[Sil 1.1.1 Character Dump] Name Terrine Age 24 Str 12 = 4 +4 +4 Sex Male Height 6'3 Dex 6 = 2 +4 Race Edain Weight 184 Con 7 = 2 +1 +4 House Hador Gra 5 = 1 +4 Game Turn 24,160 Melee (+27,3d12) Melee 27 = 23 +6 -2 Exp Pool 1,060 (+27,3d12) Archery 6 = 0 +6 Total Exp 109,360 (+29,2d11) Evasion 36 = 22 +6 +8 Burden 602.7 Bows (+6,1d8) Stealth 8 = 6 +6 -4 Max Burden 890.7 Armor [+36,6-14] Perception 15 = 10 +5 Depth 0' Will 22 = 12 +5 +5 Min Depth 0' Health 71:71 Smithing 5 = 0 +5 Light Radius 4 Voice 99:99 Song 15 = 10 +5 A Turin Turambar turun ambartanen: master of doom, by doom mastered! [Last Messages] > You hit the Troll guard! > You hit the Troll guard!! > You have slain the Troll guard. > The Troll guard moves through your zone of control. > You hit the Troll guard!! > It has a gentle warmth, and a taste as of flowers. > You feel very good. > You have 13 Clear Potions of Miruvor (c). > The Vampire moves through your zone of control. > You hit the Vampire!! > You have slain the Vampire. > The Troll guard misses you. > You riposte! > You hit the Troll guard!! > You have slain the Troll guard. [Screenshot] ....... ~...#.. ~~..... .~.@... .~~...# ..~~... ...~... [Equipment] a) The Bastard Sword 'Anglachel' (+1,3d3) [+1] 5.0 lb It cuts easily through armour. It makes you encounter more dangerous creatures (even when not worn). It cannot be harmed by the elements. It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. b) a Shortbow of Radiance (+1,1d7) 1.4 lb It fires shining arrows. It can shoot arrows 12 squares (with your current strength). c) an Onyx Ring of Strength <+1> It increases your strength by 1. It sustains your strength. d) an Onyx Ring of Strength <+1> It increases your strength by 1. It sustains your strength. e) an Ivory Amulet of Constitution <+1> It increases your constitution by 1. It sustains your constitution. f) a Feanorian Lamp of True Sight It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. g) The Mail Corslet of Gundor (-1) [-1,2d4] <+1> It increases your strength by 1. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Crowd Fighting. h) The Cloak of Thingol [+2] It provides resistance to cold and fire. It grants you freedom of movement. It cannot be harmed by the elements. i) The Longsword 'Glamdring' (+2,2d5) [+2] <+2> 3.3 lb It improves your will by 2. It slays orcs, trolls, dragons, and raukar. It cannot be harmed by the elements. j) a Crown of Defiance [+0,1d1] <+3> It improves your will by 3. It provides resistance to fear. It cannot be harmed by the elements. k) a Set of Gloves of Strength [+0,1d1] <+1> It increases your strength by 1. l) The Pair of Boots of Finrod [+3,1d1] It grants you freedom of movement. It cannot be harmed by the elements. m) (nothing) n) The Arrow 'Dailir' (+11) It cannot be harmed by the elements. It can be shot 12 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) 8 Thorny Herbs of Rage b) 5 Pieces of Dark Bread c) 13 Clear Potions of Miruvor d) 15 Sparkling Blue Potions of Healing e) 3 Violet Potions of Quickness f) a Dark Green Potion of Elemental Resistance g) 2 Brown Potions of Strength h) 7 Cloudy Potions of Dexterity i) 9 Grey Potions of Constitution j) 2 Black Potions of Grace k) a Golden Trumpet of Blasting l) a Runed Staff of Revelations (0 charges) m) a Jade Ring of Frost It provides resistance to fire. n) a Crystal Amulet of the Blessed Realm <+1> It increases your grace by 1. It sustains your grace. It lights the dungeon around you. o) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth It cannot be harmed by the elements. p) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (-9,6d5) <+3> 100.0 lb It improves your tunneling by 3. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It requires both hands to wield it properly. q) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 12.6 lb It improves your tunneling by 3. It requires both hands to wield it properly. [Notes] Turin of the Edain Entered Angband on 8 Nov 2013 Turn Depth Note 0 50 ft (Dodging) 0 50 ft (Charge) 0 50 ft (Flanking) 994 150 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 1,022 150 ft Slew Gorgol, the Butcher 1,027 150 ft -1,1d7 Prot armour from Gorgol 2,272 250 ft (Momentum) 3,628 350 ft (Keen Senses) 3,786 400 ft Encountered Uldor, the Accursed 3,793 400 ft Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord 3,793 400 ft These must be treacherous... Uldor and Othrod in this room. Run!!! 3,798 400 ft Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord 3,816 400 ft Slew Uldor, the Accursed 3,826 400 ft Decided to buff and go for it :) 3,833 400 ft Encountered Boldog, the Merciless 3,835 400 ft Ha! Boldog is in there as well! 3,895 400 ft Would like to id these boots before taking them off though... 3,941 400 ft Where did Boldog go? 3,956 400 ft Slew Boldog, the Merciless 3,957 400 ft Got him :) 4,022 400 ft 7d10 charge with my WHammer Gondo :) 5,262 500 ft Found The Battle Axe of Hurin (from 400 ft) 5,357 500 ft (Hardiness) 5,551 500 ft Found The Set of Gloves of Celebrimbor 5,551 500 ft Nice. FA 5,722 500 ft (Finesse) 6,033 500 ft (Inner Light) 6,126 500 ft Found The Spear of Boldog (from 400 ft) 7,580 600 ft (Rauko-Bane) 7,933 600 ft Finrod!!! 8,298 600 ft Encountered Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 8,346 600 ft Destroyed Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 8,488 600 ft Freedom or a digger would be really useful 8,488 600 ft Takes ages for my trumpet to recharge! 8,503 600 ft Found The Bastard Sword 'Anglachel' 8,510 600 ft (Two Weapon Fighting) 9,284 600 ft Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 10,367 650 ft (Zone of Control) 10,855 700 ft Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats 10,855 700 ft Encountered Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 10,856 700 ft Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats 10,858 700 ft Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 10,970 700 ft (Master Hunter) 11,038 700 ft Still no rFire 11,111 700 ft No _Understanding or _Sanctity yet 11,111 700 ft I have 5 special weapons in my inventory 11,111 700 ft which I don't dare test 11,375 750 ft Found The Longsword 'Glamdring' 11,582 750 ft Does parry work with your offhand? 11,622 750 ft Entered Cat Fortress 11,963 750 ft Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 11,989 750 ft Destroyed Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 12,312 750 ft Sanctity ran out on a Fury weapon... oops 12,512 750 ft Found The Pair of Boots of Finrod (from 600 ft) 12,553 750 ft Gotta be Thingol! YES! 12,945 750 ft Found The Cloak of Thingol 12,999 750 ft Found The Kite Shield of the Swan 13,235 750 ft Encountered Scatha the Worm 13,241 750 ft Slew Scatha the Worm 13,279 750 ft (Strength) 13,620 750 ft Have Saithnir as well now :) 13,829 800 ft Encountered The Deathblade 'Delmereth' 13,834 800 ft Subdued The Deathblade 'Delmereth' 13,834 800 ft Found The Deathblade 'Delmereth' 14,199 850 ft (Dexterity) 14,852 900 ft Finally a recharging to remove my cursed fury weapon! 14,852 900 ft I can use Glamdring and dig again too! 14,964 900 ft Found The Greatsword of Saithnar (from 750 ft) 15,050 900 ft Found The Kite Shield of Fingolfin (from 800 ft) 15,255 900 ft Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane 15,257 900 ft Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane 15,259 900 ft (Constitution) 15,381 900 ft Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 15,382 900 ft Here's Drauglin. He got me last time. Time for payback? 15,384 900 ft Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 15,384 900 ft Gosh. Vallach too. I guess I ought to buff. 15,393 900 ft Destroyed Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 15,398 900 ft Encountered Ancalagon the Black 15,398 900 ft And Ancalagon is in there! 15,404 900 ft Slew Ancalagon the Black 15,406 900 ft Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 15,412 900 ft No trouble. :) 15,414 900 ft Found The Longbow 'Belthronding' 15,415 900 ft Belthronding. The RNG is really throwing out the top tier stuff. 15,439 900 ft Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin 15,481 900 ft Some good stuff on this floor. Need to avoid False Floors... 15,481 900 ft (Assassination) 15,481 900 ft (Opportunist) 15,486 900 ft I think I'll want rapid attack later perhaps... 15,584 900 ft Encountered Shelob, Spider of Darkness 15,585 900 ft Big red D and Shelob in here as well as Hith etc 15,602 900 ft Slew Shelob, Spider of Darkness 15,603 900 ft Shelob first thing to hit me in a while. Now for the D. Um. 15,646 900 ft Nasty breath took me down, but just needed the one potion. 15,658 900 ft Was sure that would be Fingon. Darn. 15,676 900 ft Found The Mail Corslet of Gundor 15,676 900 ft BUT I WILL SETTLE FOR GUNDOR IN ITS CHEST! 16,193 950 ft First Nameless thing dead 16,571 950 ft (Grace) 17,405 950 ft Found The Arrow 'Dailir' 18,415 950 ft Yes. Chamber of Thu is on this level. I'll feel better with Gorthaur 18,415 950 ft out of the equation. Can also see Calris! 18,459 950 ft Encountered Smaug the Golden 18,466 950 ft Slew Smaug the Golden 18,535 950 ft Entered Chambers of Thu 18,604 950 ft Encountered Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth 18,627 950 ft Slew Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth 18,628 950 ft Got him :) 18,879 950 ft Found The Greatsword 'Calris' 18,881 950 ft (Rapid Attack) 18,881 950 ft (Song of Slaying) 18,881 950 ft (Song of Sharpness) 18,881 950 ft (Woven Themes) 19,020 950 ft Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 19,023 950 ft Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 19,033 950 ft Found The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil 19,048 950 ft (Parry) 19,425 900 ft (Riposte) 20,390 950 ft "Con for "Blessed 20,681 900 ft Glaurung is on this level :) 20,803 900 ft 9 Strength :) 20,892 900 ft Entered Hoard of the Worm of Greed 20,960 900 ft Encountered Glaurung, the Deceiver 20,967 900 ft Slew Glaurung, the Deceiver 20,973 900 ft Haha. Just buffed and wiped out the dragons en masse :) 21,283 900 ft Lets go get Gothmog... 21,522 900 ft Entered Gothmog's hall 21,535 900 ft Encountered Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 21,537 900 ft Encountered Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 21,538 900 ft Destroyed Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 21,542 900 ft Destroyed Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 22,108 900 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 22,750 950 ft Found The Pearl 'Nimphelos' 22,778 950 ft (Unwavering Voice) 23,073 1,000 ft Entered Morgoth's throne room 23,086 1,000 ft Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 23,097 1,000 ft (Poison Resistance) 23,111 1,000 ft Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth 23,122 1,000 ft Slew Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 23,122 1,000 ft Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' 23,377 750 ft Nearly got myself killed when slow trying to drag out the crown 23,377 750 ft and hammer! 23,477 700 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 23,635 550 ft Encountered Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 23,638 550 ft Destroyed Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 23,842 200 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 24,086 Gates Entered The Gates of Angband 24,124 Gates Encountered Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 24,129 Gates Slew Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 24,159 Gates You escaped the Iron Hells on 26 November 2013. 24,159 Gates You brought back all three Silmarils from Morgoth's crown! ['Score' 141375840]