[Sil-Q 1.3.2-q Character Dump] Name Carol Cuisina Age 1,995 Str 2 Sex Female Height 5'8 Dex 5 = 3 +1 +1 Race Sindar Weight 147 Con 4 House Doriath Gra 6 = 3 +1 +2 Game Turn 19,608 Melee (+13,1d5) Melee 13 = 10 +5 -2 Exp Pool 2,412 (+13,1d5) Archery 6 = 0 +5 +1 Total Exp 44,812 Bows (+6,2d9) Evasion 4 = 0 +5 -1 Burden 128.4 Armor [+4,5-14] Stealth 14 = 11 +5 -2 Max Burden 144.0 Perception 16 = 10 +6 Depth 800' Health -5:41 Will 8 = 2 +6 Min Depth 750' Voice 2:59 Smithing 10 = 4 +6 Light Radius 3 Song 22 = 15 +6 +1 You are one of several children of a Sindar bard. You have light grey eyes, wavy black hair, and a fair complexion. [Last Messages] > The Greater werewolf becomes unwary. > The Greater werewolf claws you! > You have been given a cut. > The Greater werewolf claws you! > The Greater werewolf notices you. > You end your song. > Excessive skills! <5x> > The Greater werewolf is hit by falling debris. <2x> > The Ururauko is hit by falling debris. > You have destroyed the Ururauko. > The Greater werewolf is hit by falling debris. > You have 5 charges remaining. > The bleeding stops. > The Greater werewolf claws you! > You die. [Screenshot] ..:C.# ....' ..C..# %.C@## .....# ####.. # [Equipment] a) The Dagger 'Angrist' (+0,1d5) 0.5 lb It cuts very easily through armour. It can be thrown effectively (11 squares). It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) The Longbow 'Wyrm's End' (+0,2d7) 6.0 lb It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Flaming Arrows. It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength). c) a Garnet Ring of Dexterity <+1> It increases your dexterity by 1. It sustains your dexterity. d) a Pearl Ring of Cowardice {cursed} It causes you to panic in combat and is cursed. It grants you the ability: Dodging. e) a Dragon Tooth Amulet of the Blessed Realm <+1> It increases your grace by 1. It sustains your grace. It lights the dungeon around you. f) a Brass Lantern of Flickering Shadow (2919 turns) {cursed} It creates an unnatural darkness and is cursed. g) a Mithril Corslet [-2,2d5] It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) (nothing) i) (nothing) j) a Helm of Clarity [+0,1d2] It provides resistance to confusion, stunning, and hallucination. k) a Set of Gloves [+0,1d1] l) The Pair of Boots of Irime [+1,1d1] It sustains your dexterity. It lights your path behind you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. m) 57 Arrows (+3) They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). n) 58 Arrows (Poisoned) They are branded with venom. They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) 6 Thorny Herbs of Rage b) a Black Herb of Restoration c) 3 Violet Potions of Clarity d) 3 Copper Speckled Potions of True Sight e) 5 Crimson Potions of Antidote f) 3 Milky White Potions of Strength g) 2 Dark Potions of Grace h) an Ashen Staff of Revelations (4 charges) i) a Birch Staff of Slumber (5 charges) j) a Beech Staff of Majesty (10 charges) k) a Runed Staff of Earthquakes (5 charges) l) a Bronze Ring of Accuracy (+1) m) a Chalcedony Ring of Free Action It grants you freedom of movement. n) a Crystal Amulet of Regeneration It speeds your regeneration (which increases your hunger while active). o) a Bronze Amulet of Preservation It sustains your constitution and grace. It reduces your need for food. It cannot be harmed by the elements. p) a Feanorian Lamp q) The Mail Corslet of Durin (-1) [-3,3d3] It provides resistance to cold and fire. It speeds your regeneration (which increases your hunger while active). It cannot be harmed by the elements. r) a Mithril Shield of Frost (-1) [+0,1d7] It provides resistance to fire. It cannot be harmed by the elements. s) a Set of Gauntlets of the Forge (-1) [+0,1d1] <+1> It improves your smithing by 1. t) a Longsword (Defender) (+0,2d6) [+2] 2.0 lb It cannot be harmed by the elements. u) a Bastard Sword of Final Rest (-2,3d4) [+1] 4.0 lb It slays undead. It grants you freedom of movement. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. v) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 11.5 lb It improves your tunneling by 3. It requires both hands to wield it properly. [Abilities] Finesse Subtlety Rapid Attack Assassination Cruel Blow Dexterity Keen Senses Grace Channeling Jeweller Song of Silence Song of Aule Song of Lorien Grace [Enemies] 3 / 3 Wolf 0 / 2 Tanglethorn 8 / 8 Orc 2 / 2 Grimhawk 6 / 9 Orc scout 11 / 11 Spider hatchling 2 / 2 Blue serpent 27 / 62 Orc soldier 6 / 7 Madthorn 7 / 7 Gorcrow 29 / 34 Orc archer 13 / 20 White wolf 1 / 1 Red serpent (slain) Gorgol, the Butcher 38 / 54 Orc warrior 1 / 1 Sword spider 10 / 10 Crebain 4 / 4 Mewlip 2 / 4 Orc thief 6 / 6 Nightthorn 3 / 3 Green serpent 9 / 11 Mountain troll 4 / 4 Tattered wight (seen) Boldog, the Merciless 6 / 7 Orc champion 22 / 24 Easterling warrior 10 / 10 Hummerhorn (slain) Balcmeg, the Relentless (slain) Lug, the Grotesque 5 / 5 Orc captain 18 / 30 Warg 5 / 5 Grave wight 6 / 6 Dark serpent (slain) Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 8 / 8 Whispering shadow 12 / 12 Distended spider 12 / 13 Easterling archer 6 / 6 Twisted bat (slain) Othrod, the Orc Lord 8 / 8 Snow troll 4 / 4 Barrow wight 1 / 1 Lurking horror 8 / 8 Giant (slain) Uldor, the Accursed 4 / 4 Shadow bat 1 / 1 Sulrauko 2 / 2 Fire-drake hatchling 8 / 11 Werewolf 4 / 4 Shadow spider 2 / 2 Shadow 1 / 1 Sapphire serpent 4 / 4 Ruby serpent 3 / 3 Creeping horror 5 / 7 Ringrauko 24 / 24 Cave troll 1 / 1 Emerald serpent 25 / 29 Cat warrior 5 / 5 Kemenrauko 1 / 1 Grotesque (slain) Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 3 / 4 Spider of Gorgoroth 3 / 7 Greater werewolf 2 / 2 Adamant serpent 6 / 6 Lesser vampire (slain) Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 2 / 2 Ururauko (slain) Tevildo, Prince of Cats [Artefacts] The Mail Corslet of Durin The Kite Shield of Hador (found) The Dagger 'Angrist' (found) The Longbow 'Wyrm's End' (found) The Pair of Boots of Irime (found) [Notes] Carol of the Sindar Entered Angband on 25 Dec 2017 Turn Depth Note 4 50 ft (Song of Silence) 4 50 ft (Song of Lorien) 4 50 ft (Finesse) 41 100 ft Found The Dagger 'Angrist' (from 50 ft) 903 150 ft Blessed realm amulet; amazing for 150ft. 903 150 ft (Assassination) 2,428 200 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 2,678 200 ft (Cruel Blow) 3,187 200 ft Fell into a chasm 3,248 300 ft Encountered Boldog, the Merciless 7,734 300 ft (Subtlety) 7,734 300 ft Finally 7,737 300 ft Slew Gorgol, the Butcher 7,778 300 ft Fell into a chasm 7,842 400 ft Encountered Balcmeg, the Relentless 7,842 400 ft Encountered Lug, the Grotesque 9,575 400 ft Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 9,621 400 ft Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 10,107 450 ft Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord 10,435 450 ft (Dexterity) 11,257 450 ft Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord 11,263 450 ft Found The Pair of Boots of Irime 11,781 450 ft Slew Lug, the Grotesque 11,789 450 ft Slew Balcmeg, the Relentless 12,860 500 ft Found The Kite Shield of Hador (from 400 ft) 12,877 500 ft Fell into a chasm 12,897 600 ft (Keen Senses) 13,770 600 ft Encountered Uldor, the Accursed 13,833 600 ft (Grace) 14,099 600 ft Slew Uldor, the Accursed 14,651 600 ft (Rapid Attack) 14,857 600 ft Fell into a chasm 14,874 700 ft Encountered Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 15,193 700 ft Encountered Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 15,194 700 ft Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats 15,205 700 ft Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats 15,209 700 ft Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 17,496 700 ft (Jeweller) 17,732 700 ft Found The Longbow 'Wyrm's End' 17,763 700 ft Made a Feanorian Lamp 1.0 lb 17,919 700 ft Destroyed Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 17,976 700 ft Made an Ivory Amulet of Adornment 0.1 lb 18,078 700 ft Made a Ruby Amulet of Haunted Dreams 0.1 lb 18,554 700 ft (Song of Aule) 18,905 700 ft Made a Garnet Ring of Dexterity <+1> 0.1 lb 18,952 700 ft Fell into a chasm 18,965 800 ft (Grace) 19,599 800 ft (Channeling) 19,599 800 ft Far too close to death without this. 19,608 800 ft Slain by a Greater werewolf. 19,608 800 ft Died on 24 December 2017. 19,608 800 ft Died anyway. 19,608 800 ft Maybe should have grabbed more Will? ['Score' 016080392]