[FrogComposband 7.1.toffee (Development) Character Dump] ***LOSER*** Name : HelOkra 220 ========== Stats ========== Sex : Female STR : 18/*** Personality: Hasty INT : 12 Race : Tonberry WIS : 13 Subrace : None DEX : 18/82 Class : Chaos-Warrior CON : 18/150 Realm : Chaos CHR : 18 Patron : Hionhurn Level : 35 HP : -42/678 Cur Exp : 806475 SP : 0/35 Max Exp : 806475 AC : 95 Adv Exp : 981000 Speed: +7-10 ========== Skills ========= Gold : 25992 Melee : Heroic (195) Kills : 1365 Archery : Heroic (189) Uniques : 21 SavingThrow: Excellent (68) Artifacts : 3+5 Stealth : Poor (2) Perception : Fair (29) Game Day : 10 Searching : Poor (21) Game Time : 1:23 Disarming : Fair (38) Play Time : 03:03 Device : Good (55) ============================= Character Equipment ============================= a) a Tanto (Death) (1d7) (+11,+10) {Hl|PV A:Nether Bolt} Dropped by a Gelatinous cube in the quest 'Tengu and Death Swords'. Identified: Day 3, 6:24, at CL 25. b) a Small Metal Shield of Celestial Protection [5,+8] {PoFe;Hl} Dropped by a Mature blue dragon in the wilderness. Identified: Day 6, 12:01, at CL 32. c) The Light Crossbow of Upeenimi (x3.50) (+14,+11) (+3) {Cf;Xs} Dropped by Smeagol in the quest 'The Vault'. Identified: Day 4, 4:58, at CL 27. d) a Quiver [0 of 60] Dropped by a Mature black dragon in Zul. Identified: Day 8, 14:02, at CL 33. e) a Ring of Speed (+3) {Sp} Dropped by an Ancient multi-hued dragon in Zul. Identified: Day 7, 21:37, at CL 33. (Details may apply to the first item in a pile of similar items.) f) a Ring of Speed (+4) {Sp} Bought from a store in Zul. Purchased: Day 7, 1:52, at CL 32. g) a Sacred Pendant [+5] (+2) {StWi;CfNt;HlLuBs A:Shard Bolt} Dropped by an Ancient multi-hued dragon in the wilderness. Identified: Day 5, 17:53, at CL 31. h) a Feanorian Lamp of Illumination {A:Illumination} Dropped by an Ancient multi-hued dragon in the wilderness. Identified: Day 6, 10:41, at CL 31. i) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {StDx;AcElCoCfNxSo} Found lying on the floor in the quest 'The Vault'. Identified: Day 4, 4:40, at CL 27. j) a Cloak of Elemental Protection [1,+8] {ElFiCoPo} Dropped by an Ancient white dragon in the wilderness. Identified: Day 7, 20:58, at CL 33. k) a Jingasa of Knowledge [4,+8] (+1) {In;Id(In A:Detect Traps} Found lying on the floor in the quest 'Crow's Nest'. Picked up: Day 1, 17:47, at CL 11. l) a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Giant (-4,+13) [4,+7] (+3) {StCn;-In(St} Dropped by a Mature bronze dragon in the wilderness. Identified: Day 5, 8:14, at CL 29. m) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation [2,+5] {Dk;Lv} Dropped by Ishikawa Goemon in the wilderness. Identified: Day 9, 5:31, at CL 34. |)}~=="~[(]]] |)}~=="~[(]]] Resistances abcdefghijklm@ Abilities abcdefghijklm@ Acid : ........+..... 50% Speed : ....++.......# Electricity: ........++.... 65% Free Act : .............. Fire : .........+.... 50% See Invis : .............. Cold : ........++.... 65% Warning : .............. Poison : .+.......+.... 65% Slow Digest: .............. Light : .............. 0% Regenerate : .............. 100% Dark : ............+. 30% Levitation : ............+. Confusion : ..+...+.+....v 23% Perm Lite : ......+....... Nether : ......+....... 30% Reflection : .............. Nexus : ........+..... 30% Hold Life : ++....+....... 3x Sound : ........+..... 30% Life Rating: .............. Shards : .............. 0% Dec Mana : .............. Chaos : .............+ 30% Easy Spell : .............. Disenchantm: .............. 0% Anti Magic : .............. Time : .............. 0% Magic Skill: .............. Blindness : .............. 0% Spell Power: .............. Fear : .+...........+ 2x Spell Cap : .............. Magic Res : .............. |)}~=="~[(]]] Infravision: .............+ 20' Auras abcdefghijklm@ Stealth : .............. Aura Elec : .............. Searching : .............. Aura Fire : .............. Aura Cold : .............. |)}~=="~[(]]] Aura Shards: .............. Sustains abcdefghijklm@ Revenge : .............. Sust Str : ...........+.+ Sust Int : ..........+... |)}~=="~[(]]] Sust Wis : .............. Slays abcdefghijklm@ Sust Dex : .............. Slay Evil : .............. Sust Con : .............+ Slay Undead: .............. Sust Chr : .............. Slay Demon : .............. Slay Dragon: .............. |)}~=="~[(]]] Slay Human : .............. Detection abcdefghijklm@ Slay Animal: .............. Telepathy : .............. Slay Orc : .............. ESP Evil : .............. Slay Troll : .............. ESP Nonliv : .............. Slay Giant : .............. ESP Living : .............. Slay Good : .............. ESP Good : .............. Slay Living: .............. ESP Undead : .............. Acid Brand : .............. ESP Demon : .............. Elec Brand : .............. ESP Dragon : .............. Fire Brand : .............. ESP Human : .............. Cold Brand : .............. ESP Animal : .............. Pois Brand : +............. ESP Orc : .............. Mana Brand : .............. ESP Troll : .............. Sharpness : .............. ESP Giant : .............. Stunning : .............. Quake : .............. |)}~=="~[(]]] Vampiric : +............. Curses abcdefghijklm@ Chaotic : .............. Cursed : .............. Add Blows : .............. Rnd Tele : .............. Blessed : ......+....... No Tele : .............. Riding : .............. Drain Exp : .............. Tunnel : .............. Aggravate : .............. Throwing : .............. TY Curse : .............. |)}~=="~[(]]] abcdefghijklm@ Base R C P E Total STR : ......2.2..3.s 18/95 4 2 0 7 18/*** INT : ..........13.. 14 0 1 -1 -2 12 WIS : ......2....... 16 -2 -1 -2 2 13 DEX : ........2..... 18/82 -4 0 2 2 18/82 CON : ...........3.s 18/60 5 2 -1 3 18/150 CHR : .............. 17 0 1 0 0 18 ==================================== Melee ==================================== Hand #1: a Tanto (Death) (1d7) (+11,+10) Accuracy Weight : 2.0 lbs AC Hit Profic : Skilled (+11 To Hit) 25 87% To Hit : 11 + 27 = 38 50 79% To Dam : 10 + 103 = 113 75 70% Blows : 4.10 100 62% Damage 125 54% Crits : 1.06x (5.1%) 150 46% Normal : 374 [1.06x] 175 37% Poison : 392 [2.54x] 200 29% =================================== Shooting ================================== Shooting: The Light Crossbow of Upeenimi (x3.50) (+14,+11) (+3) Range : 190' Shots : 1.20 Mult : 4.20x Profic : Unskilled (+5 To Hit) To Hit : 19 + 20 = 39 Xtra Dam: 11 (Multiplier Does Not Apply) ==================================== Powers =================================== Lvl Cost Fail Desc Cast Fail Confusing Lights 40 50 100% 0 0 0% Hypnotic Gaze 12 12 22% 0 0 0% Recall 17 50 33% 1 0 0% ==================================== Spells =================================== Realm: Chaos [Sign of Chaos] Profic Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Magic Missile [Un] 2 2 28% dam 9d4 2 0 0% b) Trap / Door Destruction [Un] 3 4 28% unknown 0 0 0% c) Flash of Light [Un] 4 5 28% dam 2d17 3 0 0% d) Touch of Confusion [Un] 5 7 28% unknown 0 0 0% e) Mana Burst [Un] 7 12 28% unknown 0 0 0% f) Fire Bolt [Un] 8 12 41% unknown 0 0 0% g) Fist of Force [Un] 15 15 77% unknown 0 0 0% h) Teleport Self [Un] 16 16 75% unknown 0 0 0% =================================== Dungeons ================================== !Warrens : level 9 You were killed by a Lord of Change while helpless in Zul. Last Message: I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you! ==================================== Quests =================================== Completed Quests The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost) DL5 CL3 Day 1, 6:26 Trouble at Home (Outpost) DL5 CL4 Day 1, 8:06 Pest Control (Outpost) DL5 CL8 Day 1, 11:11 Crow's Nest (Outpost) DL15 CL11 Day 1, 17:41 The Sewer (Outpost) DL15 CL14 Day 1, 19:48 Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost) DL22 CL25 Day 2, 20:16 The Stranger (Telmora) DL22 CL26 Day 4, 3:09 Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant) DL25 CL25 Day 3, 7:07 The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant) DL25 CL25 Day 3, 7:51 The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant) DL25 CL25 Day 3, 8:46 The Vault (Telmora) DL35 CL27 Day 4, 4:33 Arena: Defeated by Basilisk in the 17th fight ================================ Monster Kills ================================ You have defeated 1365 enemies including 21 unique monsters in total. There are 360 uniques remaining. Uniques Lvl Gwaihir the Windlord 40 Meneldor the Swift 38 Ishikawa Goemon 33 Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang 26 Red Helm, the King of Bear 25 Herringfolt, the Great Wild Boar 24 Old Man Willow 22 Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 12 Mauhur, the Orc Captain 12 Lug, the Grotesque 11 Grishnakh, the Hill Orc 10 Brodda, the Easterling 9 Bloodfang the Wolf 9 The Wounded Bear 9 Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 8 Mughash the Kobold Lord 7 Bullroarer the Hobbit 5 Smeagol 3 Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog 2 Noborta Kesyta, the Yeek President 0 Non-uniques Lvl Count Non-uniques Lvl Count Chaos hound 65 1 Hill orc 8 57 Serpopard 58 11 Snaga 6 49 Nether hound 51 4 Crow of Durthang 9 46 Dracolisk 46 1 Cave orc 7 41 Greater titan 46 2 Multi-hued hound 33 27 Vore 44 5 Velociraptor 34 26 Ancient multi-hued dragon 43 6 Giant white mouse 1 25 Great crystal drake 40 5 Mature green dragon 36 23 Lesser titan 40 3 Young white dragon 29 23 Ancient red dragon 40 11 Orc shaman 9 23 Eldrak 40 6 Giant red tick 26 22 Pteranodon 40 2 Mature black dragon 37 20 Jubjub bird 40 2 Vibration hound 27 20 Venom spider 40 5 Jackal 1 20 Ancient black dragon 39 11 Wolf 10 19 Ancient white dragon 39 7 Mature blue dragon 36 18 Ancient green dragon 39 15 Mature white dragon 35 16 7-headed hydra 39 1 Gravity hound 35 16 Ettin 39 6 Young blue dragon 29 16 Mature silver dragon 37 5 Young green dragon 29 16 =================================== Virtues =================================== Your alignment: Lawful You are somewhat virtuous in Chance. You have strayed from the path of Individualism. You are the living embodiment of Valour. You have strayed from the path of Justice. You are somewhat virtuous in Harmony. You are an enemy of Patience. You are a champion of Honour. You are the living embodiment of Temperance. ================================== Mutations ================================== Your gaze is hypnotic. You can travel between town and the depths. You have an extra pair of eyes (+15 search). ============================= Character Inventory ============================= 4 Tan Mushrooms of Cure Poison 24 Rations of Food 30 Acrid Potions of Speed a Hazy Potion of Cure Critical Wounds 7 Violet Potions of Healing a Light Blue Potion of Self Knowledge 36 Azure Potions of Curing 21 Scrolls titled "klis glenash" of Teleportation {25% off} a Rod: Detect Monsters (2/2 charges) a Rod: Detection (3/3 charges) a Rod: Detect Doors & Stairs (3/3 charges) a Rod of Capacity: Recall (4/4 charges) (+2) a Wand: Stone to Mud (33/33 charges) a Wand: Vampirism (5/5 charges) {41%} a Staff: Enlightenment (7/8 charges) {20%} a Staff: Telepathy (8/8 charges) {26%} a Ring of Combat (+4,+13) (+1) {Dx} a Ring of Combat (+20,+10) (+1) {St} a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {Sh[Sh} The Ring 'Doughnut' (+1) {InWiCh;Nt} an Amulet (Defender) [+2] {AcElFiCo;FaSi} a Barbarian Talisman (+1) {StDx;Fe[M A:Berserk} White Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+16] {Co A:Dragon's Frost} The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+8,+9) (+2) {AtStDxCn;LiDi;FaSiLu/*oL~oTP} a Sling of the Hunter (x2) (+17,+15) (+2) {Sl?} ================================ Home Inventory =============================== 100 2 Gold Speckled Potions of Berserk Strength 120000 a Metallic Purple Potion of *Enlightenment* 250 a Brown Speckled Potion of Resistance 10000 a Cloudy Potion of Stone Skin 200 a Scroll titled "an gan nagblaa" of Teleport Level 3000 4 Scrolls titled "klinej ere" of Mundanity 250 19 Scrolls titled "itus whamko" of Protection from Evil 100000 3 Scrolls titled "bie xuxuval" of Acquirement 6662 a Wand: Teleport Other (17/17 charges) 8927 a Wand: Dragon's Frost (5/5 charges) {95%} 4562 a Staff: Identify (35/35 charges) {20%} 2100 a Staff: Curing (8/8 charges) 2325 a Staff: Curing (8/8 charges) {20%} 14441 a Ring of Protection [+8] {NxDi;Fa(Cn} 12368 a Ring of Protection [+2] {CfSh} 7900 a Ring of Speed (+3) {Sp} 7530 a Ring of Protection {Nt;SiWr A:Resist Lightning} 7286 a Ring of Combat (+8,+2) (+1) {StDx;Fe(St} 7059 a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {El A:Lightning Strike} 3000 a Ring of Wizardry {Lv~Z?} 11752 The Ring of Stars (+7,+2) (+4) {DxSl;Si} 6400 an Amulet of Trickery (+4) {SlSr(Dx} 5000 an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {SlSr;Nx} 4300 an Amulet (Elemental) {Fi} 3731 an Amulet (Elemental) (+1) [-5%] {cursed, -In;Co A:Acid Ball} 42132 White Dragon Scale Mail (Attack) (+6,+6) [40,+17] (+3) {St;Co A:Dragon's Frost} 30124 Red Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+13] {Fi A:Dragon's Flame} 22154 Ring Mail of the Uruk-hai (+3,+4) [12,+10] (+3) {St;-In;AcElFiCoFe} 13680 Chain Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [14,+10] (+3) {cursed, -St;LiSoCa;Sd} 32699 The Double Ring Mail of Desert (-2) [15,+20] (+2) {-10%} {SpDxCh;-Md;-Ca;AcFiSoBl;Rf[FE} 20655 The Augmented Chain Mail of the Hidden Chamber (-2) [16,+17] (+2) {Dx;Sh} 22020 Bar Chain Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [18,+5] (+3) {Sl;AcElFiCoCa} 24666 a Robe of Permanence [2,+10] {AcElFiCoDk;Hl(StInWiDxCnCh} 12336 a Robe of Celestial Protection [2,+13] {LiSh} 19429 Soft Studded Leather of Elvenkind [5,+10] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoSo} 6589 Soft Studded Leather of the Imp (-3,-2) [5,+5] (+2) {Dx;FiCf;Si} 13029 Rhino Hide Armour of Elemental Protection (-1) [8,+13] {AcFiPo} 4323 an Elven Cloak [4,+5] (+4) {SlSr} 10370 a Large Leather Shield (Orcish) (+1,+5) [6,+15] (+2) {St;-InSl;-Li;ElDk} 12893 an Iron Crown of Might [0,+7] (+3) {StDxCn;-In;Fe;Fa(StDxCn} 3848 an Iron Crown of the Magi [0,+8] (+2) {cursed, In;-StWiCn;SoBl;Lu(In} 10086 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Giant (-1,+7) [1,+7] (+4) {StCn;-InDxSl;Ca(St} 988 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Wizard (-3,-3) [1,-7] (+2) {+10%} {InMd;-StCn;Cf} 8833 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {Li;FaLu(Cn A:Magic Missile} 2069 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Free Action [2,+10] {Fa} 7759 a Dagger (Chaos) (1d5) (+6,+8) {?} 1 a Rapier of Slaying (1d8) (+8,+7) {cursed, ?} 10506 a Basillard (Nature) (1d9) (+7,+9) (+2) {In;ElFiCo;Rg/Z~Z?} 2735 a Dragon Fang (1d9) (+5,+6) 697 a Trident (1d10) (+5,+2) 6301 a Trident of Sharpness (2d10) (+9,+9) (+2) {Dg|S} 9022 a Fauchard of Gondolin (1d12) (+8,+15) {?} 7861 a Nunchaku (Nature) (2d4) (+6,+10) (+1) {In;ElCo;Rg|E/Z~Z} 14501 a Two-Handed Flail of Westernesse (3d7) (+10,+14) (+2) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP} 5704 a Pick of Dissolving (2d5) (+3,+9) (+4) {Dg?} 4993 a Short Bow of Extra Might (x2.76) (+8,+10) (+1) {St} 39 18 Iron Shots of Slaying (3d3) (+2,+5) {?} 0 The Skeleton of Smeagol 0 The Corpse of Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 0 The Corpse of Old Man Willow 0 The Corpse of Herringfolt, the Great Wild Boar 0 The Corpse of Ishikawa Goemon ================================== Statistics ================================= Gold Found : 290874 Selling : 211117 Winnings : 0 501991 Purchases: 284655 Services : 185849 Stolen : 5495 475999 25992 Objects Found : 3599 Objects Bought : 371 Objects Destroyed: 200 Equipment Found Bought Used Dest Weapons 277 1 17 8 Shields 34 0 5 3 Bows 45 0 8 2 Quivers 3 0 1 0 Rings 20 3 14 1 Amulets 17 1 7 0 Lights 14 1 4 2 Body Armor 204 0 22 6 Cloaks 38 0 5 3 Helmets 37 0 4 2 Gloves 34 0 11 1 Boots 37 0 7 0 Totals 757 6 104 28 Devices Found Bought Used Dest Wands 29 1 12 4 Staves 30 1 39 9 Rods 33 0 21 2 Potions 160 201 130 47 Scrolls 207 136 79 49 Totals 459 339 281 111 Other Found Bought Used Dest Shots 749 0 0 0 Arrows 846 0 0 50 Bolts 419 0 0 0 Spellbooks 23 0 0 0 Food 79 21 38 0 Corpses 177 0 0 0 Skeletons 64 0 0 0 Chests 2 0 0 0 Totals 2359 21 38 50 Potions Found Bought Used Dest Cure Critical Wounds 0 38 37 0 Curing 8 66 31 7 Speed 24 33 24 4 Clarity 5 0 0 0 Healing 4 12 7 2 Restore Life Levels 6 0 0 0 Wisdom 1 0 1 0 Dexterity 3 0 3 0 Constitution 1 0 1 0 Charisma 3 0 3 0 Totals 160 201 130 47 Scrolls Found Bought Used Dest Phase Door 23 1 4 1 Word of Recall 14 8 0 4 Identify 16 0 0 0 *Identify* 4 0 1 0 Remove Curse 0 2 2 0 Teleportation 0 118 58 39 Teleport Level 1 0 0 0 Genocide 1 0 0 0 Mass Genocide 1 0 0 1 Acquirement 4 0 0 0 Totals 207 136 79 49 Wands Found Bought Used Dest Stone to Mud 4 0 0 1 Teleport Other 1 0 3 0 Vampirism 3 0 9 0 Dragon's Frost 1 0 0 0 Totals 29 1 12 4 Staves Found Bought Used Dest Identify 5 0 0 1 Enlightenment 2 1 6 1 Curing 2 0 0 0 Telepathy 4 0 0 1 Speed 1 0 29 1 *Identify* 1 0 2 1 Totals 30 1 39 9 Rods Found Bought Used Dest Detect Traps 1 0 1 1 Detect Doors & Stair 1 0 0 0 Detect Monsters 1 0 10 0 Recall 2 0 0 0 Detection 1 0 8 0 Totals 33 0 21 2 Spellbooks Found Bought Used Dest Third Spellbooks 2 0 0 0 Totals 23 0 0 0 Egos Found : 324 Egos Bought : 4 Egos Destroyed: 7 Egos Found Bought Dest Ring of Speed 3 1 1 Jewelry (Defender) 1 0 0 Monsters Kills Pct Spells Count Pct Animals 564 41.3% Observed 24388 6.5% Breeders 47 3.4% Expected 27699 7.4% Demons 24 1.7% Failures 2911 11.9% Dragons 276 20.2% Summon 371 1.5% Giants 37 2.7% Heal 256 1.0% Hounds 82 6.0% Escape 235 0.9% Humans 69 5.0% Offense 12727 52.1% Orcs 213 15.6% Other 7888 32.3% Trolls 20 1.4% Undead 7 0.5% Unique Spells Count Pct Uniques 21 1.5% Observed 1341 15.8% Expected 1698 20.1% Evil Monsters 694 50.8% Failures 227 16.9% Good Monsters 23 1.6% Summon 110 8.2% Neutral Monsters 648 47.4% Heal 113 8.4% Escape 97 7.2% Totals 1365 Offense 237 17.6% Other 557 41.5% Life Rating: 114% ================================ Last Messages ================================ You attack the Mature white dragon: You hit. How heroic! You have slain the Mature white dragon. You feel something roll beneath your feet. You see a Mature white dragon Corpse. You see 8 Scrolls titled "sefeng danod" of Detect Monsters. You see a Mature white dragon Corpse. You see Hard Studded Leather (-1) [7,+0]. The Young gold dragon attacks you: It claws. It misses. It misses. The Young gold dragon attacks you: It claws. It misses. It bites. You attack the Young gold dragon: You hit. Your weapon drains life from it! You miss. You hit. You hit. How heroic! You have slain the Young gold dragon. You see a Young gold dragon Corpse. You see Soft Leather Armour [4,+7]. You see a Young gold dragon Corpse. You see 6 Scrolls titled "rea fri elip" of Phase Door. You see a No-dachi (Death) (5d4) (+12,+4) {Hl|V?}. Rest (0-9999, '*' for HP/SP, '&' as needed): & The Eldrak attacks you: It hits. You have been dazed. It hits. It hits. The Eldrak attacks you: It hits. It misses. It hits. You have a Staff: Enlightenment (7/8 charges) {3%} (o). The Eldrak attacks you: It hits. You have been lightly stunned. It hits. It hits. The Ancient black dragon breathes Acid. Your Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation is damaged! You stand your ground! The Eldrak attacks you: It hits. You have been lightly stunned. It hits. It hits. You behold the abysmal visage of the Lord of Change! The Lord of Change gazes deep into your eyes. Your mind is blasted by psionic energy. You are blind! You are paralyzed! You feel yourself moving slower! You have been stunned. It attacks you: It claws. You stand your ground! You are confused! Your actions are disharmonious. It claws. It attacks you: It bites. You are dissolved! Your Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Giant is damaged! It tries to blank your mind. You resist the effects! It attacks you: It claws. It claws. You stand your ground! It bites. You are dissolved! Your Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation is damaged! It attacks you: It hits. *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. => . You have been stunned. It hits. *Ouch!* It hits. *Ouch!* It attacks you: It claws. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* It bites. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* It attacks you: It hits. *Ouch!* It hits. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* It attacks you: It claws. ### ### ### ### ### #### ### #### ### ##### #### ### ##### ### ##### ### ### ### #### ### ### #### ### #### ### ### #####@## ######## ### ###### ### ##### ### ## ## ######### #### ### ######### ###### ######## ### ################## ######## ##### ## ######## ######### I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you! Goodbye, HelOkra 220! =================================== Options =================================== Preserve Mode: On Arena Levels: Sometimes