[Sil-Q 1.4.0 Character Dump] Name Nindeb Age 4,691 Str 2 Sex Male Height 7'2 Dex 5 Race Noldor Weight 171 Con 5 = 4 +1 House Feanor Gra 6 = 3 +3 Game Turn 3,722 Melee (+20,1d10) Melee 20 = 14 +5 +1 Exp Pool 0 Bows (+9,1d9) Archery 9 = 3 +5 +1 Total Exp 50,000 Armor [+21,6-19] Evasion 21 = 14 +5 +2 Burden 104.7 Stealth 6 = 5 +5 -4 Max Burden 144.0 Health 0:49 Perception 23 = 5 +6 +2 +10 Depth 600' Voice 29:59 Will 12 = 5 +6 +1 Min Depth 200' Smithing 14 = 7 +6 +1 Light Radius 3 Song 12 = 6 +6 You are one of two children of a smith from the house of Feanor. You have light green eyes, wavy black hair, and a fair complexion. [Last Messages] > The Cat warrior has been slain. > The Ringrauko is hit by falling debris. > The Ringrauko has been destroyed. > You are pummeled with debris! > The Ringrauko is hit by falling debris. > The Ruby serpent is hit by falling debris. > The Kemenrauko just misses you. > You leap aside as its stony fist slams into the floor. > The ground shakes violently with the force of the blow! > You are pummeled with debris! > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Ringrauko is hit by falling debris. > The Kemenrauko is hit by falling debris. > The Ruby serpent breathes fire. > You die. [Screenshot] ####### ......# RR.@%.# #s....# ......' %.....: [Equipment] a) a Shortsword (Defender) (+0,1d8) [+2] 2.0 lb It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) a Shortbow (+0,1d8) 1.0 lb It can shoot arrows 13 squares (with your current strength). c) a Garnet Ring of Perception <+2> It improves your perception by 2. d) The Ring of Nindeb [+1] It grants you freedom of movement, but it also makes you encounter more dangerous creatures (even when not worn). It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Dodging. e) The Pearl 'Nimphelos' <+2> It increases your grace by 2. It sustains your grace. It cannot be harmed by the elements. f) a Brass Lantern of Brightness (6201 turns) It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an additional square. g) The Mail Corslet of Fingon [-3,2d4] <+1> It increases your constitution and grace by 1. It provides resistance to fear. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a Cloak [+1] i) a Round Shield of Nogrod [+0,1d4] It sustains all your stats. It cannot be harmed by the elements. j) a Dwarf Mask of Defiance [-1,1d3] <+1> It improves your will by 1. It provides resistance to fire and fear. k) a Set of Gauntlets [+0,1d2] l) a Pair of Mithril Greaves of Treacherous Paths [+0,1d2] It makes you encounter more dangerous creatures (even when not worn). It cannot be harmed by the elements. m) 95 Arrows They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). n) 31 Arrows (Poisoned) They are branded with venom. They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) 3 Fragments of Lembas b) a Sparkling Blue Potion of Clarity c) a Copper Speckled Potion of Voice d) 3 Azure Potions of True Sight e) 3 Dark Potions of Antidote f) 2 Pale Green Potions of Grace g) an Ivory Horn of Terror h) an Ebony Staff of Slumber (5 charges) i) a Feanorian Lamp {@d1} j) 2 Sets of Gloves of the Forge <+2> It improves your smithing by 2. k) a Pair of Boots [+0,1d1] l) The Dagger of Azaghal (+0,1d6) <+7> 0.5 lb It improves your perception by 7. It slays dragons. It provides resistance to fire and fear. It can be thrown effectively (11 squares). It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Focused attack. m) a Shortsword of Shadows (+1,1d9) [+1] <+2> 1.5 lb It improves your song by 2. It creates an unnatural darkness. n) a Spear of the Vanyar (+2,1d10) <+1> 3.0 lb It increases your grace by 1. It can be thrown effectively (5 squares) and lights the dungeon around you. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. It counts as a type of polearm. o) 4 Throwing Axes of Doriath (+0,2d4) 6.0 lb They slay wolves and spiders. It can be thrown effectively (8 squares). p) a Battle Axe (-3,3d5) 3.5 lb It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. q) The War Hammer of Nindeb (-3,4d1) <+2> 4.0 lb It improves your smithing by 2. It makes you encounter more dangerous creatures (even when not worn). It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Masterpiece. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. It is a blunt weapon. It can harm foes through their armour. r) a Shovel (-3,2d2) <+1> 4.5 lb It improves your tunneling by 1. It requires both hands to wield it properly. s) 25 Arrows of Piercing They cut easily through armour. They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). t) 10 Pieces of Mithril [Abilities] Finesse Follow-Through Zone of Control Rout Precision Parry Riposte Assassination Cruel Blow Keen Senses Alchemy Indomitable Weaponsmith Armoursmith Jeweller Enchantment Artifice Expertise Song of Freedom Song of the Trees Song of Delvings [Enemies] 14 / 19 Wolf 3 / 8 Tanglethorn 9 / 10 Orc 1 / 1 Grimhawk 2 / 4 Orc scout 4 / 4 Spider hatchling 1 / 2 Brood spider 2 / 2 Orc soldier 1 / 1 Madthorn 0 / 1 White wolf 3 / 6 Orc warrior 1 / 1 Sword spider 0 / 1 Mewlip 3 / 3 Orc thief 5 / 6 Mountain troll 2 / 4 Orc champion 2 / 8 Easterling warrior 1 / 2 Orc captain 5 / 5 Warg 3 / 3 Dark serpent 1 / 1 Whispering shadow 1 / 1 Distended spider 1 / 2 Easterling archer 0 / 1 Twisted bat 2 / 2 Giant 2 / 2 Werewolf 4 / 5 Shadow spider 2 / 2 Shadow 1 / 1 Sapphire serpent (slain) Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 1 / 4 Ruby serpent 1 / 2 Creeping horror 6 / 7 Ringrauko 10 / 10 Cave troll 3 / 3 Emerald serpent 3 / 3 Oathwraith 11 / 12 Cat warrior 0 / 1 Amethyst serpent 3 / 6 Kemenrauko 3 / 4 Grotesque 1 / 2 Young cold-drake 4 / 4 Spider of Gorgoroth 3 / 4 Greater werewolf 1 / 2 Adamant serpent 5 / 6 Lesser vampire 1 / 3 Cat assassin 1 / 1 Darting horror 2 / 2 Ururauko [Artefacts] The Pearl 'Nimphelos' (found) The Mail Corslet of Fingon (found) The Dagger of Azaghal (found) The Shortsword of Amrod (found) The Spear 'Dugrakh' The Shortbow of Celegorm [Notes] Nindeb of the Noldor Entered Angband on 8 Jul 2018 Turn Depth Note 0 50 ft (Indomitable) 0 50 ft (Song of Freedom) 0 50 ft (Song of the Trees) 0 50 ft (Song of Delvings) 0 50 ft (Weaponsmith) 0 50 ft (Armoursmith) 0 50 ft (Jeweller) 0 50 ft (Enchantment) 0 50 ft (Artifice) 0 50 ft (Expertise) 0 50 ft (Alchemy) 0 50 ft (Keen Senses) 0 50 ft (Assassination) 0 50 ft (Cruel Blow) 0 50 ft (Precision) 0 50 ft (Parry) 0 50 ft (Riposte) 0 50 ft (Finesse) 0 50 ft (Follow-Through) 0 50 ft (Zone of Control) 0 50 ft (Rout) 1 50 ft Challenge: Fixed XP - gain 50K at start and nothing after 530 100 ft Made a Set of Gloves of the Forge <+2> 0.5 lb 586 100 ft Made a Shortsword (Defender) (+0,1d8) [+2] 2.0 lb 652 100 ft Made a Round Shield of Nogrod [+0,1d4] 4.5 lb 842 200 ft Fell into a chasm 1,374 500 ft Made The Ring of Nindeb [+1] 0.1 lb 1,410 500 ft Made a Feanorian Lamp 1.0 lb 1,462 500 ft Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 1,477 500 ft Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 1,617 600 ft Fell through a crumbling stair 1,759 650 ft Found The Dagger of Azaghal 2,265 650 ft Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon 2,296 650 ft Made The War Hammer of Nindeb (-3,4d1) <+2> 4.0 lb 2,448 650 ft Made a Dwarf Mask of Defiance [-1,1d3] <+1> 7.0 lb 2,530 650 ft Found The Pearl 'Nimphelos' 3,709 600 ft Found The Shortsword of Amrod 3,722 600 ft Slain by a Ruby serpent. 3,722 600 ft Died on 09 July 2018. [Challenges] Fixed XP - gain 50K at start and nothing after ['Score' 014096278]