[Sil 1.2.1 Character Dump] Name Santa II Age 137 Str 3 Sex Male Height 4' Dex 2 Race Naugrim Weight 143 Con 4 House Belegost Gra 3 Game Turn 11,486 Melee (+10,3d7) Melee 10 = 13 +2 -5 Exp Pool 132 Bows (-2,2d8) Archery -2 = 0 +2 -3 -1 Total Exp 32,032 Armor [+14,8-31] Evasion 14 = 15 +2 -3 Burden 161.2 Stealth -5 = 0 +2 -7 Max Burden 172.8 Health 0:41 Perception 8 = 3 +3 +2 Depth 650' Voice 34:34 Will 10 = 6 +3 +1 Min Depth 500' Smithing 7 = 3 +3 +1 Light Radius 3 Song 3 = 0 +3 You are the only child of a Dwarven Smith. You are a credit to the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a one foot beard, and a dark complexion. [Last Messages] > The Cat warrior claws you!! > You have been given a cut. > The Cat warrior claws you... > The Oathwraith stares deep into your eyes. > You fall into a deep trance! > The trance is broken! > The Cat warrior claws you!! > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > You have been given a cut. > The Cat warrior claws you... > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Cat warrior claws you... > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > The Cat warrior claws you!!! > You die. [Screenshot] R f T WHWf H#@f #f# #f# #f# [Equipment] a) a Bastard Sword of Nargothrond (-2,3d3) [+1] 3.0 lb It slays dragons and raukar. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. b) a Longbow (+0,2d5) 3.0 lb It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength). c) a Moonstone Ring of Perception <+1> It improves your perception by 1. d) a Moonstone Ring of Perception <+1> It improves your perception by 1. e) a Silver Amulet of Regeneration It speeds your regeneration (which also increases your hunger). f) a Wooden Torch (with 2137 turns of light) g) The Hauberk of Nevrast (-2) [-4,2d8] It sustains your strength and grace. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a Cloak [+1] i) a Round Shield [+0,1d3] j) a Great Helm of Brilliance [-2,1d3] It lights the dungeon around you. k) a Set of Gauntlets (-1) [+0,1d1] l) a Pair of Boots [+0,1d2] m) 92 Arrows They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). n) 7 Arrows (+3) They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) a Piece of Dark Bread b) 4 Emerald Potions of Slow Poison c) an Ebony Staff of Light (0 charges) d) an Aspen Staff of Sanctity (1 charge) e) a Twisted Staff of Warding (0 charges) f) 2 Wooden Torches (with 2999 turns of light) g) a Brass Lantern (with 355 turns of light) h) The Mail Corslet of Fingon [-3,2d4] <+1> It increases your constitution and grace by 1. It provides resistance to fear. It cannot be harmed by the elements. i) a Cloak [+1] j) a Pair of Boots [+0,1d1] k) a Longsword of Hador's House (+0,2d6) [+1] 4.0 lb It grants you the ability: Follow-Through. l) a Longsword of Gondolin (+0,2d5) [+1] 3.0 lb It slays orcs and trolls. m) a Shovel (-3,2d2) <+1> 5.0 lb It improves your tunneling by 1. It requires both hands to wield it properly. [Notes] Santa of the Naugrim Entered Angband on 20 Dec 2014 Turn Depth Note 1 50 ft Challenge: Disconnected stairs 725 100 ft (Armoursmith) 797 100 ft Made a Set of Gauntlets (-1) [+0,1d1] 4.5 lb 868 100 ft Made a Round Shield [+0,1d3] 8.0 lb 929 100 ft Made a Pair of Boots [+0,1d1] 3.0 lb 1,479 150 ft (Parry) 2,069 200 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 2,133 200 ft Slew Gorgol, the Butcher 2,651 200 ft (Blocking) 3,836 350 ft (Heavy Armour Use) 4,568 350 ft Encountered Boldog, the Merciless 4,776 350 ft Slew Boldog, the Merciless 5,184 350 ft (Keen Senses) 5,558 350 ft Fell through a false floor 5,829 400 ft (Hardiness) 6,062 400 ft Found The Spear of Boldog (from 350 ft) 6,393 400 ft Found The Hauberk of Nevrast (from 100 ft) 7,271 450 ft Found The Studded Leather of Aegnor 7,330 450 ft (Riposte) 7,596 450 ft Fell into a chasm 9,009 550 ft Encountered Uldor, the Accursed 9,565 550 ft Fell into a chasm 9,591 650 ft Encountered Nan, the Giant 9,696 600 ft (Power) 9,696 600 ft (Knock Back) 9,916 550 ft Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord 10,100 550 ft Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord 10,618 550 ft Slew Uldor, the Accursed 10,850 550 ft Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon 10,941 550 ft (Inner Light) 11,264 650 ft Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 11,486 650 ft Slain by a Cat warrior. 11,486 650 ft Died on 28 December 2014. [Challenges] Disconnected stairs ['Score' 013088514]