[Sil 1.2.1 Character Dump] Name FoSa Age 137 Str 3 Sex Male Height 4' Dex 2 Race Naugrim Weight 143 Con 3 = 4 -1 House Belegost Gra 3 Game Turn 2,435 Melee (+10,2d6) Melee 10 = 7 +2 +1 Exp Pool 919 Bows (+1,0d0) Archery 1 = 0 +2 -1 Total Exp 20,019 Armor [+2,0-0] Evasion 2 = 0 +2 Burden 26.6 Stealth 15 = 13 +2 Max Burden 172.8 Health -9:34 Perception 3 = 0 +3 Depth 1000' Voice 34:34 Will 12 = 8 +3 +1 Min Depth 1000' Smithing 10 = 6 +3 +1 Light Radius 1 Song 3 = 0 +3 You are the only child of a Dwarven Smith. You are a credit to the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a one foot beard, and a dark complexion. [Last Messages] > You see a Throwing Axe (+0,2d5) {special} 1.5 lb. > You were wielding a Curved Sword (-1,2d5) [+1] {!a} (h). > You are wielding a Throwing Axe (+0,2d5) {special} (a). > Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger lets out a cry! The tension is broken. > Excessive skills! <5x> > You hit Glaurung, the Deceiver! > Glaurung, the Deceiver wakes up and notices you. > Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger claws you!! > You have been given a deep cut. > Morgoth, Lord of Darkness notices you. > The Troll guard looks around. <2x> > The Troll guard notices you. > You miss Glaurung, the Deceiver. > Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger claws you!! > You die. [Screenshot] .T. T #T...T .T...T. .^@.o. #.~Dv.# #..]..# ...^... [Equipment] a) a Throwing Axe of Final Rest (+0,2d5) 1.5 lb It slays undead. It can be thrown effectively (9 squares). It grants you freedom of movement. b) (nothing) c) (nothing) d) (nothing) e) (nothing) f) a Wooden Torch (with 1555 turns of light) g) (nothing) h) (nothing) i) (nothing) j) (nothing) k) (nothing) l) (nothing) m) (nothing) n) (nothing) [Inventory] a) 5 Pieces of Dark Bread b) a Fragment of Lembas c) an Ivory Horn of Blasting d) a Runed Staff of Foes (5 charges) e) an Ivory Staff of Self Knowledge (2 charges) f) a Wooden Torch (with 2000 turns of light) g) The Jewelled Crown of Feanor [+0,1d1] <+3> It improves your will and smithing by 3. It provides resistance to fire. It lights the dungeon around you. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures, but it also enrages nearby creatures. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a Curved Sword (-1,2d5) [+1] {!a} 4.0 lb [Notes] FoSa of the Naugrim Entered Angband on 20 Dec 2014 Turn Depth Note 1 50 ft Challenge: Disconnected stairs 85 50 ft Found The Jewelled Crown of Feanor 120 50 ft (Jeweller) 249 50 ft Made an Ivory Horn of Blasting 1.0 lb 359 50 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 447 100 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 535 150 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 624 150 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 712 200 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 800 250 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 889 300 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 965 350 ft jerk 966 350 ft Fell into a chasm 1,022 450 ft oops 1,041 450 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,149 500 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,156 550 ft Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 1,156 550 ft v.good 1,199 550 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,354 600 ft (Disguise) 1,354 600 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,440 650 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,528 700 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,616 750 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,704 800 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,793 850 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 1,881 900 ft Fell through the floor with a horn blast. 2,333 1,000 ft Entered Morgoth's throne room 2,336 1,000 ft Encountered Glaurung, the Deceiver 2,336 1,000 ft Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 2,336 1,000 ft Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 2,383 1,000 ft (Vanish) 2,432 1,000 ft Encountered Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 2,435 1,000 ft Slain by Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger. 2,435 1,000 ft Died on 30 December 2014. 2,435 1,000 ft HO HO HO! [Challenges] Disconnected stairs ['Score' 020097565]