Hello everyone,
Just a quick question - I'm actually playing the Zangband tk variant but afaik the spell failure system is the same, maybe someone can confirm. My spell failure rate shows as the 5% minimum but I seem to fail a lot more than that. I get two failures in a row pretty often which is extremely unlikely at 5%. I'm not stunned or even in combat. Just randomly walking around the dungeon and I cast detect monsters and fail twice in a row. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
Just a quick question - I'm actually playing the Zangband tk variant but afaik the spell failure system is the same, maybe someone can confirm. My spell failure rate shows as the 5% minimum but I seem to fail a lot more than that. I get two failures in a row pretty often which is extremely unlikely at 5%. I'm not stunned or even in combat. Just randomly walking around the dungeon and I cast detect monsters and fail twice in a row. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.