[Sil 1.1.1 Character Dump] Name Beleg Age 3,053 Str 2 = 2 +1 -1 Sex Male Height 6'5 Dex 6 = 4 +2 Race Sindar Weight 159 Con 3 = 2 +1 House Doriath Gra 4 = 3 +1 Game Turn 21,740 Melee (+16,1d3) Melee 16 = 0 +6 -1 +11 Exp Pool 2,829 Bows (+29,1d9) Archery 29 = 23 +6 -1 +1 Total Exp 57,529 Armor [+10,8-22] Evasion 10 = 7 +6 -3 Burden 122.7 Stealth 20 = 11 +6 +3 Max Burden 144.0 Health -5:34 Perception 12 = 8 +4 Depth 900' Voice 41:41 Will 11 = 7 +4 Min Depth 800' Smithing 6 = 2 +4 Light Radius 2 Song 5 = 0 +4 +1 Called 'Cuthalion' for your strength and accuracy with a bow, you are the foremost hunter in Doriath's green realm. [Last Messages] > The Arrow hits Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame!! > You have 47 Arrows (m). > The Arrow hits Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame... > You provoke attacks of opportunity from adjacent enemies! > The Vampire lord claws you! > The Vampire lord bites you... > Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame whips you... > Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame disarms you! Your Longsword 'Orcrist' falls to the ground nearby. > You were wielding The Longsword 'Orcrist' (+2,2d5) [+2] <+2> (r). > Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame hits you. > You are enveloped in flames! > Your Golden Staff of Understanding {empty} (j) was destroyed! > Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame hits you! > You are enveloped in flames! > You die. [Screenshot] # # ##### v@### R '< ### -! # [Equipment] a) (nothing) b) a Shortbow (+0,1d8) 1.5 lb It can shoot arrows 13 squares (with your current strength). c) a Marble Ring of Sustenance It reduces your need for food. d) a Sapphire Ring of Protection [+0,1d2] e) a Dragon Tooth Amulet of Grace <+0> It increases your grace by 0. It sustains your grace. f) a Feanorian Lamp of True Sight It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. g) The Mail Corslet of Fingon [-3,2d4] <+1> It increases your constitution and grace by 1. It provides resistance to fear. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) a Shadow Cloak of Stealth [+1] <+5> It improves your stealth by 5. It creates an unnatural darkness. i) a Kite Shield of Deflection (-1) [+2,1d6] It cannot be harmed by the elements. j) a Dwarf Mask [-2,1d3] It provides resistance to fire. k) a Set of Gauntlets of Strength [+0,1d1] <+1> It increases your strength by 1. l) a Pair of Boots of Softest Tread [-1,1d1] <+2> It improves your stealth by 2. m) 47 Arrows They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). n) 31 Arrows of Piercing They cut easily through armour. They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) 2 Clear Potions of Miruvor b) 7 Grey Potions of Healing c) 6 Milky White Potions of Voice d) 3 Pale Green Potions of Quickness e) a Black Potion of Elemental Resistance f) 7 Smoky Potions of Strength g) 7 Copper Speckled Potions of Dexterity h) 2 Azure Potions of Constitution i) 2 Green Potions of Grace j) an Oak Staff of Revelations (4 charges) k) a Rosewood Staff of Warding (3 charges) l) a Topaz Ring of Accuracy (+1) m) a Bloodstone Ring of Venom's End It provides resistance to poison. n) a Set of Gauntlets of the Forge [-1,1d1] <+3> It improves your smithing by 3. o) a Pair of Greaves of Treacherous Paths [-1,1d2] It makes you encounter more dangerous creatures (even when not worn). p) a Sceptre of Fire (-1,2d3) 4.2 lb It is branded with flame. It lights the dungeon around you. q) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 13.7 lb It improves your tunneling by 3. It requires both hands to wield it properly. r) The Arrow 'Dailir' (+11) It cannot be harmed by the elements. It can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). s) 3 Arrows (+3) They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). t) 55 Arrows They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Notes] Beleg of the Sindar Entered Angband on 4 Jan 2013 Turn Depth Note 91 50 ft (Versatility) 143 100 ft (Dodging) 874 250 ft (Sprinting) 1,192 250 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 1,583 250 ft (Disguise) 1,627 250 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 2,420 400 ft (Exchange Places) 2,684 450 ft (Keen Senses) 3,032 450 ft Encountered Ulfang the Black 3,794 450 ft Encountered Uldor, the Accursed 3,795 450 ft (Listen) 4,729 500 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 5,505 550 ft Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord 6,978 650 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 7,520 600 ft (Precision) 8,285 650 ft Encountered Nan, the Giant 8,678 650 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 9,010 750 ft (Crippling Shot) 9,176 700 ft Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon 9,468 700 ft Found The Longsword 'Orcrist' 9,506 750 ft Fell through a crumbling stair. 9,955 600 ft Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 10,177 550 ft Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 10,226 550 ft Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 10,542 550 ft Encountered Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 12,051 500 ft (Weaponsmith) 12,066 500 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 12,076 500 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 12,279 500 ft Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs 12,829 500 ft Found The Arrow 'Dailir' (from 400 ft) 12,870 500 ft Slew Ulfang the Black 13,007 500 ft Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord 13,505 500 ft (Dexterity) 15,069 600 ft Fell through a false floor. 16,406 650 ft (Dexterity) 18,236 700 ft Destroyed Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 18,269 700 ft (Mind Over Body) 19,216 700 ft Fell through a false floor. 19,500 750 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 19,511 750 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 19,521 750 ft Made 24 Arrows 2.4 lb 21,210 800 ft (Hardiness) 21,726 900 ft Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 21,740 900 ft Slain by Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame. 21,740 900 ft Died on 08 January 2013. ['Score' 018078260]