To build Angband using Microsoft's Visual Studio. 1. Download the source from the homepage at or clone the git repostitory at 4. Copy libpng.dll and zlib1.dll from src\win\dll\ to the project directory. 2. Make an empty win32 project in visual studio. New Project / Visual C++ / Empty Project Name = Angband-4.0.5 Location = Folder above your angband location Create Directory for Solution = FALSE 8. Add all of the files that end in ".c" or ".h" in the src directory EXCEPT those that have "main" in their name and snd-sdl.c to the project files. This can be done by right-clicking on the project in visual studio and choosing "Add Files to Project" from the context menu or by going to "Project" -> "Add to Project" -> "Files" from the menu bar. 12. Add all of the files that end in ".c" or ".h" in the src\win directory to the project, as well as angband.rc. 13. Add main-win.c from the src directory to the project. Project Settings C/C++ / Additional Include Directories = src;src/win;src/win/include; C/C++ / Preprocessor / Preprocessor Defintions, add to start of line: _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS; Linker / Output File, remove "$(OutDir)", leaving you with $(TargetName)$(TargetExt) Linker / Input / Additional dependencies, add to start of line: src\win\zlib1.lib;src\win\libpng.lib;msimg32.lib;winmm.lib; in h-basic.h, comment line 27, it causes an error otherwise # define snprintf _snprintf #error: Macro definition of snprintf conflicts with Standard Library fiction declaration in h-basic.h line 64, windows wasn't recognized, so change defined(__WINNT__) || defined(__NT__) to defined(__WINNT__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(_MSC_VER) Still loads of errors. Now what?