Sil-Q Tileset

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  • MicroChasm
    • Feb 2020
    • 55

    Originally posted by Bill Peterson
    The person who did the original Sil was apparently not interested in tiles at all and put definitions of ASCII characters in various source files with no connection to the .prf files.
    I feel your pain. I did see your post about the Gervais tiles when I was looking into the history of Sil tiles.

    What Quirk and I found when implementing tiles was that there were some monsters and items that were represented in ASCII that could actually be fixed by cross-referencing the monster.txt, object.txt, and terrain.txt files, against graph-new.prf and flvr.prf.

    I also did the very tedious thing of assigning all seemingly unused reference ID numbers to one specific bright pink square on my tilesheet, up to ID 500. Then I could check in the game if this caused them to use the pink tile instead of an ASCII character in-game. This caught a few entities that were not defined in the .txt files or the .prf files. In the end, the biggest issue has been artifacts, which I believe need back-end changes to support.

    Once my own tiles have been implemented, your work of converting to the Gervais tileset should actually be doable!


    • Mechapede
      • Apr 2020
      • 7

      Originally posted by MicroChasm
      Wow, thank you for the in-depth critique. It helps to see these images from someone else’s eyes. I started writing a reply which addressed each concern individually but it was turning into a novel. I do agree with most of your input, especially concerning the player tile and the doors.

      The walls are a little tricky because any added visual interest can look strange when repeated over and over. There is currently some slight tile variation, but I will definitely experiment with it more.

      You were wondering about the tile to the left of the player in the penultimate image-- it is a pile of rubble. As for the tile to the right of the Tanglethorns-- it is a curved blade. I think a couple of extra pixels in the handle might make that more clear.

      The color palette is an interesting question. I set out to keep the palette limited and desaturated. As it turns out, we need to use an indexed 256-color .bmp in order for the tiles to work correctly on Linux. While this is a limitation, I’m actually glad because it forces me to stick to my original ideals.

      Speaking of ideals, I mentioned the idea of clarity in my original post. My feeling is that very detailed tiles are at risk of blending together; I want tiles with areas of solid color that form lines and curves that are easily identifiable. The grimhawks are a good example. Basically I’m trying to capture some of what people like about ASCII. I have nothing against more detailed tiles, or less detailed tiles, I’m just making the tileset that I personally want to see in the world.

      My tiles are a bit of an experiment really, and this may be the cause of them feeling unfocused. Now, having said that, I don’t want to use this as an excuse to make ugly tiles. I believe that they can be made both clear as well as beautiful with enough work.

      Here is an example of four roguelikes that I think are good examples of how form, color, and large vs small frequency detail can affect clarity: Tileset Comparison. You probably recognize DCSS, TOME, and ADOM, but the one in the top left is called Rescue Timmy. I really like the style.

      I appreciate the offer of help! Your rendition of the Infra Arcana church is actually very impressive. I think it may be helpful to let you take a pass. But I don’t think the time for that has come quite yet. Although I’ve been enjoying my time with the tiles I do have other projects-- I’m planning to let them go for just a bit and see if there is other feedback. Major changes to artwork are always less painful after some time away. After the second iteration I will let you know.
      Yo, mate,

      I figure we should not allow the thread to die - besides, this way other people can also find their way here, look at your tiles and provide some valuable feedback.

      So, first things first: whenever you feel like having some help, tell me and we can try to arrange something (and I appreciate the compliment towards my rendition of IA's church). I have been thinking about going back to GIMP and trying something, so regardless of how limited my free time is, I'll likely put an effort into finding some room for it. As for the clarity of tiles in that little compilation, I dig what I see there (minus the ToME picture - it seems a bit too clogged, even though unlike the large majority of players, I hold no grudge against ToME's tiles). Rescue Timmy does feel quite nice and clear, I have to say.

      Now, I wanted to go back to some of the tiles we have not discussed before.

      Gorgol - I truly dig this one!

      Third picture: blueish swordsman to the left of the player and purpleish one to the left of the "birds" - which enemies do they represent?

      Mountain troll - again, I like them very much!

      Orcs - I like them as they are, but I agree with the other poster in that I believe a rendition more similar to modern fantasy goblins could be beneficial. However, trying to depict anthropomorphic figures of differing heights can be quite challenging on a 16x16 canvas - so perhaps making them slightly scrawnier overall could be worth a shot... if the end result does not look good, do know that these are quite OK as they are, in my opinion.

      Orc captain - I like it, as it is easy to see that it is meant to be set apart from the others. This much is quite obvious, mind you; detecting that it holds a sword and leash on its hands, however, requires a bit more effort (but only a tiny bit more, anyways). So I guess this tile works in a way kinda like an ASCII character in that your brain first grasps that it should be interpreted differently rather than immediately "seeing" what there is to see... but this is just rambling. Well, I like it, but maybe coloring it a tad differently than the other Orcs (think the bloodied blade on Gorgol's hand) could be good for the sake of furthering the tile's clarity and enhancing the "hey, player - you better halt autopilot for half a minute and pay attention to this fella" factor.

      Massive/bulging white model on the seventh picture, next to the player - what is that? Unless you tell me this is meant to be a bird (lol), I like this one and it seems quite clear to me (even though my brain is not making the connection as to which enemy this one could possibly be - but I am very noob at Sil and never played Sil-Q, so there are plenty of foes that I am yet to meet).

      Next picture, two equally massive ones wielding a shield next to a zombie/wight kinda of creature - what are those and what is the wight/zombie? I feel the zombie/wight thing could also be a shadow or vampire, and once more, what I said above applies - whatever these tiles are trying to convey, I think they are all quite successful as they are.

      Object which is NOT rubble - I think I might not have been clear with my directions the last time, mate. The tile for rubble is quite clear as it is and I see it on many different pictures, but my question concerned the tile that shows up twice on the ninth picture, to the left of the player, the dragon and the rubble itself. The second one is inside the other room, to the right of a "grenade" and a clear potion. It resembles a T with two little curved heads on top or something like that (there is another one on the previous picture, above the zombie/wight creature). What is it?

      Objects on the floor - I like most of them as they are, save for some little tweaks which I think could help in terms of clarity (the blade on the first picture as we have discussed, the arrows and perhaps the dagger/sword on the eighth picture, if you go left and down from the massive shield-wielding enemies... it seems like it could be far too many things at once [meaning either a dagger or different kinds of sword]). In any case, perhaps you could post pictures of the different kinds of body armor so that more detailed feedback can be provided, as these might be the ones to generate the most confusion.

      Forge - perhaps having a single hammer instead of three would actually make it clearer, mate. Also, perhaps a different position for the hammers would be beneficial, as they feel... oddly orderly, right now. It seems like they are (unnaturally) propped up, just waiting for the next hero to come by and use them. Maybe a having a single hammer positioned roughly like the blade on the very first picture could yield a nice result.

      Wolves - would you mind posting a picture of your new rendition of the wolves? Would be nice to have some perspective in relation to those on the first picture.

      Lastly, colored walls - how cumbersome is the implementation of colored walls for different levels, as far as programming goes? Not that the walls/levels should mean anything in particular, but IA does it and I find it highly atmospheric (to the point of having sent an e-mail back in late-2016 or early-2017 to the developer upon finding out that he had them removed from the game, and prompting him to re-include them; he afterwards admitted liking them quite much, too). Simply descending and finding redbrick walls, maybe dark green or mudbrown, feels quite atmospheric and does not break the flow of the game in any way, as we are merely talking aesthetics (of a relatively non-important object) here, so it is an "easy" way (bar potential programming issues, obviously) to bring added-value to your tileset. In case there is some little programming work to be done here and provided it is indeed only a little, I insist that you sit down and think about it - perhaps sit down with Quirk and talk to him, as again, colored walls add a ton of atmosphere to the game.

      That is it for now, and this post already seems as big (if not bigger) than the other lol



      • MicroChasm
        • Feb 2020
        • 55

        Bluish swordsman is an Orc Soldier. If I remember correctly, Orc Soldiers are blue in the ASCII, so I wanted to maintain this convention and use it to visually distinguish them from other orcs. Scrawny orcs isn’t a bad idea, I will look into it. I’ve found that it’s not uncommon that I improve my tiles when I remove excess pixels anyway. Our purple friend is a wight; the purple denotes a draining attack.

        The point about the orc captain is taken. This tile has actually changed since the screenshot to represent the fact that this orc will only have a blade in the next version, instead of the blade and whip they have in the current version of Sil. There is a new tile for an Orc Slaver, which has a whip.

        My man with big muscles is a regular old Troll. The massive shield-bearers are Troll Guards. The monster above them in that picture is a Greater Werewolf.

        Ahh, yes I see what you are asking in the rubble image-- those are herbs. Since you asked about items, I’ve provided a picture with lots of items. Lots of items : )

        For the other images, I considered explaining each tile, but maybe it’s better to let people guess. The only one I will point out in the Darting Horror in the second image, since I don’t think that there is any physical description of this monster anywhere and I just made up an image for it.

        As for the forge-- the three hammers represent that the forge has three charges left. They are one of the few things in the tileset that are an abstraction, so they may look out of place… let me know what you think with this new information. Whether I keep them the same or not, I plan to keep some visual representation of charges.

        I got some new wolves for you. In my original post I was actually lamenting the tiles for the wolves from before the posted screens, but I have remade them since then. Let me know how they feel.

        It’s good to know that different walls would be so well received. Having the walls change as you descend is something that Quirk and I have discussed a little, but he would have to vouch for the difficulty of implementation.

        More Tile Images


        • Quirk
          • Mar 2016
          • 461

          Some forges have 4 uses, and the number of uses is not shown in the ASCII at present but rather when you walk over them. I think one hammer would be preferable.

          I think Orc Champions are the blue guys.

          I'm certainly looking to liven up the walls a little bit at some stage, yes, once we've got the basics more or less up and running. I should probably get a build with what I've got over to you at some point soon. There are various fixes including the artifacts that are currently ASCII; I've been meaning to sort out the alertness status but it's a bit more work and I haven't got round to it yet.

          I like the new wolf design, and the serpent's great.


          • Infinitum
            • Oct 2013
            • 319

            The wolves are a big improvement for sure. The contrast helps. Still think the pose looks a bit odd; the hind legs looks like its moving whereas the front ones strike a more static pose. The hind part also looks like it's twisted towards the observer, and the droping tail looks odd on a (supposedly aggressive and non-submissive) canine.

            Maybe remove the rearmost hind paw, position the other one slightly back from where it is now and shift the perspective so that you see both front paws along with the snout instead? Also there's the black mane but I'm guessing you're still working on the aprt of the body.

            The weapons and jewelry looks spot on. The armor could still use some work though. The hauberk looks more like plate than mail atm. The mail shirt looks a bit like a small onesie what with the central crease, and could maybe some more contrasting highlights to stress that its metal and not gray fabric? The gloves/gauntlets are fine, but the positioning of them at a ninety degree angle relative eachother looks a bit awkward. The cloaks look pretty bad at that angle imo. Maybe if it was draped more sideways, with a more prominent hood to make it easier to identify at a glance (a piece of fabric dropped on the floor is hard to make look good and distinct, granted). I like the boots, having one of them point directly towards the player is pretty bold perspective wise, but I think they work. I really like the kite/mithril shields, buckler.. not so much (can't really put my finger on why though, maybe the cirkular shapes are just uninteresting when viewed straight on idk). The horns look a bit.. odd, if only because I'd expect them to be slightly smaller and at a more upward facing angle (similar to ones mounted on walls and whatnot).

            I also agree that the PC looks very placeholder atm. Don't suppose the engine supports multiple sprites for the same object? There aren't that many equpiment configurations for Sil. Leather/mail/cloth, longsword/axe/spear (x2 for twohanders), warhammer/dagger/shortsword (x3 with no/round/kite shield), with/without cloak, quiver and bow, helm. That's something like 3x6x9x2x2x2.. 1200 odd combinations, times 3 for different races. Nevermind. Do you plan some sort of dress up doll approach akin to how most other roguelikes do it?
            Last edited by Infinitum; April 23, 2020, 21:23.


            • MicroChasm
              • Feb 2020
              • 55

              That is all good feedback Infinitum, thanks. I like the wolf suggestions.

              The hauberk is probably the hardest item. I think I will look through other tilesets to see how they handle it. Real hauberks don't have much defining detail, and it's tough to get across the idea of rings with so few pixels.

              I will try adding a hood to the cloak. Cloaks do need something to define them or they can end up blobby.

              For the horns, I can review them but honestly it's not easy to get a nice curved horn with so few pixels. This orientation was the best that I saw, but again other tilesets might have solved this issue better.

              For the player, this is going to have to be a discussion with Quirk. Although I love the dress-up player doll set-up of games like DCSS because they make your character feel like your own, this is not a system that is easily implemented.

              I think that there is a possible compromise in the dress-up system. For example, there could be a tile for the player with a sword/hammer/ax/spear/glaive, and then these each with a shield on top. Maybe if your highest skill is archery you hold a bow? I don't know the specifics but I think there may be a way to implement this system without getting into too much detail and making it untenable.


              • Mechapede
                • Apr 2020
                • 7

                Hey everybody,

                So, let's go:

                Bluish swordsman and wight - Orc Soldier, obviously! I should've seen that given that, yes, they are blue in ASCII. The wight looks convincing, I like it.

                Orc captain - good to know the tile has since been tweaked, but may I ask whether removing the whip (indeed, not a leash) was the only change? In case such is so, then I'd suggest you could still ponder giving it some extra colors (maybe by making his sword bloodied, although that could end up having the undesirable effect of likening Orc Captains to Gorgol).

                Troll, Troll Guards and Greater Werewolf - as stated before, I like them all and now that I know these are the creatures the tiles are attempting to convey, I can say with certainty that indeed, they are effective.

                Herbs - hmm... I **definitely** did not get there by myself. I have two suggestions here, and shall also add an observation on the negative aspect shared by both:

                Suggestion #1: How about going the Resident Evil route and trying to draw them within a vase/pot/similar container? This shouldn't create any issues with the observance of colors, as the container would remain the same and one could simply color the herbs as required.

                Suggestion #2: How about drawing a simple leaf (and coloring it accordingly)?

                Negative aspect: Both of them somewhat infantilize the otherwise serious tone you seem to be going for with the tileset, with #2 clearly infantilizing it more than #1 (which is why I prefer #1). Still, perhaps an interesting compromise could be reached here. If you dislike either solution, then consider making the herb a bit leafier/spikier/branch out a tad more.

                Darting Horror - which one is it? I mean, I suppose it is the grayish one (even though 'darting' could mean the purple one, given wings = speed), right? At any rate and despite acknowledging that you'd rather have us guess, could you at least shed some light on which one it is? Bear in mind I have barely played Sil and never delved into Sil-Q, so there is plenty I am yet to see. Also, my lack of insight here can (and probably does) play a part on my following remark, but while I find the grayish creature very nice-looking and appropriate, the winged one looks a tad videogamey to me. Granted, there is only so much you can do with a 16x16 canvas and limited colors, mate. Likewise, I cannot provide any feedback as to how you could possibly tweak this creature (given I do not know which monster it is), and really, perhaps there is nothing to be done, here (but I thought it useful to get the "videogamey" feeling I get from it across).

                Forge - ah, yes... that information does change quite a lot. Still, I'd have to go with Quirk here, as there is an inherent gameplay impact in being able to see the number of charges left while using tiles vs. not being able to do so while using ASCII. And even if that were not the case, I'd advocate for a single hammer with a little number (1, 2, 3, 4) somewhere on the tile, as the many-hammered tile does strike me as odd (as much as a hammer-less one would).

                Wolves - albeit noticeably better than the previous ones, I do agree with Infinitum in that perhaps some revamp could still take place, here (and I likewise agree with his/her solution). Another potential solution is to reposition the wolf so that it faces bottom right (as if it were coming from top left, like your rendition of the shovel).

                Items - jewelry looks great, and so do most weapons and armor. I do agree that the hauberk could benefit from some tweaking, though yeah, it is tricky to convey an accurate depiction of a hauberk on a 16x16 canvas. Cloaks do need something, but rather than proposing any suggestions for the time being, I guess I'd prefer to see your rendition of a cloak sporting a hood first, as that shall likely be enough. I do agree with Infinitum once more as to the buckler - but unlike him/her, I can put a finger on what triggers me. In this case, it is the color choice/jewel in the middle. If you could recolor it to bronze/gold/any wood-resembling shade and likewise rework the color of the jewel (or remove it altogether), I guess that'd do the trick. Darkening the shading effect on the right (just one or two notches darker than what it is now) could also enhance the effect of depth to a more interesting level. I **kinda** agree with Infinitum here as to the gloves, but if you were to draw the upper one in any angle rather than 90 degrees, I guess that'd lead to several little issues and just make it look crooked/misaligned somehow, no? If that is the case, just leave them be - they are fine, after all. As for the horns, I dig them as they are now and could immediately perceive them for what they are.

                Continuing with the feedback - could you provide us with more pictures, mate? Showing us some more monsters could be a good idea for us to keep up with the guessing game (which is as good a gauging tool with respect to our interpretation of the tiles as any). The last picture of this second set got me particularly curious as to the color of the Nightthorns you are going for, given how similar the gray & is to the overall palette used for the walls and floor on the tileset (I imagine them to be colored somewhat like the wolves).

                ETA - maybe this is to be seen with Quirk, but can we get an estimate as to when a first build with these shall be available (given Quirk hinted at this on that last post)? This could be good for testing purposes, too.

                Last edited by Mechapede; April 27, 2020, 22:49.


                • Infinitum
                  • Oct 2013
                  • 319

                  The purple winged creature would probably be a Vampire? Seems to lack detail still. Also another beast where Tolkien didn't go to any detail describing them, apart from them having batlike wings. My impression was they were more akin to large bats than bat-men but either way.

                  Likewise for the werewolves; folklore werewolves were more often depicted as large wolves with the intelligence/souls of men rather than antropomorphic wolf/man hybrids, and the depiction of Carcaroth/Drauglin seems more consistent with that of large wolves posessed by evil spirits more than wolf-men. Maybe replace the large red eyes for wolves with small yellow ones and save the red ones for the werewolves using a bulked up wolf model? Assuming that the figure next to the player character/troll guards in the penultimate image of the first set really is a were that is.

                  The darting horror I like. A bit reminiscent of steeds of slaanesh maybe but it gets the point across. Maybe lose the quills? More of a personal preference, but I feel as if though evil spikes is a bit

                  Cat warrior.. I like the upper body well enough. The overall pose looks a bit cartoony though what with the pelvic thrust and legs spread apart, and the hind legs are a bit too primate-like imo (I'm guessing you're aware, but for anyone wondering: what we generally conceive as cats' shins corresponds to our feet; their paws are really the laste phalanxes of their digits and their "backward facing knees" are their ankles - this goes for most quadrupedes except monkeys and bears and whatnot).
                  Last edited by Infinitum; May 2, 2020, 10:56.


                  • MicroChasm
                    • Feb 2020
                    • 55

                    Mechapode-- Thanks again for the feedback and interest. The Darting Horror is indeed the grey creature. Rather than responding to each piece of feedback, I just want to say that I've read and understood your concerns. I can get some more pics. I've mostly been away from the tiles recently, but I will most likely return this weekend. Always a few projects going on at once.

                    Quirk would have to give an estimate on the availability of a new build. I could technically upload just the .bmp and two .prf files and the tileset would be playable with only a few issues. Currently the .bmp is... disorganized to say the least, because I am piggy-backing off of the setup originally intended for the Adam Bolt tileset. At some point I will have to completely revamp the .prf files to organize the tile locations.

                    Infinitum-- I hear you on the vampires and werewolves. I think I will consider how they could be pushed away from human and closer to beast. Currently I feel that at least a little anthropomorphism helps to keep them distinct. We currently have Wolves, White Wolves, and Wargs, which need to be distinct from Werewolves, Greater Werewolves, Drauglin, and Carchoroth. It's a lot of wolves. It's the same issue with the spiders actually-- there are nine different spider that all need to be visually distinct.

                    The point about the cats is well-taken. I am aware of the construction of this sort of limb, it's pretty interesting. Horses especially have interestingly modified feet-- the last joint is one just one big toe! Weird.


                    • Quirk
                      • Mar 2016
                      • 461

                      I've been pushing code as I go so if you're on Linux you can pull the code and do a build already. I'm probably going to hold off making a Windows build until we have an alertness icon sorted, but we should get a first attempt up within the next week or so I think.


                      • MicroChasm
                        • Feb 2020
                        • 55

                        Some new screens for everyone interested. I've made some changes based on feedback, but I have not yet done a major revision.

                        New Screens


                        • Infinitum
                          • Oct 2013
                          • 319

                          Yeah, still think the fact that most animals tippytoe around is pretty mindblowing. Anyhow, current crop from top to bottom:

                          First picture: I like the overall feel of the tattered wight (?), although it kind of looks like its Naruto running off to the right what with the arm pose. Have reach out in front of it and it's perfect imo (unless I'm all wrong and its a corpse/whispering shadows or whatnot in which case disregard). I like the staff/herb.

                          Second: The dragon (?) got oomph to it. Maybe a bit low on detail. Smaug?

                          Third: I don't like the perspecive not showing the Sword Spider's (?) abdomen at all; lethal daddy longlegs is a bit funky look. Like the serpent composition, although the middle section blurs a bit. Dislike the.. uh.. White Wolf? What's the object in the bottom right supposed to be? I don't think the dynamic poses mesh as well with the sombre overall style you seem to be going for comapred to the slightly stylized ones.

                          Fourth: Wolf still isn't quite there. Looks like an angry cat hissing what with the arching back, and the front leg looks too long. Maybe if you made it smaller overall, with a straighter back and slightly longer tail compared to body size? Dislike the archer pose, looks like it's firing and leaping midair John Woo style, which again is weirdly dynamic compared with everything else. Love the Grave Wight (or is it a Barrow Wight what with the color? Either way). Don't like the Bloated Spider (?) above the player at all; that perspective just makes it look like a hairy blob. Really like the lantern. Pressure plate (?) looks a bit off.

                          Fourth: Actually, that shadow spider does pull off the "nightmarish daddy longlegs" look pretty well. Perspective still feels off though. Archer is a bit meh, looks undetailed compared to some of your other stuff and the action bent knee-firing arrow pose again looks a bit too dynamic.

                          Fifth: Bird looks way better than in your early screens, still not too sure about the overall design though. That thing looks Massive, not like something that flutters through dark hallways. Like the bow and helmet. Is that a spotted web trap? Neat, although I'm not sure about the spider peeking out of it as the little trap blurb mentions it dropping down from the ceiling. Can't tell what the other two things are supposed to be, roosts? Really like the white spider except for the legs; they look a bit spaghetti-like (for lack of a better word) and seem to hoist the spider up a bit too high. The overall pose and body plan is a big improvement over your other spiders though! Likewise for the orc archers, big improvement in pose compared to the others. Maybe the nocked arrows could be angled slightly towards the ground, and the legs looks a bit too meaty compared to the body.

                          Sixth: Like the Ringraukos overall design, but it'd proably look even better if you angled it slightly to the side? What is the crawly thing to the right of the player, a nameless thing? I like it. Also that bird/bat thing looks great; slap a beak on it and I think it'd be a much better overall fit for the early bird monsters than the one in the fifth picture!

                          Seventh: A grotesque? Kind of dislike that it looks like its angled directly towards the screen.

                          Eight: Great Serpent looks great! Would prefer if the head was angled more to the side rather than looking directly at the screen, but the body looks great! Also really like the Gwauthrauko and how it blends into the surrounding darkness, although again it being angled directly towards the screen looks a bit weird imo. Still, great design, feels plenty menacing. Maybe slim it down slightly to increase leg/body ratio (although I do like how massive it loks as well. hmm.)?

                          Ninth: Serpents are fine. Would prefer if they weren't reskins, and again the middle body could use a little something something. Dislike the werewolves/cat warriors. Head looks weird, and their pose again loks too dynamic, like they're background dancers or something. NOt sure what's going on with the balrog; cannot unsee it being a toddler walking off to the upper right trailing its weapons behind it.

                          Uh, so looking back most of what I just wrote came off as pretty harsh criticism. Please take it for the random internet opinions that they are; I really like the overall direction you're taking this. Please share more!
                          Last edited by Infinitum; May 6, 2020, 19:53.


                          • MicroChasm
                            • Feb 2020
                            • 55

                            Thanks again for the feedback, Infinitum. All of the criticism seems fair and I will take it to heart. As with earlier posts I considered addressing each point individually, but I think that it's best to accept the feedback and make change accordingly instead of attempting to justify or explain my decisions. If a tile is unclear or a guess is wrong then I will take that as an indication that perhaps a change needs to be made.

                            I have to say though, some tiles may always require the player to use the look command. How does one make it visually obvious which creature is a Shadow, a Whispering Shadow, a Wraith, a Spectre, or a Phantom? What does a Lurking Horror look like compared to a Creeping Horror or Unrelenting Horror? Drawing the concept of being unrelenting is like when Kirk Van Houten tries to draw the concept of dignity in the Simpsons. The spiders are in this category as well. But anyway I'm getting on a tangent here, and of course answering these questions is part of the job of making the tiles in the first place.

                            I will be making changes to the tileset and I plan to keep this forum open to refer to.


                            • Stokviz
                              • May 2020
                              • 3

                              Hi MicroChasm, I just downloaden the 1.5 beta to try out your amazing tileset. I'm not that familiar with using tilesets though. Whats your recommended way to set it up? (like which tilewidth/height I should use)


                              • MicroChasm
                                • Feb 2020
                                • 55

                                Originally posted by Stokviz
                                Hi MicroChasm, I just downloaden the 1.5 beta to try out your amazing tileset. I'm not that familiar with using tilesets though. Whats your recommended way to set it up? (like which tilewidth/height I should use)
                                I'm glad you are taking a look! FYI, Quirk will be releasing an updated Beta version fairly soon. The current version up on the git page does not include many tile updates.

                                Hopefully the display code can be wrangled and fangled to make the display easier in the future. Let us know what options you would like to see.

                                For now, here are my personal instructions on the display. Since the tiles are 16x16, which is pretty small, I prefer to play in 32x32.

                                Go to Window:Font:Sil and set the font to 16x25.fon

                                Go to Window:Increase Tile Height:Sil

                                Now do that six more times, for a total of seven times

                                The "Increase Tile Height" option increases the tile height by one pixel, and setting the font to 16x25.fon sets the pixel size to 25x32. So 25+7=32, and you get a sweet, clean 32x32 pixel setup. Ideally, if my instructions are correct.

                                Some troubleshooting: In the current version switching back and forth between ASCII and tiles changes the aspect ratio, which can be fixed by switching back to ASCII and back to tiles once again.

                                If you get a blank screen you can try moving in any direction to redraw the screen, or press ctrl+r to do the same. If neither of those work then saving and exiting the game then re-starting should fix it.

                                Good luck and have fun!

