to evade any attacks.
You became ethereal form. You feel resistant to acid! You stand your
ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. => .
Really choose 43 Potions of Healing {!kq}? [y/n] => y.
You have 42 Potions of Healing {!kq}.
You failed to use the device properly.
The 5-headed hydra casts a Stinking Cloud. You have escaped just before
the attack hit you.
You are now prepared to evade any attacks.
The Serpent of Chaos summons Cyberdemons. The summoning is blocked!
The Hand druj points at you, incanting terribly! You stand your ground!
Failed! You are hit by the attack.
You are now prepared to evade any attacks.
Your mantle of shadow becomes thin. You attack The Serpent of Chaos:
You hit. You are exposed to common sight once more. You are shredded!
You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You miss. You miss. You miss. You
miss. You miss.
You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes! You have escaped just
before the attack hit you.
=================================== Options ===================================
Game Speed: Instant Coffee
Depth Revisits: 12
Preserve Mode: On
Level Size: Instant Coffee (allow big)
Easy Identify: On
Easy Lore: On
Wilderness: Off
Arena Levels: Sometimes
Random Artifacts: 100%
Reduce Uniques: 60%
Competition Mode: On