[Sil 1.3.0 Character Dump] Name Eobard Thawne Age 2,187 Str 2 Sex Male Height 6'7 Dex 4 = 5 -2 +1 Race Noldor Weight 152 Con 5 = 4 +1 House Feanor Gra 3 Game Turn 15,389 Melee (+18,2d10) Melee 18 = 20 +4 -4 -2 Exp Pool 1,487 (+18,2d10) Archery 13 = 10 +4 -2 +1 Total Exp 73,687 Bows (+13,2d8) Evasion 17 = 15 +4 -2 Burden 124.4 Armor [+17,7-23] Stealth 6 = 7 +4 -5 Max Burden 144.0 Perception 10 = 7 +3 Depth 950' Health -1:49 Will 13 = 7 +3 +3 Min Depth 0' Voice 34:34 Smithing 7 = 2 +3 +1 +1 Light Radius 7 Song 13 = 10 +3 You are one of several children of a bard from the house of Feanor. You have light green eyes, straight brown hair, and a fair complexion. [Last Messages] > Morgoth, Lord of Darkness sings of locks without keys. > You feel yourself moving slower! > The Hithrauko engulfs you... > You miss Morgoth, Lord of Darkness. <2x> > The Ururauko hits you. > You are enveloped in flames! > Morgoth, Lord of Darkness sings of binding. > Morgoth, Lord of Darkness hits you. > Low hitpoint warning! > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Hithrauko engulfs you... > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Ururauko hits you! > You are enveloped in flames! > You die. [Screenshot] #.# #R:# :RV# #@## #R# ..# ..# [Equipment] a) The Glaive of Gaurin (-2,2d9) [+1] <+3> 8.0 lb It improves your tunneling by 3. It cuts easily through armour. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It requires both hands to wield it properly. It counts as a type of polearm. b) a Longbow of Radiance (+0,2d5) 2.0 lb It fires shining arrows. It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength). c) a Chalcedony Ring of Damage <+1> It improves your damage sides by 1. d) a Silver Ring of Protection [+0,1d2] e) a Crystal Amulet of Constitution <+1> It increases your constitution by 1. It sustains your constitution. f) a Silmaril It sustains your grace. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. It cannot be harmed by the elements. g) The Hauberk of Maedhros (-2) [-3,2d6] It provides resistance to fire and poison. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a Cloak [+2] i) (nothing) j) a Great Helm of Defiance [-2,1d4] <+3> It improves your will by 3. It provides resistance to fear. k) a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of the Forge [+0,1d1] <+1> It improves your smithing by 1. It cannot be harmed by the elements. l) a Pair of Greaves of Free Action [+0,1d2] It grants you freedom of movement. m) 65 Arrows (Poisoned) They are branded with venom. They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). n) 42 Arrows of Piercing They cut easily through armour. They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) 4 Thorny Herbs of Rage b) 4 Black Herbs of Healing c) 2 Mottled Herbs of Restoration d) 3 Fragments of Lembas e) 4 Clear Potions of Miruvor f) 5 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor g) a Black Potion of Quickness h) 2 Shimmering Potions of Elemental Resistance i) a Sky Blue Potion of Strength j) 2 Dark Blue Potions of Dexterity k) a Grey Potion of Grace l) a Maple Staff of Warding (4 charges) m) a Runed Staff of Recharging (8 charges) n) an Ivory Amulet of the Blessed Realm <+1> It increases your grace by 1. It sustains your grace. It lights the dungeon around you. o) a Feanorian Lamp p) 2 Silmarils It sustains your grace. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. It cannot be harmed by the elements. q) a Crown of Grace [+0,1d1] <+1> It increases your grace by 1. It cannot be harmed by the elements. r) a Greatsword (-1,3d6) [+1] 7.0 lb It requires both hands to wield it properly. s) a Great Axe of Hador's House (-4,4d5) 8.5 lb It grants you the ability: Follow-Through. It requires both hands to wield it properly. t) 97 Arrows They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Notes] Zoom of the Noldor Entered Angband on 3 Nov 2016 Turn Depth Note 54 50 ft (Power) 390 100 ft (Weaponsmith) 401 100 ft Made a Longbow (+0,2d5) 3.0 lb 462 100 ft Made a Mattock (-5,5d2) <+2> 11.0 lb 472 100 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 721 200 ft Greatsword (-1,3d6) 1,375 250 ft (Lore-Keeper) 1,970 300 ft (Flaming Arrows) 2,423 350 ft Feanorian lamp 2,565 400 ft (Lore-Master) 2,693 400 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 2,700 400 ft (Follow-Through) 2,713 400 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 2,723 400 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 2,924 450 ft (Opportunist) 3,047 450 ft Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord 3,240 450 ft (Dodging) 3,240 450 ft (Sprinting) 3,700 450 ft (Hardiness) 3,840 500 ft Mithril Gauntlets [+0,1d1] 4,284 550 ft Found The Dagger of Nargil 4,330 550 ft (Poison Resistance) 4,474 600 ft (Keen Senses) 4,706 600 ft Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs 5,506 600 ft Found The Cloak of Maglor 5,645 650 ft (Song of Slaying) 5,683 650 ft Encountered Ulfang the Black 5,705 650 ft Slew Ulfang the Black 5,812 650 ft (Clarity) 5,828 650 ft Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 5,931 650 ft Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 6,095 650 ft Found The Glaive of Gaurin 6,312 650 ft Found The Hauberk of Maedhros 6,630 700 ft Amulet of Constitution <+1> 6,691 700 ft (Flanking) 7,202 750 ft (Polearm Mastery) 7,202 750 ft Really didn't want to take Polearm 7,202 750 ft But Gaurin's sharpness convinced me 7,217 750 ft Really need Free Action! 7,217 750 ft Really need Defiance! 7,243 850 ft Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 7,447 850 ft Ring of Damage <+1> 7,468 850 ft (Dexterity) 8,079 850 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 8,089 850 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 8,099 850 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 8,109 850 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 8,272 850 ft (Controlled Retreat) 9,132 900 ft Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 9,213 900 ft Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 9,213 900 ft Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin 9,611 900 ft Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats 9,617 900 ft Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats 10,400 900 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 10,421 900 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 10,431 900 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 10,460 950 ft Found The Dagger of Azaghal 11,199 950 ft Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane 11,238 950 ft Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane 12,077 950 ft Greaves of Free Action 12,364 950 ft Survived my first run at 950ft 12,364 950 ft But it took *way* too much time. 14,687 950 ft Found The Hauberk of Nevrast 14,893 950 ft Great Helm of Defiance 15,117 1,000 ft Entered Morgoth's throne room 15,117 1,000 ft (Rapid Attack) 15,117 1,000 ft (Song of Sharpness) 15,120 1,000 ft Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 15,120 1,000 ft Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 15,133 1,000 ft Encountered Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 15,153 1,000 ft Encountered Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver 15,163 1,000 ft Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 15,163 1,000 ft Found The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil 15,166 1,000 ft Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth 15,169 1,000 ft Destroyed Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 15,177 1,000 ft Slew Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver 15,214 1,000 ft Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown 15,222 1,000 ft Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown 15,226 1,000 ft Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown 15,242 950 ft Double sharpness got the Silmarils, but never 15,242 950 ft came close to killing Morgoth. 15,332 950 ft Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 15,379 950 ft Cornered - Morgoth and Vallach 15,379 950 ft (Disguise) 15,389 950 ft Slain by an Ururauko. 15,389 950 ft Died on 04 November 2016. ['Score' 021384611]