[Angband 4.2.0 Character Dump] Name Muidib Age 17 Self RB CB EB Best Race Human Height 5'4" Str: 18/34 +0 +1 +2 18/64 18/44 Class Paladin Weight 12st 3lb Int: 14 +0 -3 +4 15 14 Title Chevalier Turns used: WIS: 17 +0 +1 +5 18/50 HP -2/297 Game 1493000 DEX: 18/50 +0 -1 +4 18/80 SP 75/75 Standard 188765 CON: 11 +0 +2 +0 13 Resting 19967 Level 37 Armor [66,+72] Saving Throw 69% Cur Exp 594405 Stealth Bad Max Exp 619490 Melee 1d9,+20 Disarm - phys. 75% Adv Exp 700000 To-hit 71,-3 Disarm - magic 50% Blows 2.8/turn Magic Devices 58 Gold 187040 Searching 54% Burden 150.6 lb Shoot to-dam +13 Infravision 0 ft Overweight -17.3 lb To-hit 53,-1 Speed 9 (1.9x) Max Depth 2100' (L42) Shots 1.0/turn You are one of several children of a Landed Knight. You are a credit to the family. You have brown eyes, wavy brown hair, and an average complexion. Resistances Abilities Acid:....+.+.+.... pFear:............. Elec:......+.+.... pBlnd:........+.... Fire:......+.+.... pConf:............. Cold:......+.+.... pStun:............. Pois:............. HLife:............. Light:+.......+.... Regen:............. Dark:........+.... ESP:.+........... Sound:............. S.Inv:+............ Shard:......++..... FrAct:.+........... Nexus:......+...... Feath:............. Nethr:............. S.Dig:............. Chaos:............. TrpIm:............. Disen:............. Bless:............. Hindrances Modifiers ImpHP:............. Stea.:...........+. ImpSP:............. Sear.:............. Fear:............! Infra:............. Aggrv:............. Tunn.:............. NoTel:............. Speed:..++........! DrExp:............. Blows:............. Stick:............. Shots:............. Fragl:............. Might:.+........... Light:+....+....... D.Red:............. Moves:............. [Last Messages] > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > Your Pair of Leather Boots of Stealth (l) was disenchanted! > The death mold releases spores at you. > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > You feel your life draining away! > You are too confused to read! > You feel very good. > You are no longer confused. > You have 13 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (d). > The death mold releases spores at you. > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > Your Leather Shield of Celegorm (i) was disenchanted! > The death mold releases spores at you. > You die. > You have a Maul of Westernesse (4d4) (+7,+7) <+2, +1> (k). Killed by a death mold. [Character Equipment] a) the Quarterstaff 'Eriril' (1d9) (+13,+15) <+4, +1> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1600 feet (level 32) +4 intelligence. +4 wisdom. +1 light. Slays evil creatures. Provides resistance to light. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Grants the ability to see invisible things. When activated, it detects all objects in the immediate area. Takes 147 to 290 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 92.1% Combat info: 2.8 blows/round. With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.1 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 3.3 blows Average damage/round: 89.2 vs. evil creatures, and 74.3 vs. others. b) a Long Bow of LothlĂłrien (x5) (+15,+13) <+4, +2> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1600 feet (level 32) +4 dexterity. +2 shooting power. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Grants telepathy. Prevents paralysis. c) a Ring of Speed <+5> Dropped by a dark dwarven lord at 1000 feet (level 20) +5 speed. d) a Ring of Speed <+7> Found lying on the floor at 1500 feet (level 30) +7 speed. e) an Amulet of Resist Acid Provides resistance to acid. f) the Phial of Galadriel <+3> Found lying on the floor of a labyrinth at 900 feet (level 18) +3 light. Cannot be harmed by fire. Intensity 3 light. When activated, it lights up the surrounding area, hurting light-sensitive creatures. Takes 31 to 58 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.0% g) the Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [40,+14] <+2> Dropped by a half-orc at 900 feet (level 18) +2 strength. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, shards, nexus. Cannot be harmed by acid. h) a Fur Cloak of Protection [3,+6] Conjured forth by magic at 1200 feet (level 24) Provides resistance to shards. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. i) the Leather Shield of Celegorm [8,+19] Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1500 feet (level 30) Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, dark. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid. j) an Iron Helm of Wisdom [7,+5] <+1> Dropped by a mummified human at 1550 feet (level 31) +1 wisdom. Sustains wisdom. k) a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Slaying (+1,+2) [6,+11] Found lying on the floor of a labyrinth at 1800 feet (level 36) Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. l) a Pair of Leather Boots of Stealth [2,+5] <+1> Dropped by a snow troll at 1600 feet (level 32) +1 stealth. [Character Inventory] a) 5 Holy Books of Prayers [Novice's Handbook] You can read this book. b) 4 Holy Books of Prayers [Healing and Sanctuary] Cannot be harmed by fire. You can read this book. c) 12 Rations of Food d) 13 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds e) 9 Potions of Neutralize Poison f) 5 Potions of Restore Life Levels g) 3 Potions of Speed h) 21 Scrolls of Phase Door i) 5 Scrolls of Identify Rune j) 3 Scrolls of Word of Recall k) a Maul of Westernesse (4d4) (+7,+7) <+2, +1> Dropped by a mummified chieftain at 2050 feet (level 41) +2 strength. +1 dexterity. +2 constitution. Slays giants, trolls, orcs. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Prevents paralysis. Combat info: 2.8 blows/round. With +4 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.1 blows With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 3.3 blows Average damage/round: 126.2 vs. giants, 126.2 vs. trolls, 126.2 vs. orcs, and 65.8 vs. others. l) a Shovel of Digging (1d2) (+7,+9) <+2> Found lying on the floor at 1000 feet (level 20) +2 tunneling. Branded with acid. Combat info: 3.7 blows/round. With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.0 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 4.1 blows Average damage/round: 69.5 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, and 58 vs. others. [Character Quiver] 0) 9 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) Combat info: Hits targets up to 160 feet away. Average damage/round: 77.5. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. [Home Inventory] a) 14 Holy Books of Prayers [Novice's Handbook] You can read this book. b) 11 Rations of Food c) a Potion of Restore Life Levels d) a Ring of Dexterity <+3> Bought from a store +3 dexterity. Sustains dexterity. e) a Ring of Slaying (+10,+2) Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1600 feet (level 32) f) a Lantern (Everburning) Found lying on the floor of a special room at 400 feet (level 8) Cannot be harmed by fire. Intensity 3 light. No fuel required. g) the Star of Elendil <+3> Found lying on the floor of a labyrinth at 1800 feet (level 36) +3 light. Cannot be harmed by fire. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Intensity 3 light. When activated, it maps the area around you. Takes 147 to 290 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 90.6% h) Augmented Chain Mail of Resistance (-2) [42,+15] Found lying on the floor in a pit at 1050 feet (level 21) Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold. Cannot be harmed by acid. i) Partial Plate Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [40,+14] <+1, +3> Dropped by an ogre mage at 1700 feet (level 34) +1 strength. +1 constitution. +3 infravision. Cannot be harmed by acid. Prevents paralysis. j) Studded Leather Armour of Resistance (-1) [12,+11] Dropped by Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman at 450 feet (level 9) Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. k) Hard Leather Armour of Elvenkind (-1) [16,+10] <+2> Found lying on the floor in a pit at 1050 feet (level 21) +2 stealth. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. l) a Large Metal Shield of Preservation [12,+17] Dropped by a young white dragon at 2000 feet (level 40) Provides resistance to disenchantment. Cannot be harmed by acid. Sustains strength, dexterity, constitution. Sustains your life force. m) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Serenity [0,+7] Dropped by Beorn, the Shape-Changer at 1500 feet (level 30) Provides resistance to sound. Provides protection from fear, confusion, stunning. Cannot be harmed by acid. n) a Set of Caestus of Free Action (+0,+3) [5,+4] Dropped by a young multi-hued dragon at 1500 feet (level 30) Prevents paralysis. o) the Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d4) (+9,+12) [+10] Dropped by Orfax, Son of Boldor at 500 feet (level 10) Branded with cold. Provides resistance to cold. Cannot be harmed by acid. When activated, it creates a frost bolt with damage 6d8. Takes 23 to 43 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.4% Combat info: 4.7 blows/round. With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 5.0 blows Average damage/round: 117.5 vs. creatures not resistant to cold, and 93.2 vs. others. p) the Dagger 'Narthanc' (1d4) (+9,+12) [+10] Dropped by Lugdush, the Uruk at 1000 feet (level 20) Branded with fire. Provides resistance to fire. Cannot be harmed by acid. When activated, it creates a fire bolt with damage 9d8. Takes 26 to 46 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.4% Combat info: 4.7 blows/round. With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 5.0 blows Average damage/round: 117.5 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, and 93.2 vs. others. q) the Dagger 'Dethanc' (1d4) (+9,+12) [+10] Dropped by Nár, the Dwarf at 1000 feet (level 20) Branded with lightning. Provides resistance to lightning. Cannot be harmed by acid. When activated, it creates a lightning bolt (that always beams) with damage 6d6. Takes 20 to 34 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.4% Combat info: 4.7 blows/round. With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 5.0 blows Average damage/round: 117.5 vs. creatures not resistant to lightning, and 93.2 vs. others. r) a Main Gauche (Holy Avenger) (1d5) (+12,+8) [+4] <+1> Found lying on the floor of a special room at 1700 feet (level 34) +1 wisdom. Slays undead, demons, evil creatures. Provides protection from fear. Sustains intelligence. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Blessed by the gods. Combat info: 4.7 blows/round. With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 5.0 blows Average damage/round: 115.6 vs. undead, 115.6 vs. demons, 101.3 vs. evil creatures, and 86.6 vs. others. s) the Rapier 'Forasgil' (1d6) (+12,+19) <+1> Found lying on the floor of a special room at 450 feet (level 9) +1 light. Slays animals. Branded with cold. Provides resistance to cold, light. Cannot be harmed by acid. Combat info: 4.1 blows/round. With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.5 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 4.5 blows Average damage/round: 146 vs. creatures not resistant to cold, 131 vs. animals, and 116 vs. others. t) the Morning Star 'Bloodspike' (2d6) (+8,+22) <+4> Dropped by an illusionist at 1000 feet (level 20) +4 strength. Slays trolls, orcs, animals. Branded with poison. Provides resistance to nexus. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 3.1 blows/round. With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.5 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 3.5 blows Average damage/round: 162.8 vs. creatures not resistant to poison, 162.8 vs. trolls, 162.8 vs. orcs, 140 vs. animals, and 117 vs. others. u) the Flail 'Totila' (3d6) (+16,+12) <+2> Dropped by Boldor, King of the Yeeks at 700 feet (level 14) +2 stealth. +2 speed. Slays evil creatures. Branded with fire. Provides resistance to fire. Provides protection from confusion. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. When activated, it confuses a target monster. Takes 43 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 92.1% Combat info: 2.8 blows/round. With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.1 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 3.3 blows Average damage/round: 145.9 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 114.2 vs. evil creatures, and 82.3 vs. others. v) the Mace 'Taratol' (3d4) (+12,+12) Dropped by Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain at 1350 feet (level 27) Slays dragons (powerfully). Branded with lightning. Provides immunity to lightning. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. When activated, it hastens you for d20+20 turns. Takes 292 to 580 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 92.1% Combat info: 2.3 blows/round. With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 2.8 blows Average damage/round: 99.9 vs. creatures not resistant to lightning, 138.2 vs. dragons, and 61.8 vs. others. w) a Maul (Holy Avenger) (4d4) (+7,+16) [+1] <+4> Dropped by a lord of Carn Dűm at 2000 feet (level 40) +4 wisdom. Slays undead, demons, evil creatures. Provides protection from fear. Sustains constitution. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Blessed by the gods. Combat info: 2.3 blows/round. With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 2.8 blows Average damage/round: 132.8 vs. undead, 132.8 vs. demons, 107.5 vs. evil creatures, and 82.3 vs. others. x) a Light Crossbow of the Haradrim (x4) (+10,+10) <+6, +1> Found lying on the floor at 1500 feet (level 30) +6 shooting speed. +1 shooting power. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. [Player history] Turn Depth Note 0 0' Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 81 50' Reached level 2 144 50' Reached level 3 1268 50' Reached level 4 3800 50' Reached level 5 8399 100' Reached level 6 9430 150' Reached level 7 9950 150' Reached level 8 11305 150' Reached level 9 12852 200' Reached level 10 15679 200' Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog 15733 200' Reached level 11 16442 300' Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit 16693 300' Reached level 12 18113 0' Reached level 13 19445 300' Reached level 14 21011 400' Reached level 15 26633 450' Reached level 16 27399 450' Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog 27579 450' Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 27682 450' Found the Rapier 'Forasgil' 29734 500' Reached level 17 29747 500' Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor 29747 500' Found the Dagger 'Nimthanc' 32386 550' Reached level 18 33542 600' Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 33549 600' Reached level 19 33559 600' Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc 33757 0' Killed Farmer Maggot 35234 600' Killed Lagduf, the Snaga 35392 600' Reached level 20 37429 700' Reached level 21 37595 700' Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks 37598 700' Found the Flail 'Totila' 40498 700' Reached level 22 44234 750' Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 44947 750' Reached level 23 49892 900' Reached level 24 52266 900' Reached level 25 52499 900' Found the Phial of Galadriel 52707 900' Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui 57326 1000' Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang 57403 1000' Reached level 26 57423 1000' Killed Lugdush, the Uruk 57967 1000' Found the Dagger 'Narthanc' 58831 1000' Killed Nár, the Dwarf 58925 1000' Found the Dagger 'Dethanc' 61203 1000' Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain 63108 1000' Reached level 27 63464 1000' Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain 69896 1000' Found the Morning Star 'Bloodspike' 71267 1000' Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang 73862 1000' Reached level 28 73918 1000' Killed Bolg, Son of Azog 75867 1000' Killed Old Man Willow 76484 1000' Killed Brodda, the Easterling 77367 1000' Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord 82025 1050' Reached level 29 83490 1100' Killed UglĂşk, the Uruk 86046 1100' Killed SmĂ©agol 92234 1150' Killed Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves 93835 1200' Killed AngamaitĂ« of Umbar 93864 1200' Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 94982 1200' Killed KhĂ®m, Son of MĂ®m 96099 1200' Killed Ibun, Son of MĂ®m 100426 1250' Reached level 30 103850 1350' Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain 103883 1350' Found the Mace 'Taratol' 113787 1500' Reached level 31 119718 1500' Killed Tom the Stone Troll 119746 1500' Killed Bert the Stone Troll 119781 1500' Killed Bill the Stone Troll 122309 1500' Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer 131039 1500' Reached level 32 140445 1500' Found the Leather Shield of Celegorm 144767 1600' Found the Quarterstaff 'Eriril' 145428 1600' Reached level 33 157443 1700' Killed MĂ®m, Betrayer of Turin 159474 1700' Reached level 34 162798 1700' Killed Uldor the Accursed 166325 1800' Found the Star of Elendil 167681 1850' Reached level 35 169245 1900' Reached level 35 176547 2000' Reached level 36 177667 2000' Reached level 36 179449 2000' Killed Castamir the Usurper 184770 2050' Reached level 37 [Options] [User interface] Use the roguelike command keyset : no (rogue_like_commands) Use sound : no (use_sound) Show damage player deals to monsters : no (show_damage) Use old target by default : no (use_old_target) Always pickup items : no (pickup_always) Always pickup items matching inventory : yes (pickup_inven) Show flavors in object descriptions : no (show_flavors) Highlight target with cursor : yes (show_target) Highlight player with cursor between turns : no (highlight_player) Disturb whenever viewable monster moves : yes (disturb_near) Show walls as solid blocks : no (solid_walls) Show walls with shaded background : no (hybrid_walls) Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow : no (view_yellow_light) Color: Shimmer multi-colored things : no (animate_flicker) Center map continuously : no (center_player) Color: Show unique monsters in purple : no (purple_uniques) Automatically clear '-more-' prompts : no (auto_more) Color: Player color indicates % hit points : yes (hp_changes_color) Allow mouse clicks to move the player : yes (mouse_movement) Notify on object recharge : no (notify_recharge) Show effective speed as multiplier : no (effective_speed) [Birth] Generate a new, random artifact set : no (birth_randarts) Generate connected stairs : no (birth_connect_stairs) Force player descent (never make up stairs) : no (birth_force_descend) Word of Recall has no effect : no (birth_no_recall) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (birth_no_artifacts) Stack objects on the floor : yes (birth_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (birth_lose_arts) Show level feelings : yes (birth_feelings) Increase gold drops but disable selling : yes (birth_no_selling) Start with a kit of useful gear : yes (birth_start_kit) Monsters learn from their mistakes : yes (birth_ai_learn) Know all runes on birth : no (birth_know_runes) Know all flavors on birth : no (birth_know_flavors) Persistent levels (experimental) : no (birth_levels_persist) To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no (birth_percent_damage)