[TomeNET 4.4.5b @ totem.ielf.org Character Dump] Name : Caine Age 23 STR: 18/148 Sex : Male Height 98 INT: 11 Race : Half-Troll Weight 221 WIS: 18/140 Class : Archer Social Class 7 DEX: 18/129 Body : Player CON: 18/180 Mode : Unworldly (one life) CHR: 18/27 +To MHit 36 Level 49 Hit Points 1385/1385 +To MDamage 44 Experience 5183915 MP (Mana) - +To RHit 70 Max Exp 5183915 Sanity 446/ 495 +To RDamage 40 Exp to Adv. 5800000 + To AC 133 Gold 414445 Status Alive Base AC 55 Fighting : Legendary Perception : Very Good Blows/Round: 3 Bows/Throw : Legendary Searching : Fair Shots/Round: 6 Saving Throw: Heroic Disarming : Fair Stealth : Legendary Magic Device: Fair Infra-Vision: 30 feet You are at surface (0 ft) of world map sector 32,32. (Character Background) Your father was a Water-Troll Cook. You have slime green eyes, mangy sea-weed green hair, and black leprous skin. [Skill Chart] Skills (points left: 0) - Combat 50.000 [1.700] - Weaponmastery 01.000 [0.600] o Sword-mastery 00.000 [0.400] . Axe-mastery 00.000 [0.400] . Blunt-mastery 00.000 [0.480] . Polearm-mastery 00.000 [0.400] - Archery 50.000 [1.000] . Sling-mastery 00.000 [0.800] . Bow-mastery 50.000 [0.850] . Crossbow-mastery 00.000 [0.800] . Boomerang-mastery 00.000 [0.700] . Magic-device 01.000 [0.800] - Necromancy 00.000 [1.000] . Traumaturgy 00.000 [1.000] . Aura of Fear 00.000 [1.000] . Shivering Aura 00.000 [1.000] . Aura of Death 00.000 [1.000] . Antimagic 00.000 [0.350] - Sneakiness 06.970 [0.600] . Stealth 24.200 [0.800] . Dodging 00.000 [0.700] . Calmness 50.000 [0.900] o Disarming 00.500 [0.500] - Health 50.000 [1.100] . Swimming 00.000 [0.040] . Climbing 00.000 [0.040] . Digging 00.000 [0.900] [Character Equipment] a) a Quarterstaff of Life {+,21} (1d11) (+17,+14) [+10] (+3) {@Ox} b) (weapon / shield) c) The Long Bow of Domination {+,57} (x4) (+30,+30) {@O} d) a Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,41} (+13) e) a Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,41} (+13) f) an Ebony Amulet of Speed {+,25} (+5) g) a Feanorian Lamp of the Eternal Eye {+,44} {fear,blind} h) Power Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {+,48}(-3)[40,+35]{!k!d!s!v@w1} i) an Elven Cloak of Invisibility {+,35} [4,+22] (+3) (+3) j) The Metal Cap of Feanor {+,44} [3,+18] (+4) {!k!d!s!v@w2} k) Set of Cesti of Fingolfin {+,43}(+10,+10)[5,+20](+4){dark,light,conf} l) Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Feanor {+,38}[3,+20](+15spd){!k!d!s!v} m) The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} n) Climbing Set {+,10} [Character Inventory] a) 50 Hazy Potions of Speed {+,3} {@q3} b) 20 Chartreuse Potions of Heroism {+,1} {@q5} c) 55 Light Blue Potions of Healing {+,16} {@q2} d) 10 Grey Potions of Restore Life Levels {+,8} {@q4} e) 30 Smoky Potions of Resistance {+,7} {@q1} f) 30 Scrolls "pleman bulan" of Phase Door {+,1} {@r1} g) 22 Scrolls "mur for" of Teleportation {+,3} {@r2} h) 13 Scrolls "val gopro" of Word of Recall {+,1} {@RW32,32} i) 35 Scrolls "junag blaa" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {on sale} j) 7 Scrolls "petsta ion" of Satisfy Hunger {+,1} {on sale} k) a Tin Rod of Detection of Simplicity {+,21} {!k!d!s!v} l) 2 Ivory Rods of Disarming of Simplicity {+,18} {!k!d!s!v} m) Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail {+,40} (-2) [30,+26] {!k!d!s!v@w1} n) an Iron Crown of Telepathy {+,38} [0,+15] {!k!d!s!v@w2} [Last Messages] The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 205 damage. The Target dummy reels from 24 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 215 damage. The Target dummy reels from 24 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. It was a good hit! The Target dummy reels from 291 damage. The Target dummy reels from 30 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 225 damage. The Target dummy reels from 28 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. It was a great hit! The Target dummy reels from 351 damage. The Target dummy reels from 24 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 205 damage. The Target dummy reels from 26 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 210 damage. The Target dummy reels from 26 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 215 damage. The Target dummy reels from 26 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 210 damage. The Target dummy reels from 26 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 205 damage. The Target dummy reels from 28 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 210 damage. The Target dummy reels from 30 damage. The Arrow 'Feanturi' {+,34} (exploding) (1d5) (+6,+0) {undead} hits the Target dummy. The Target dummy reels from 220 damage. The Target dummy reels from 26 damage. [Surroundings] Half-Troll ##### ^^## ######## ####^^# Archer ##* ^^^## ##9##### ########### ##^^#* M-Archer #* ^^^### ####### ;.; #"##"####"# ##^^# LEVEL 49 * ^^### ###"### (########### ##^^ XP 5183915 ^^## ####### ########### ##^ AU 414445 ^*# ###6### ########### #^ # ~~~ ... ###+###+### ##### #^ [+++-------] ^^# #######~ ... ... #...# #^^ STR: 18/148 ^## #"#"### ~ ###### #...# #^^ INT: 11 ## ####### ###### #### #~~.# #^^ WIS: 18/140 # ##5#### ###### #### #### #8#+# ^^^ DEX: 18/129 # ... #+##@#. # .( #### #### ~~~.. ^^# CON: 18/180 ## ...@....###..### #### #### #^^## CHR: 18/27 #" #### .........#...### #+## #### ^^### SN: 446/ 495 ## ##### #### ............### ... #### #^^##*^ AC: 188 ## ##"## #### ... ....@..### ###### ( *^^###^ HP:1385/1385 ##### ......... #####" ## ]]( #^^##^#^ MP: -/ - * #2### #####..########....... ###### "# ] ] ^^#^^### ST: 10/ 10 # . #"### ########...,`,. #1#### ## ] #^^####### FK *# ##### ##7###+# ..,, ..~ ## ##*#^^*####^## [----------] ^#### ##3## ... ... , ~~~~~ #####^^^^^# #^^##^ ^^^^## ... ~ ~~~!*#### ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ Fast (+45) Bree [Unique Monsters] You have slain Freesia. You have slain Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog. You have slain Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog. You have slain Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog. You have assisted in slaying Mughash, the Kobold Lord. You have slain Vort the Kobold Queen. You have slain Brodda, the Easterling. You have assisted in slaying Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman. You have assisted in slaying The Borshin. You have slain Grishnakh, the Hill Orc. You have slain Orfax, Son of Boldor. You have slain The wounded bear. You have slain Ufthak of Cirith Ungol. You have slain Boldor, King of the Yeeks. You have slain The Rat King. You have slain Shagrat, the Orc Captain. You have slain Gorbag, the Orc Captain. You have slain The Icky Queen. You have slain Bolg, Son of Azog. You have slain The Queen Ant. You have slain Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai. You have slain Ibun, Son of Mim. You have slain Sangahyando of Umbar. You have slain Angamaite of Umbar. You have slain Khim, Son of Mim. You have slain Khufu, the Mummified King. You have assisted in slaying Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang. You have assisted in slaying Mim, Betrayer of Turin. You have slain Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain. You have slain Fire Phantom. You have slain Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings. You have slain Draebor, the Imp. You have slain Kavlax the Many-Headed. You have slain Uvatha the Horseman. You have slain The Minotaur of the Labyrinth. You have slain Shadowfax, steed of Gandalf. You have slain The Kung-Fu Yeek from Hell. You have slain Medusa, the Gorgon. You have slain Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir. You have slain Scylla. You have slain Eilinel the Entrapped. You have slain Waldern, King of Water. You have slain Ariel, Queen of Air. You have slain Vargo, Tyrant of Fire. You have slain Adunaphel the Quiet. You have slain Ulfang the Black. You have slain Quachil Uttaus, Treader of the Dust. You have slain Akhorahil the Blind. You have slain The Stormbringer. You have slain Golgarach, the Living Rock. You have assisted in slaying Ghatanothoa. You have slain Scatha the Worm. You have slain Yibb-Tstll, the Patient One. You have slain Itangast the Fire Drake. You have slain Charon, Boatman of the Styx. You have slain Ren the Unclean. You have slain Fafner the Dragon. You have slain Smaug the Golden. You have slain Garm, Guardian of Hel. You have slain Eol, the Dark-Elf. You have slain The White Balrog. You have slain Ulik the Troll. You have slain Harowen the Black Hand. You have slain Ji Indur Dawndeath. You have slain The Glass Golem. You have slain Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth. You have slain The King in Yellow. You have assisted in slaying Ar-Pharazon the Golden. You have slain The Lernaean Hydra. You have slain Shelob, Spider of Darkness. You have slain Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep. You have slain Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw. You have slain Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be. You have slain Baphomet the Minotaur Lord. You have slain Jack of Shadows. You have slain Saruman of Many Colours. You have slain Azriel, Angel of Death. You have slain Gabriel, the Messenger. You have slain Hoarmurath of Dir. You have slain The Cat Lord. You have slain Hypnos, Lord of Sleep. You have slain Glaaki. You have slain Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger. You have slain Tselakus, the Dreadlord. You have slain Khamul, the Black Easterling. You have slain Lord Jubei, The Legendary Swordsmaster. You have slain Null, the Living Void. You have slain Omarax the Eye Tyrant. You have slain Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God. You have slain Hela, Queen of the Dead. You have slain Y'golonac. You have slain Ungoliant, the Unlight. You have slain Mardra, rider of the Gold Loranth. You have slain Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness. You have slain Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer. You have slain The Mouth of Sauron. You have slain The Witch-King of Angmar. You have slain Pirotessa, Succubus Empress. You have slain Pazuzu, Lord of Air. You have slain The Tarrasque. You have slain Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord. You have slain Loki, the Trickster. You have slain Tulzscha, the Green Flame. You have slain Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One. You have slain Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods. You have slain Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar. You have slain Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos. You have slain Jormungand the Midgard Serpent.