[Hengband 1.7.2 Character Dump] Name : Shrewd Soldat Sex : Female Age 22 STR!: 18/180 Race : Klackon Height 54 INT!: 18/200 Class : Ranger Weight 70 WIS!: 18/120 Magic : Nature, Chaos Social Class 3 DEX!: 18/190 Align Chaotic Con!: 18/*** 18/*** CHR!: 18/110 Right hand (+59,+66) Hit point 759/ 759 Fighting : Legendary[2] SP (Mana) 152/ 246 Bows/Throw : Legendary[25] Blows/Round 5+0 SavingThrow: Superb AverageDmg/Rnd 390+0 Level 36 Stealth : Excellent Experience 1190047 Shooting (+53,+7) Max Exp 1190047 Perception : Superb Multiplier x3.42 Exp to Adv 1265000 Searching : Superb Shots/Round 2.44 Gold 1564453 Disarming : Superb MagicDevice: Legendary[2] AC [56,+104] Time Day 2975 5:45 Speed (+24) Play time 24:11:00 Infra-Vision: 20 feet (Character Background) You are one of several children of a Klackon hive queen. You have black skin, and black eyes. ...Now, you are exploring level 7 of Angband. Modification Sex : Female Stat BaseRacClaPerMod ActualCurrent abcdefghijkl@ Race : Klackon STR!: 18/90 2 2 -2 7 18/180 ..s......3..4 Class : Ranger INT!: 18/130 -1 2 2 4 18/200 ............4 Level : 36 WIS!: 18/90 -1 0 0 4 18/120 ............4 Hits : 759/759 DEX!: 18/70 1 1 1 9 18/190 .........3.42 Mana : 152/246 Con!: 18/130 2 1 -1 9 18/*** 18/*** ..4......3..2 CHR!: 18/90 -1 1 -1 3 18/110 ..4.........1 |)}=="~[(]]] |)}=="~[(]]] |)}=="~[(]]] abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Acid : ............# Sound : .......+..... Speed : ....+...+..++ Elec : .++.....+...# Nether: .+........... FreeAction: ..+.....++++. Fire : ............# Nexus : ...........+. SeeInvisi.: ......+...... Cold : .*......+...# Chaos : .......+..... Hold Life : ............. Poison: .+..........# Disnch: .......+..... Warning : ............. Light : ............. Fear : .+........... SlowDigest: ............. Dark : .+.......+... Reflct: ............. Regene. : ............. Shard : ..+....+..... AuFire: ............. Levitation: .+.........+. Blind : ......+...... AuElec: ............. Perm Lite : .+........... Conf : ............+ AuCold: ............. Cursed : ............. |) |)}=="~[(]]] |)}=="~[(]]] ab@ abcdefghijkl@ abcdefghijkl@ Slay Evil : ... Telepathy : .....+....... Add Blows : ............. Slay Und. : ... ESP Evil : ............. Add Tunnel : ............. Slay Demon: ... ESP Noliv.: ............. Add Infra : ............. Slay Drag.: ... ESP Good : ............. Add Device : ............. Slay Human: ... ESP Undead: ............. Add Stealth : ........+.... Slay Anim.: ... ESP Demon : ............. Add Search : .+......+.... Slay Orc : ... ESP Dragon: ............. Slay Troll: ... ESP Human : ............. Riding : +............ Slay Giant: ... ESP Animal: ............. Throw : ............. Acid Brand: ... ESP Orc : ............. Blessed : ............. Elec Brand: ... ESP Troll : ............. No Teleport : ............. Fire Brand: ... ESP Giant : ............. Anti Magic : ............. Cold Brand: ... Econom. Mana: ............. Poison Brd: ... Sust Str : ..+......+... Sharpness : ... Sust Int : ............. Drain Exp : ............. Quake : ... Sust Wis : ............. Rnd.Teleport: ............. Vampiric : ... Sust Dex : .........+.+. Aggravate : ............. Chaotic : ... Sust Con : .........+... TY Curse : ............. Force Wep.: ... Sust Chr : ............. [Option Settings] Preserve Mode: OFF Small Levels: ENABLED Diving Only: ON Unusual Rooms: ON Arena Levels: ENABLED [Recall Depth] Angband : level 7 [Quest Information] < Completed Quest > Thieves Hideout (Danger level: 5) - level 3 Orc Camp (Danger level: 15) - level 31 Doom Quest 1 (Danger level: 15) - level 31 Dark Elven Lords Quest (Danger level: 25) - level 31 The Mimic's Treasure (Danger level: 25) - level 31 Tengu and Death Swords (Danger level: 25) - level 31 The Cloning Pits (Danger level: 45) - level 32 The Old Castle (Danger level: 50) - level 33 Node of Nature (Danger level: 65) - level 34 Node of Chaos (Danger level: 65) - level 35 The Borshin (Dungeon level: 6) - level 36 Node of Sorcery (Danger level: 65) - level 36 < Failed Quest > The Sewer (Danger level: 15) - level 7 Logrus Master (Danger level: 25) - level 7 The Vault (Danger level: 30) - level 7 Old Man Willow Quest (Danger level: 22) - level 31 Arena: Defeated by Shambler in the 35th fight [Defeated Monsters] You have defeated 35530 enemies including 39 unique monsters in total. < Unique monsters top 10 > Smaug the Golden (level 45) Moire, Queen of Rebma (level 39) Rolento (level 38) Loge, Spirit of Fire (level 38) Botei-Building, the Emperor (level 36) Groo the Wanderer (level 33) Fasolt the Giant (level 33) Mario (level 31) Barney the Dinosaur (level 29) Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang (level 26) [Virtues] Your alighnment : Chaotic You are an arch-enemy of Nature. You are the living embodiment of Temperance. You are the polar opposite of Diligence. You are very virtuous in Harmony. You have strayed from the path of Chance. You are the polar opposite of Honour. You have sinned against Sacrifice. You are a bitter enemy of Patience. You were able to use Sorcery magic before. You were able to use Chaos magic before. [Mutations] You are telekinetic. You can Mind Blast your enemies. You can emit hard radiation at will. You can consume solid rock. You can emit a horrible shriek. You can polymorph yourself at will. You can emit confusing, blinding radiation. You can freeze things with a touch. You attract demons. You sometimes cause nearby creatures to vanish. You receive warnings about your foes. Your blood sometimes rushes to your muscles. You are superhumanly strong (+4 STR). Your brain is a living computer (+4 INT/WIS). You are extremely fat (+2 CON, -2 speed). Your face is featureless (-1 CHR). You have an extra pair of legs (+3 speed). Your skin is made of steel (-1 DEX, +25 AC). Your body is very limber (+3 DEX). [Character Equipment] a) The Long Sword 'Ringil' (4d5) (+22,+25) (+10 to speed) {%all dlvl 7} b) The Large Metal Shield 'Bottomless Pit' (+6,+3) [8,+8] (+3 to searching) {Sr;*Co;ElPoDkNtFe;LvLu} c) The Long Bow 'Static Eletricity' (x3) (+16,+7) (+4) {CnCh;ElSh;Fa(St} d) a Ring of Slaying of Berserker (+1,+19) e) a Ring of Speed (+9) f) an Amulet of Telepathy g) a Feanorian Lamp of Immortal Eye h) Balance Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+10] {ShSoCaDi} i) The Fur Cloak 'Aamvalgor' [3,+11] (+4 to speed) {SpSlSr;ElCo;Fa} j) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Might [0,+6] (+3) {StDxCn;Dk;Fa(StDxCn} k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Generator' [1,+14] l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to speed) [Character Inventory] a) 8 Nature Spellbooks [Call of the Wild] {@m1 !k!d} b) 7 Nature Spellbooks [Nature Mastery] {@m2 !k!d} c) a Nature Spellbook [Nature's Gifts] {@m3 !k!d} d) a Nature Spellbook [Nature's Wrath] {@m4 !k!d} e) 8 Chaos Spellbooks [Sign of Chaos] {@m5 !k!d} f) 6 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Mastery] {@m6 !k!d} g) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels] {@m7 !k!d} h) 99 Potions of Speed {!*} i) 99 Potions of Healing {!*} j) 99 Potions of Healing {!*} k) 38 Potions of *Healing* {!*} l) 97 Potions of Restore Mana {!*} m) 57 Potions of Resistance {25% off} n) 44 Scrolls of Teleportation {!*} o) 53 Scrolls of *Destruction* {!*!*} p) 4 Rods of Perception (1 charging) {!!} q) 5 Rods of Healing {!* !!} r) a Rod of Restoration {!* !!} s) 6 Rods of Teleport Other {!* !!} t) 3 Rods of Disarming {!k!d} u) an Amulet of Intelligence (+6) v) The Bar Chain Mail of Diomedes (-2) [18,+20] (+2 to searching) {StInDxCnSr;FiPoShNtNx;Rf(St} w) The Broad Spear 'Runespear' (3d9) (+15,+25) [+5] (+4) {InWi;ElFiLi;FaSdLuBs|EF/oTP} [Home Inventory] ( page 1 ) a) 8 Nature Spellbooks [Call of the Wild] {@m1 !k!d} b) 8 Nature Spellbooks [Nature Mastery] {@m2 !k!d} c) 5 Nature Spellbooks [Nature's Gifts] {@m3 !k!d} d) a Nature Spellbook [Nature's Wrath] {@m4 !k!d} e) 8 Chaos Spellbooks [Sign of Chaos] {@m5 !k!d} f) 8 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Mastery] g) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels] {@m7 !k!d} h) a Chaos Spellbook [Armageddon Tome] {@m8 !k!d} i) 63 Mushrooms of Restoring {!*} j) 20 Pieces of Elvish Waybread k) 16 Potions of Speed {!*} l) 29 Potions of Healing {!*} ( page 2 ) a) 6 Potions of Life {!*!*} b) 4 Potions of Dexterity {25% off} c) 3 Potions of Charisma {25% off} d) 8 Potions of Self Knowledge {50% off} e) 3 Potions of New Life {75% off} f) 14 Scrolls of *Identify* g) 7 Scrolls of *Remove Curse* h) a Scroll of Acquirement {!*} i) 4 Rods of Disarming {!k!d} j) a Ring of Constitution and Wizardry (+6) k) a Ring of Damage (+19) l) a Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance ( page 3 ) a) an Amulet of Intelligence and Resist Fire (+4) b) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching) c) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) d) Bar Chain Mail of Resistance (-2) [18,+19] {AcElFiCoNx} e) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {StDx;AcElFiCoCfSoFe} f) The Metal Lamellar Armour of Pyaray (-3) [23,+16] (+4) {In;ElFiCfNtCaDi} g) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcElFiCoCfSoNx} h) The O-yoroi 'Hound' (-2) [24,+10] (+4 to searching) {StWiDxCnSrIf;Nx} i) a Robe of Permanence [2,+9] j) Cord Armour of Resistance [6,+16] {AcElFiCoPoNt} k) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) {Dx;AcShCa} l) Black Clothes of Resistance [4,+26] (+3 to stealth) {Sl;AcElFiCoPo} ( page 4 ) a) Sexy Swimsuit [0,+0] b) The Elven Cloak 'Uullhachcu' [4,+15] (+4 to stealth) {WiCnSlSr;AcCoCa[C} c) The Large Leather Shield 'Hound' [6,+13] (+4) {Cn;Di;FaSi} d) an Iron Crown of Telepathy [0,+5] {~TeleGood~UZ} e) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3) {StDxCn;AcNx} f) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {CoPoShCfNtNx} g) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {CoShSo} h) a Tulwar of Slaying (7d5) (+2,+2) i) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0) j) a Glaive of Extra Attacks (2d6) (+8,+10) (+2 attacks) k) The Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand (3d8) (+8,+11) [+5] (+3) {StCnSl;AcElFiCoBl;FaSiRgLv/oTU} l) The Long Bow of Bard (x4) (+17,+19) (+3) ( page 5 ) a) The Light Crossbow 'Chameleon's Tongue' (x4) (+14,+8) (+4) {Dx;Di;Xm(Dx} b) 17 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) (32/78) {@f1 =g !k} c) The Corpse of Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang {!*Wanted} [Check Sum: "07aa1b1849421ce8ec"]