# File: graphics.txt # This file is used to initialize a list of graphics modes # === Understanding dungeons.txt === # N: serial number : pref file name # I: tile width : tile height : tileset file name # M: menu name # X: alphblending : start row : end row of double high tiles # 'N' indicates the beginning of an entry. The serial number must # increase for each new item. The pref file name is the name used # on load to load the right pref file set for this tile set. # 'I' is for image information - tile width and height are the dimensions, # in pixels, of an individual tile in the set. filename is the name of the # image file to load. # 'M' is for menu name - the name the graphics mode is listed under when # selecting it from a graphical menu. # 'X' is for extra information - alpha is a flag if the tileset needs to use # alpha blending. double high tiles are ones that have twice the tile height # as a typical tile. start row is the first row that uses double high tiles. # End row is the last row that uses double high tiles. start row and end row # must be greater than 0, if double high tiles are used, and refer to the # bottom half of the double row. N:1:old I:8:8:8x8.png M:Original Tiles X:0:0:0 N:2:new I:16:16:16x16.png M:Adam Bolt's tiles X:0:0:0 N:3:david I:32:32:32x32.png M:David Gervais' tiles X:0:0:0 N:4:nomad I:16:16:8x16.png M:Nomad's tiles X:0:0:0 #N:5:david #I:64:64:64x64.png #M:64x64 Test tiles #X:0:0:0 #N:6:shock #I:64:64:64x64.png #M:Shockbolt's tiles #X:1:29:29